Thursday, November 4, 2004
Take those fucking stitches off your eyes and read.
 Be openminded, or else don't comment.
When I was three, my parents divorced. I've never known my real father. I remember one time when I was ten or even younger, my real father called me. He asked me how my grades were, and other things. . .and then he asked me if I wanted to get a blood test, to see if he really was my biological father. I didn't know it then but I know now that he wanted it because he didn't want to pay our child support.
Right now, my step father and my mother are undergoing a divorce. They've been married for some twenty-odd years, and now my mother is going to move out of the house, and I'll probably just live here. I'll be going to college next year anyway, at Dickinson, a city a ways away from here.
I personally don't believe in love nor marriage because of these events which have happened in my life. I find love and marriage are definitely not what our society as a whole has brought them to seem as. I also doubt I'll ever get married.
Thus, I think sex before marriage is fine. I have no volitions against it. Sex is a natural thing, marriage is not. I also believe people should do as they wish - do whatever they want - as long as they know the consequences of their actions and can fess up to them. So, if someone has sex, use protection, unless you want to have a baby.
On abortion I am prochoice. I say let a mother do whatever she wants with her baby - it's her baby, after all. Still, a woman should be unignorant enough to understand that if they engage in sex, they may have a baby if they don't use protection. If this were so, we'd have a lot less abortions. But, people can do as they wish, and if they accidently get pregnant and want to get rid of their child, let them. Adoption still would be a better choice when you put everything involved into play.
I'm for gay marriage. Marriage is no longer some "sacred" or "holy" thing at all. That's just what the Catholics would like you to think.
Marriage is about two people who love each other. It's not about sexuality. Not about it being "sacred" or "holy.”
Obviously, a large percentage of Americans believe same-sex marriage is wrong. I hope in my lifetime, this changes. Because, it's a deeply held bias.
It's discrimination, when you get down to it. It's what the blacks had to suffer through - to a worser extent - what immigrants face and have faced - what the Japanese have faced, during internment in WW II - it's what minorities have faced over and over again in this country's history. And it's wrong. It says in the opening lines of our constitution that "all men are created equal." This "men" doesn't have the modifier of "white" men on it. And it in fact isn't even referencing man, but it's talking about women, too, and all races of people, and all different types of people.
It's hypocritical to live in this country, a democracy, talking all about freedom, when there's always been some group of people segregated from the rest in some way. It's heavily ironic. That's what this country's built on, yet again and again we discriminate, we prejudice against people just because they are different in ways that deviate from the status quo. People need to open their eyes and realize there's nothing wrong with gay marriage whatsoever, that there's nothing wrong with them being gay in the first place. We are who we are in this world and as a country focusing on freedom, all peoples should have all rights that are given out to the people of the nation, including gays.
The blacks got most of their rights, although they are still mistreated nonetheless - and the same shall happen for the gays some day. Some day people won't have this inherent bias towards them. And I hope that day comes within my lifetime, or I'll be sorely disappointed.
Religion-wise, I have no religion. I am agnostic, I have decided. I used to label myself as Atheist but have since decided I'm agnostic.
Something had to create all that's here, but that something still remains beyond us as humans. That's what being agnostic means - a belief that our understanding of god at this point is beyond us. I neither believe there isn't a god nor do I believe there is a god. I stand on middle ground, and I won't lean either way until I see some valid and factual facts pointing me in whichever direction. I look at it like scientist - the two main characteristics to have as one are skepticism and humility. And I've had that in me, inbred, my whole life.
All that religion is at this point is a set of moral standards which you shouldn't deviate from, and some god figure saying it's wrong, and some reward offered from not deviating from them. And I'm not going to buy into it - it's just more of someone else telling you what to do and think because you're too stupid to think for yourself. And so many people are like this, and blindly believe.
And what's with all the monotheistic beliefs of so many religions, anyway? What's there that makes it that there could've only been one god that made all this, if there is a god? To me, it would be more than one.
To me, since there's only one god, according to Catholicism, it shows how we are. In the US, we're bred to look after ourselves. We learn to only care for ourselves. We learn to fend for ourselves. We learn to be one person, and we strive to be a leader - the one leader of everyone else. This shows our westernized view of god - as one omnipotent, omniscient entity, just like we see and try to be ourselves.
I mean, have you really sat down, questioned yourself? Questioned your belief in god? Well, I have, and being agnostic is where I've come to stand. I'm one of those sciencey people who don't believe something until I see it, until it's proven - until in some way it's become real to me. And just because I'm agnostic doesn't mean you can't have a relationship with god - I just choose not to, because I don't even know if there's a god, and I really don't care at this point if there is, because I'll never know in my lifetime. Just think about it hard, really think it over, really put every side of it into perspective and don't think just as a Christian, but try to understand where I'm coming from and someone else being Atheist comes from. . .why would we think this way? What is it that drives our beliefs? Maybe you'd come to understand better and maybe you'd even change in your beliefs.
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