Wednesday, December 15, 2004
Guess teh song!
 The Rules
Step 1: Put your media player on random.
Step 2: Pick your favorite lines from the first 25 songs that play.
Step 3: Post and let everyone you know guess what song the lines come from.
Step 4: Cross out the songs when someone guesses correctly
1. What follows me as the whitest lace of light just begs to be imbrued?/ What follows will swallow whole/ What follows has led me to this place where I belong with all erased.
2. There’s a place where you are goin’/ You ain’t never been before/ There’s no one laughin’ at your back now/ No one’s standing at your door/ That’s what you thought love was for.
3. You can force it but it will not come/ You can taste it but it will not form/ You can crush it but it’s always here/ You can crush it but it’s always near chasing you home saying everything is broken everyone is broken.
4. I’m walking out/ In a force ten gale/ Birds thrown around/ Bullets for hail/ The roof is pulling off/ By its fingernails/ Your voice is rapping/ On my window sill.
5. I wear this crown of shit/ Upon my liar’s chair/ Full of broken thoughts/ I cannot repair/ Beneath the stains of time/ The feelings disappear/ You were someone else/ I am still right here/
Nine Inch Nails - Hurt
6. The Ambulance Angels pull up to the graveyard, and leave you there bubbling broken sonnets and shards/ The Ambulance Angels notify your next of kin and show them the scrapbook of your operation:/ “His head was a faucet leaking love, laughter and lies: all his secret wishes/ All his world famous sighs.
7. Pinch the head off, collapse me like a weed/ Someone had to go this far/ I was born into this/ Everything turns to shit/ The boy that you loved/ Is the man that you fear.
8. Wishful/ Sinful/ Wicked blue/ Water covers you.
9. I hear the morning choir/ Sing to me/ Their elegy/ I hear the morning choir/ Sing to me/ Their elegy/
10. The drugs they say/ Make us feel so hollow/ We love in vain/ Narcissistic and so shallow/ The cops and queers/ To swim you have to swallow/ Hate today/ There’s no love for tomorrow.
11. I’m the man and you’re the man and he’s the man as well/ So you can point that fucking finger up your ass.
12. My head is filled with disease/ My skin is begging you please/ I’m on my hands and knees/ I want so much to believe/ I need someone to hold onto/ I give you everything/ My sweet everything/ Hey God, I really don’t know who I am/ In this world of piss.
13. And we’ll bask in the shadow/ Of yesterday’s triumph/ Sail on the steel breeze/ Come on you boy child/ You winner and loser/ Come on you writer for truth and delusion/ And shine
14. She says/ It helps with the lights out/ The rabid glow/ Is like braille to the night/ She swears/ I’m a slave to the details/ But if your life is such a big joke, why should I care?/ The clock is set for nine/ But you know you’re gonna make it eight/ So you two can take some time/ Teach each other to reciprocate/ She feels that my sentimental side/ Should be held with kids’ gloves/ She doesn’t know that I left my urge in the icebox.
15. The apple falls far from the tree/ She’s rotten and so beautiful/ I’d like to keep her here with me/ And tell her that she’s beautiful.
Jack Off Jill - Vivica
16. You end up dead in the end/ Star no star/ You end up right here my friend/ Star no star/ We end up dead in the end/ Star no star/ We end up right here my friend/ Star no star.
17. I was five and he was six/ We rode on horses made of sticks/ He wore black and I wore white/ He would always win the fight/
18. And all that you eat/ And everyone you meet/ And all that you spite/ And everyone you fight/ And all that is now/ And all that is gone/ And all that’s to come/ And everyone under the sun is in tune/ But the sun is eclipsed by the moon.
19. People are strange/ When you’re a stranger/ Faces look ugly/ When you’re alone. Women seem wicked/ When you’re unwanted/ Streets are uneven/ When you’re down.
20. What shall we use to fill the empty spaces where we used to talk?/ How shall I fill the final places?/ How should I complete the wall?
21. Catch it on prime-time, story at nine/ The whole world is going insane/ When the hills of Los Angeles are burning/ Palm trees are candles in the murder wind/ So many lives are on the breeze/ Even the stars are ill at ease/ And Los Angeles is burning.
22. I don’t mind you coming here/ Wasting all my time/ ‘Cause when you’re standing oh-so-near/ I kinda lose my mind/ It’s not the perfume you wear/ It’s not the ribbons in your hair/ And I don’t mind you coming here/ And wasting all my time.
23. It is time/ It is time, woah/ It is time/ For stormy weather.
The Pixies - Stormy Weather
24. You’re living in a fantasy/ You’re living in a fantasy/ I’m lost at sea/ Don’t bother me/ I’ve lost my way/ I’ve lost my way.
25. There are two colors in my head/ There are two colors in my head/ What, what is that you tried to say?/ What, what was that you tried to say?/ Tried to say?/ Tried to say?/ Tried to say?/ Tried to say?
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