Wednesday, November 3, 2004
 I need to stop eating these carrots, but they're so good. For some reason, carrots are good after you've ran 2 miles at 8.2 MPH. I don't know why. I guess it makes it all worth it.
I feel so masochistic after running those 2 miles. It was painful, but Marilyn Manson's "Coma White" helped me through it. . .until my iPod stopped working as it's wont to do whilst running.
Running on a treadmill takes a lot more out of you than running outside. The treadmill is a machine which never slows down its pace, unless you put it down yourself, so the whole time you have to run at a steady pace.
I also found out that what I've been benching is in fact seventy-five pounds, and I did about 10 or so reps. I also can now do 3 pull ups. Go me.
I love how I keep popping online and wasting time when I do have things to do. The thing is that these things I have to do I'd rather not do.
I'm such a lazy bastard.
I'm going to Barnes and Noble with Austin Fay and Colin Cahill at or around 7. I haven't a clue what we're doing there, but sounds good.
Okay. That's it.
I'm so sloppy with my writing. So lazy with it on here right now. Woo.
Tonight I try to write something other than some stupid boring english paper.
Speaking of AP English, the Hamlet test was a blowout. I got a D -. And English is what I'd consider my best subject - I've always been amazing at it. The test was just really fucking hard, you haven't the idea of it till you see it. It didn't even really measure your understand of Hamlet, but instead, it gave you parts of quotes - most being insignificant quotes - to match up with the rest of the quote. That was hard. And then it gave you all these other quotes where you had to tell which character said it.
Noose me. So. Sick. Of. School.
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