Monday, January 3, 2005
I'm way too awake for this late at night.
 I worked my ten hours today (well tomorrow now). I think I deserve a cookie.
I hate how teens' clocks are set to be night owls, yet I love it all at once.
Today I felt tired as hell, and I felt like I was going to fall asleep at work where I stood from the damn monotony of washing, but now I feel alert as hell, as if if there were a burgular to enter into our house I'd have my bat ready to beat the living hell out of them, without any panic whatsoever because I'm so alert and could hear them.
Ah well. Tomorrow back to the slop that is school. Next Saturday and Sunday I also work double shifts, 10 hours each day. Joyous. When you see a drooling man chittering like a monkey with wild eyes and cuts all over his hands, miscellaneous food particles all over his shirt, wearing a shirt that says Steak Buffet on it, that's me.
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