Wednesday, January 5, 2005
 I've decided I'm just tired of learning useless garbage in about 75% of my classes. That only leads 25% of my classes which are worth it: Anatomy, AP Psych, and Ap English. Those are the only classes I usually really enjoy each day. . .all the rest are lame. And even those three classes have their lame days, too.
At this point I am just tired of learning. My mind feels like it can't even think anymore with all that's being shoved down it. I try to get myself psyched to learn something. . .but then I end up just winging it. And I usually end up doing well in all my classes, too. I've got all A's and B's, I believe. The only class in question is Anatomy, it is a hard class, and my grade had dropped to a C. But we had a test on muscles and I actually studied for it, getting a B on the test, so hopefully the grade has risen.
The semester is nearly over: about a week of it left. For some stupid reason, Anatomy is not on my schedule next semester, when it should be (the class is a full year one). But I can't squeeze it in, either. Next semester I have a full schedule and I plan on dropping my Sociology class for a weights class so I don't have to spend so much time working out after school, and also so I can learn even better what ways work with lifting weights.
My next semester schedule actually seems quite easier than the one I have this semester. The only classes that should be much of a trouble are Algebra II and Ap English at times. I am also taking AP Government, but I do not yet know how hard that class'll be. We'll see. All I hope is that it is a much better class than Econ. I cannot stand Econ this semester, it is perhaps the lamest class I have ever taken. We waste so much time in that class and it's all common sense and I don't even really try yet I have a B.
Right now in Anatomy we are dissecting cats. It is quite interesting and I have a homework assignment which is due tomorrow but I forgot to write it down. I plan on getting the assignment from my friend Sean and doing it during Channel One.
Yes, you heard me right: channel one. Anyone else have this at their high school? It is a news program, done by teens, and shown all over other classrooms across the US. I haven't watched it once this year because in AP English we turn off the sound. It is a waste of time but it gives a nice break to work on homework that wasn't done the night before, or to eat some breakfast.
At this point I just want High School to end. I will be so happy to go to Dickinson University and to see if higher-level education actually teaches you anything, and is better than high school: then I will have an educated opinion (ha ha) on what college is like and if it is worth all the money, etc. Being the pessimist I am, I doubt it's all too much better than High School. But it has to be at least better, but by how much I shall see.
From what I understand, you do learn some things for your specific career but you forget most of it. The only point of it is that employers will hire you if they see you went through it.
Well, I woke up late this morning and was late to class. . .I better sleep.
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