Tuesday, November 30, 2004
The old
 I had this odd blurred dream last night. I don't remember much of it, at all. All I remember is I was reading some story, and Lisa Horner and Winter and Mike Mullen, and other such people, were there - something along those lines. That is all I remember. Lovely how I remember so much from my dreams, isn't it? Oh yes.
Lit mag in about half an hour. I'll be reading the 100-word story I posted prior. It turned out interesting enough, I guess. It's the first time I've gotten to talk to my darker side in a while. Really let it show its face. It's been there all along and shall continue to be, but I've been putting it in the back for a long while. But today, I gave into its suggestions.
I need to eat something, so I can make it there on time. . .
I suppose I should mention that Thanksgiving was rather routine, and boring. I didn't overeat at all or anything, either - I just ate what I would for a usual dinner.
When I was in Dickieson (a rather affectionate pseudonym for it, hah), I got a new car. It's a 2001 Honda Civic. Having it has made me somewhat reluctant. I feel pretty hypocritical to have it - my belief is that material things don't matter a goddamned bit, and that it's pointless to buy things and have to pay a payment on them each month because they aren't really yours. Plus, it's better to have some POS car instead - it's cheaper, runs (but maybe not cheaper on gas). But whatever. I've got around $500 left in my bank account, because I gave 2,000 and my mom put down 3,500 (for graduation present). The loan is about $150 per month, and my insurance is way too high at around $180 per month.
My car is pretty damn hot - it's red. I guess I go along pretty well with it too, what with working out each day like I have and all. I'm already seeing results - I have a more defined chest area and such forth. I've still a ways to go nonetheless. But my legs don't - they're all muscle and strong.
Now all I need is a nice dame to go along with all this junk - me, my car, etc.
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