Sunday, March 28, 2004
A Report That Translated Right
 It is done with practiced bravado each and every day. These beings, calling themselves human beings, homo saipiens, awaken from their spring-bore things called beds.
Some are awoken to the sound of an alarm clock: a device which emanates an intermittent whine of mechanical beeps and bops. Others awaken at their own accord: they simply open their eyes and know, somehow, that it is time to get up, time to go out about their ways.
These human beings come in various appearances; but each and every one is either of a certain gender, a sex. These beings have two sexes: a female and a male. The male is the predominant figure in their hiearchy. He is stronger than the woman and fends for the woman and offspring. His reproductive organ is located in the lower half of his body, in the center. It is an extending device which, when sexually aroused by a fellow female, is engorged with blood and augements in size.
The woman of the human beings, on the other hand, has more body fat content. She has wide hips, adapted to suit child bearing and birth. She is physically weak. Women in these beings' social hiearchy often have long hair, while the man has short hair. Woman are often lodged as the child carer, while the man is the one who works. It appears that this status quo is slowly being phased out in these beings' social hierachy at this time. Eventually the women will work as much as the men.
The woman have large milk-producing breasts, two on the upper part of the torso. As with the man, on the lower half of her body, in the center, she has a sexual organ. This sexual organ is used in conjunction with the man's. Therefore, the woman has a suited hole where the man inserts his organ. This is how these beings reproduce; how they engange in reproduction.
But that is not the pertinent purpose of this report.
So here we are, the humans awakening each morning in their practiced proclivities. Each in different sizes. Shapes. Genders.
They all awaken when they have so set it. Once awakened, some of the beings will stretch their arms and flail them about the air. Others do not.
There is a meal called "breakfast" in the human nomenclature. This meal is the first of three they may have in a day, and usually consists of wheat grains and nourishing milk. At other times they will obtain eggs, and crack these open, heating them and then eating. Other things eaten and drank for this meal include: orange juice, a type of a juice obtained from a naturally growing plant on their planet Earth; bacon, a meat which is made from a naturally occuring animal called a pig, or swine; hashbrowns, also a food item obtained from a naturally occuring plant; pancakes, which are flat, round edibles consisting of a batter made of flour and other ingredients; ham, a meat which is also obtained from the naturally occuring pig.
Some homo saipiens eat this meal. Others do not. Others do it as they feel like doing it.
Some human beings also bathe when they first awaken. They have specially made rooms called bathrooms where they bathe. These rooms are also used to expose of sold and aqueous wastes by way of defecation or urination.
There are two types of bathing: there is showering and baths. Baths involve filling a large "tub," or large, empty container, with water. The water is often hot water. Then the human being sits, naked, in the bathtub and bathes. They use "shampoo"--vitamin-rich forumlas specially produced for hair--to clean their hair which grows on their skulls. They use "soap"--bacteria-killing bars, fragmented with nice-smelling scent--to clean their bodies and clean away bacterium.
The other form of bathing--showering-- involves a "shower head"--a device that sprinkles out drops of water in even waves--which then hits the human being's body enough to keep it perpetually inebriated and wet. Then the human being uses their shampoo or soap.
Once showered, eaten, the human being will dress themselves in fabric-oriented garments called "clothes." Clothes come in al shapes and sizes, and looks and colors. Some are small and tight and baring, showcasing the humans' bodies. Others are more conservative and cover all of their body except for their face and head. Some are black, some or green, some are orange, teal, lavender, crimson, navu blue, dark blue, yellow. Some are short, long, little, big, medium, tiny.
Once dressed the human being either goes to work or school, depending upon their age. The children to teenagers of human beings go to school. The age is around from the age of one to the age of ninteen or twenty. And even after twenty years of education the human being often goes to college, where they may stay for two years until getting a degree, or doctorate, or whatever else authentication of their abilities to work. This higher form of education by College costs the individual money and time. This is unlike the lower, inferior forms of education, which are paid for by the government's alloting.
In the human beings' hiearchy, each being is to sustain itself. In their hiearchy there is currency, and this currency can only be learned through working. This currency has everything on it. The currency is needed to live. The human beings put a price on living through a need to work, to show worth, and sustain the hierarchy. Working by way of labor, by way of mental principles, put to work what suits the best. The human being works whatever job they are meanable enough to work.
Those of the homo saipiens who do not get a college education, or even worse, drop out of the inferiorer forms of education, end up with the worst jobs. They aquire the jobs that no human being wants to work whole lives. These jobs include working at food service, working as a cashier at the varying amounts of market places--called "stores"--where a human being may purchase munitions. Supplies.
The higher level jobs mostly lie in professional work. With the advent of automation by way of machines in the human beings' world, there is less need for the mechanically inclined jobs. Now there is a surging need for the professional jobs, the jobs needing much experience and knowledge.
Work consists of the human being doing a wide array of tasks. There is being a cashier and giving out the currency. There is teaching at the educational facilities. There is commandeering the flying machines called planes. There is the taxi service industry--which is an industry that transports humans for a fare. There is the bus industry--another transportation device given for a fare. There is a great many of varying fields. Too much to put into this one report.
Most human beings seem to enjoy their work. But not all of the time. At times the human being gets tired of working and wishes to just live and not have to work. But it is an institutionalized practice in this social hiearchy that work is what gets one places.
This is different than our own ideals by a longshot. We do not seem so much like these beings.
Once the human being is done working, they will come home. There is a thing called "marriage"--a joint living arrangment between a male and a female--which is boistered and promoted throughout, and which many human beings follow. The human beings believe in a thing called "love"--they believe in emotions, and how these emotions can make their lives seem worthwhile and whole. They believe that through these joint "loving" they can coalesce and become one and make something far greater than just one another. Again, this is different to our own ways. It may seem odd, but this is how the human beings do things.
After doing what they will after working--perhaps they will watch TV--a viewing device which showcases educational, entertaining, as well as useless information--perhaps they will have sex with their partners. Perhaps the will do anything, whatever it is that makes them feel more whole for working their whole lives.
Then they go to sleep. The average human being sleeps around seven to ten hours a night.
In the observation of these creatures, I find they are quite techonologically, idealogically, physically, and mentally incompotent. I find they are ignorant creatures that do not understand their standing and how to run their race.
I estimate that it will be billions of years before they achieve anything beyond what they have. For they are too set in their ways and too wasting in what they do with their short-lived lives. The average human only lives around seventy years, but with the advent of their medicine, they may live longer; this is far shorter than our lifespan.
These beings waste most of their lives learning and growing, only to see a rapid downturn in their older years, when they grow aged and frail. It is only then when they are wise that they realize how useless all they did is.
They are foolish beings who live a futile existence. It is only with struggle and more acceptance that they will achieve anything higher than what they have.
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