Tuesday, December 21, 2004
 Today we got to open our Christmas presents, since my dad shall be going to Denver with my brother to hang out with his folks, and I'll be going to Dickinson to hang with my Grandparents and my almost-cousins-yet-not-cousins-because-we-have-no-blood-relations-people, which are two girls who are decent to be around I suppose. A little too young for Mitch (they are about 14 and 16 respectively), but what can you say, I can't get anything, so I'll go for anything I can get my grubby hands on [/pedophile].
I got every season of Seinfield, Final Fantasy X-2, Viewtiful Joe 2, a tan leather jacket which is nice, Mega Man Anniversary Collection, a wireless router and wirless card, $25, and a thing that allows me to connect a PS2 controller to my computer and play games from it. My mom is also going to be getting me Dance Dance Revolution and two dance pads, but Gamestop was sold out of the game.
It is pretty nice to have the internet from my own computer. Ryan came over here and we set up my new computer he built for me (cost $220), and then messed with the wireless router. It won't work through ethernet because our cable modem is being a jackass, so we need to get a new one, if possible. So he just connected the internet directly through the computer so now I am online.
Although it is nice to get these new things, I do not feel I deserve them. When I was asked what I wanted for Christmas this year, I told my parents I did not want anything. Need some things, but not want. But I was forced anyway to make a list, and there you have it.
I'm in a better mood mainly because I only have to work one day this week (tomorrow) and have the rest off. Working at the Steak Buffet really does suck, especially when I have been there for 6 months now - 3 spent busing, 3 spent washing. The people are what make it worth working there, although at times I am not in a people mood.
I'm excited to get DDR and start DDRing and getting better at it. I like it because it also implements exercise, while playing a decently fun game. Plus there is the whole competition edge to it, to get better than other people.
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