Tuesday, November 16, 2004
dormant dead
 every breath breathless
every sense senseless
every word, wordless
falling from the page
upon the blackness of
a universe too useless
all is nebulous
disassociated, unneeded
pointless, without meaning
and me, with tired eyes
achy joints and my bones
protruding from my skin
and me, brain feeling dead
i am lying dormant dead
everything said unsaid,
every motion motionless
a hamster in cage on a
spinning wheel running, running
still in place, not going
i stumble over from nothingness,
i cradle the wishes upon a star
so far, so far
away in the ever-spanning boring sky
every muscle in this formless form
pushes to the future
where dreams die
couldn't fly without any wings,
i dig into the terrain
rain falls uselessly
torrenting, wettening
exercising impunity
feeling its thinning
the erosion hangs
the noose for my head,
i would like to sleep
would like to disappear
over the spectrum of all time
but dormant dead i've things to do,
holding imagination in withering, dying
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