Sunday, November 14, 2004
Holyfuck, batman!
 Well, work sucked mostly today. It was too busy for my tastes. Last weekend was so tame in comparison. But that's because it was the opening of hunting season.
I've been washing for weeks on end. Chris Olson is up on line even though I've been working there longer than him. The main reason is because of that one day, where I talked back to a customer. I guess it's a fair consequence to pay.
I still am tiring of washing. Especially when it is like it was today: you get a prebus cart, with around three stacks of plates, and then you work on that, get it all washed, and then another prebus cart comes, and on and on. . .it just never stops. I worked really hard today when it was busy to keep up.
Seth was my unracker again today. I got him straightened up a bit on how to correctly unrack. We had some fun with it. I kept calling him "bitch" the entire time, since he was my slave.
Closing wasn't too bad today, because Alex stayed behind and helped me close. His car is in getting fixed, so I gave him a ride home, as well.
Tomorrow I work 11 a.m. to close. I asked to work it, because I need the money.
I need to go start reading The Great Gatsby - it is due to be read by the 16th, but I'm too lazy to really read it. But I shall have to force myself. I'm only on page 40 in the book and it's about 170 pages long.
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