Wednesday, November 24, 2004
 Popularity Ranking # 69 (out of 15,585 active sites)
In summary, I haven't been posting because I haven't had the urge or desire, and I feel I don't really have anything to say at this point.
My days have consisted of waking up, going to school, getting off of school, working out, going to work, getting off work, doing homework, going to sleep.
Last week I worked five out of the seven days, and on the two days I had off I had school. I also worked the weekend, and on Sunday I worked the whole day (ten hours).
Yesterday I worked there for the only day I have to work there this week, and cracked and went pretty crazy. But in a good way.
I guess it was an equal exchange to work most of last week so I can have these four days off (Thurs., Fri., Sat., Sun.). Last week was still hell for me, nonetheless.
This shall be the first time in months I've had a span of days off completely, where I can just lay back and not do a thing. Because usually when I don't have school I have work, or when I don't work I have school. And usually I don't even have a weekend because I work a large amount of it. Plus there is the homework that goes along with school, and although I'm one of those that do as little homework as possible, it takes up some chunk of time.
I feel extremely bad because I haven't had the chance to write much of anything for days on end. Although, I did write about three poems last night.
I just don't feel the spark, or the desire. Other things are taking that away from me (cough, work, cough, school). And in a way it just feels pointless.
I need to get going on my novel again. It is still only 9,000 words. I have some ideas of what I want to do in the oncoming chapters I'll write, but I haven't gotten to it: I've been dormant dead.
A lot of my classes and working in general is becoming dull and trite.
In AP English, we're just been "analyzing" The Great Gatsby for days on end. It's gotten quite boring for me. Although analysis can be fun, I feel it gets cumbersome, and gets in my way of the enjoyment I got from reading the book. Even so, it's a very well written book, and its message and what it is as a whole is good.
What's made AP English fun at other times is when we have poetry fridays or Mrs. Beaudoin lets us have study days. On these days, I'll bring something I've written with and read it to the entire class.
Last Friday we had a study day because many people were gone. So I brought with "Meety Your a Pock a Lips" and my letter to my child and parents, and read them. I ended up reading the whole period, and a enjoyed it. Everyone else seemed to have enjoyed it, too.
Beaudoin tells me I have immense talent and that I should enter some contests, and other things. It isn't something I haven't heard before, and I guess I should start submitting to contests. It could get my name more out there, and perhaps if I ever do finish my novel, and go through the revising process with it (which I'll do, even though I can't stand it), then I can get it published, somehow. Who knows, anything's possible.
Economics is another dull class. Probably the most dullest I've ever had, although Drivers Ed. gives it a run for its money, I guess.
So far in the class we've learned about supply and demand, mainly. I don't know about you, but I know that supply and demand are rather remedial things - they aren't something it takes much to know about to know how they work.
Right now we are learning about taxes and it's also pretty dull. The past two days in a row we've been forced to watch these corny, terribly acted videos about them.
Latin II is okay. I don't mind the class too much, but as you may or may not know, the second year of a language is always the hardest. There are so many things we're being forced to memorize and I just don't have the motivation to really do it. Even so, I'll try to persevere.
The teacher of the class, Ms. Brandt, is a chauvenist and feminist. She also is pretty orthodox in her beliefs: there's no profane language, there's no talking while she's talking (but she takes it to a higher level), and she's prone to yell and bicker at someone for asking simple questions or whatever else. She hasn't been too bad about it lately, though.
Anatomy is a good class, as well. I've always enjoyed science to some extent. The teacher of the class is a very intelligent woman, Mrs. Josart. I don't mind the class, it's just too much memorization. I just don't have the time to commit about forty bones to memory, nor the real motivation, either.
Right now I have a C - in the class because I failed our last test, the bones test. It was because I didn't study, and I got what I deserved.
The chapter we are on now is muscle. The book we have is pretty much a college-level book, and the muscle chapter is forty pages in it. I'm hoping to go for a B at least on this next test, otherwise my grade isn't going to do too well in the class.
AP Psychology, which I have first period, is good. It gets kind of dull, though, because the way the teacher teaches the class is he reads our notes to us. So instead of listening to him read the notes to me, I do it myself, and I read the chapter we're on, as well.
Finally, Algebra II. The class is okay, as well. Sometimes I just can't stand math and other times I can. I'm just glad I'm done with Geometry, because I cannot stand it. Algebra is far easier for me. It's mostly just remembering a certain process and then solving equations with it. It's almost like a puzzle, and you're limited by rules as to what you can do.
Work is pretty dull too: I've been washing for about a month now. And it gets really old, fast. But there's nothing I can do: it's either find another job or keep working, because I need money to save for college and to buy things to entertain myself with.
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