Friday, November 28, 2003
A seven nation army couldn't hold me back.
Slept the night over at Ryan's. We played numberless games of Starcraft.
If you haven't played Starcraft, then I think you should play it. And if and when you do play it if you haven't played it, I think you should grow very endeared with it, for it is an amazing game. I believe that tehre was a touch of gold to this game, and I believe you will believe too.
I am too lazy to type a quick overview of the game, but you don't even need one. It's an Real Time Strategy game, just like Warcraft, which I hope you've played at least or heard of. Starcraft is made by Blizzard, the same people that made Warcraft, by the way.
I lost most of the games if Ryan and I weren't on teams...but on one game I dominated.
I was Protoss (the high-techest race of the three you can play), and I had a fleet of the strongest units of theirs, Carriers. Carriers have little ships ib them called Interceptors, and they can hold eight, I think it is, if you get an upgrade. Interceptors cost about 25 ore each to make, and Carriers themselves cost three hundred fifty ore, and three hundred gas, I think it is. Really expensive.
Yes. So I owned this game. I made about thirty Carriers during it, about 10 in a fleet each time, and adding them back as they died. We played about 4 other computers, and it was a free for all. It was great.
Then Ryan started using his network-power-ness to log onto my computer from his computer (I don't know the exact way he does it, nor the "technical name" for it, but you get what I'm saying), and so I kept logging on as quickly as I could. Each time I'd come on, there'd be the message screen open saying, "Do you really want to exit Starcraft?" and this happened at the point where I was almost killing Ryan, and I was also attacking a red computer. I could hear the incessant whirr of the interceptors firing, but Ryan kept booting me off again and again.
Eventually he shut the progam.
It made me mad, I mean, it was the first game I was going to win..and I actually tried pretty hard. But I got over it.
That's about all I've done today. Today has passed insanely fast.
Oh, by the way, I think my trial version is up. So I won't be online as much anymore. It's kind of depressing in some ways, but ah well.
Supposedly our "contract" with AOL ends soon, so then we'll be getting some other thing--cable maybe (or so I wish).
Yeah. So it kind of sucks..I'm back to the timer, and the parental controls again after today I think. Bleh.
I'll live with it, I guess.
All I know is I am so tired right now. Everything is fuzzy fuzzy, like fuzzy sheep out in a field.
Did I really just type something about fuzzy sheep?
I guess that shows I am tired.
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