Saturday, November 13, 2004
Rastling ternment
 They hire new people at the Steak Buffet like madly-ensuing hell. So, they've got about four new bus boys. One of them, Seth, has been unracking when I'm washing lately, and he's slow.
As I'm stepping out to leave the hellish place with my good friend Chris Olson, he points out to me this note Seth's tacked up on the board, requesting some days off.
It says something like, "I have rastling ternment in dickinsonon," and I burst out laughing.
Seth is in 7th grade and he's 14, and he is illiterate.
I wish I could've taken a picture of that note, but I can't any longer.
Chris Kuntz walked over, and read it, since we beckoned him to. He then crumpled it up and ate the paper in his mouth and spat it at Seth.
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