Tuesday, January 4, 2005
The good news is that it's short...
 One… two… eleven point-five years of school behind me, point-five years to go.
I started school today. Yesterday, I guess. My schedule isn’t so bad, but I don’t want to go anymore.
I’m smart, I know I’m smart. People tell me how smart I am all the time. But that’s when they’re not telling me what a “dumb shit” I am. That’s kind of funny when you think about it. It isn’t like they say I’m smart when I write in all of the notebooks lying around in my room or when I’m reading a book (for fun) in front of them. I’m only smart when my grades are bad, not that they’re even very bad this year. I should be keeping them higher for college than I am, but I can just go to a junior college if nobody will accept me right away.
Not that I really want to go to college. It’s just what people expect of me, because I’m smart. It’s better than working, I have to say. Today was my first day off in quite a while, but tomorrow I work after school lets out for a few hours. On the weekend I have two double shifts. Maybe I’ll make some good tips, and be able to save some money.
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