Wednesday, March 10, 2004
High Hopes
Why does it have to snow?
I can't drive my car because it's "too slippery" out. Why even have a car when I can't even drive it when I want to, especially considering it's the weekend early, 4 days off, because of spring break?
I've never understood why my dad's always like this. I guess I'll have to have Ryan come and pick me up if he'll even do it, and if my dad'll even let him do it. I still think it's pretty stupid. I drove home in my car from school. . .it's not like it wasn't just as slippery then.
Well, seems Ryan can't even come and pick me up, I've just been informed by my dad. Appears I'll be sitting here doing nothing all day, then, even though I'd sure as hell rather be out of here. But whatever. It's not that big of a deal. It is and it isn't, but I'll get over it. No reason to worry about it.
I still don't understand why I can't leave. The way my parents are over-protective of me sometimes just annoys me.
Ah well. Whatever.
The words of an apatheist.
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