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myOtaku.com: Mitch

Friday, September 26, 2003

I am still trying to think of this word. Hm.
The current mood of dilapoid at www.imood.com
Mood: Feel great now...mostly from this conversation. Otherwise, thoughtful.
Music: System of a Down-X

An absolutely wonderful chat with Jenna, and I mean that in all respects:

Dilapoid: It is Ange de Cramoisi.
Ange de Cramoisi: mhm

Dilapoid: "Mhm"?
Dilapoid: Well, hello.
Ange de Cramoisi: Heh, hey :-)

Dilapoid: Here at first I thought you were in a bad mood because of the "Mhm" thing. lol.
Ange de Cramoisi: Nah, not a bad mood ^_^ I'm just a bit depressed in the sort of way that it's temporary until I get this fucking photo story done :O
Ange de Cramoisi: I'm in a good mood otherwise ...does that make sense?
Dilapoid: Ah.
Dilapoid: Makes sense to me.
Ange de Cramoisi: Good :D
Dilapoid: Hah, no one else has posted in the Evolution thread.
Ange de Cramoisi: I don't think I have even looked at that thread yet
Dilapoid: It's the only thread that I've really posted in as of recently.
Dilapoid: I've posted 7 times it says.
Dilapoid: Yay.
Ange de Cramoisi: Some people are scared of intelligent topics, I suppose
Dilapoid: Heh. Same here.
Ange de Cramoisi: There are even some that I stear (steer?) clear of
Dilapoid: That topic you created recently I haven't posted in there obviously heh.
Dilapoid: Steer. :-)
Ange de Cramoisi: Yeah, not too many people did
Ange de Cramoisi: That always seems to happen with my topics :P
Ange de Cramoisi: But that's ok, it's really only because I'm curious about what other people have to say
Ange de Cramoisi: as long as i get to hear some opinions, I'm happy :-)
Dilapoid: If I even cared or knew enough to say something intelligent, I would've lol. Otherwise I'd just be blasphemizing.
Ange de Cramoisi: (and thanks on the steer thing...my grammar/spelling is declining rapidly)
Ange de Cramoisi: lol
Dilapoid: (No problem. If you need to expand it, start using the word amatory. It means sexual love. Great word since no one would know what it means if you tell them...unless they've heard it before.)
Ange de Cramoisi: It's ok, we all know that topics such as "Who Do You Want To Be" will always be king
Dilapoid: I hate them lol.
Ange de Cramoisi: AMATORY
Ange de Cramoisi: how fun
Dilapoid: Comes from the latin verb amat, to love.
Dilapoid: People are sad in that "Who would you be" topic as well.
Dilapoid: lol.
Dilapoid: This one person was all, "No one chose me. Wah."
Dilapoid: So then I was all sarcastic, and said fine, I'd be him if I could.
Dilapoid: Obviously no one can catch sarcasm these days lol.
Ange de Cramoisi: There's only a few of us who can ;-)
Dilapoid: Yes, and these select few hold the entire power of the human race in their hands.
Dilapoid: *gape gasp gape*
Dilapoid: ...Nep.
Ange de Cramoisi: lol
Ange de Cramoisi: For some reason...I find your cynicism refreshing. Mitch is funny ^_^
Dilapoid: Ah, just to inform you, I feel quite irate toward Macs.
Dilapoid: (Irate means angry.)
Dilapoid: They are the worst computers ever lol.
Ange de Cramoisi: Thanks, I knew that one ;-)
Ange de Cramoisi: But i love them
Ange de Cramoisi: !!!!!!!
Dilapoid: They are good for the stuff you do, given.
Dilapoid: But they suck all else elsewise.
Ange de Cramoisi: BCUZ*!!!
Dilapoid: They deserve to be burned in the clutches of some piromaniac. And yes, pun is intended.
Dilapoid: lol
Dilapoid: Macerntoshes.
Dilapoid: lol
Ange de Cramoisi: Hee ^___^
Dilapoid: Macintosh is actually an apple. When did it become tradmarked?
Dilapoid: Stupid companies...or something.
Dilapoid: *tries to find another reason to hate macs*
Dilapoid: Oh wait, I already hate them enough.
Ange de Cramoisi: I used to hate them...that was before OS X
Ange de Cramoisi: OS X is pretty
Dilapoid: Yeah.
Ange de Cramoisi: as opposed to that old, ugly, grey style O_O
Dilapoid: But you see...in our journalism room, we do not have version X.
Dilapoid: We have the crappy, stupid whored old version.
Ange de Cramoisi: oh, that's very unfortunate
Ange de Cramoisi: :-(
Ange de Cramoisi: stupid whored
Dilapoid: And thus, it FREEZES all the time, and it LAGS LIKE HELL, and it just ANNOYS ME TO NO END.
Dilapoid: I think I made that clear. Yay.
Dilapoid: XP is still more stable than X.
Dilapoid: And better.
Ange de Cramoisi: what?! no...not on my computer at least
Dilapoid: But X, is, I will admit,is purty.
Ange de Cramoisi: I've never had osx crash on me ever
Dilapoid: I didn't say it's horrible lol.
Dilapoid: I just perfer PC over anything.
Ange de Cramoisi: but maybe that's just because my PC is getting up there in years
Ange de Cramoisi: yeah, I understand :-)
Ange de Cramoisi: my dad is the same way
Ange de Cramoisi: even I was the same way until I started using the G4 towers that the school has
Ange de Cramoisi: those are AWESOME and fast and lovely
Ange de Cramoisi: took a liking towards macs ^_^
Dilapoid: They are amatory, right? Heh.
Ange de Cramoisi: /end tangent
Ange de Cramoisi: sure they are!
Dilapoid: Amatory is one of my favorite words ever now.
Ange de Cramoisi: It's a good word, I like its meaning
Dilapoid: Yes.
Dilapoid: That's what makes it so worthy.
Dilapoid: Eschew is a cool word too. Means escape.
Ange de Cramoisi: Worthy of Mitch's useage
Ange de Cramoisi: Eschew?
Dilapoid: Eschew. Just...chewy.
Dilapoid: Yes.
Dilapoid: Chewy. Like jerky.
Dilapoid: Salty and tasty like jerky.
Dilapoid: Indeed.
Ange de Cramoisi: I...guess?
Ange de Cramoisi: lol
Dilapoid: Don't ask me. lol.
Ange de Cramoisi: Random line of thought.
Ange de Cramoisi: :-)
Dilapoid: Jerky just sounds good right now or something. Who knows.
Dilapoid: It must be PEPPERED though.
Dilapoid: Otherwise it is not jerky in my book.
Dilapoid: I like hot things. ^_^
Dilapoid: Hot things such as yourself included.
Ange de Cramoisi: heh. Do you ever stop and try to retrace your thought process back to the original thought?
Dilapoid: :p
Ange de Cramoisi: OOh, hot things with flava'
Ange de Cramoisi: I LOVE hot things, but for some reason my tongue doesn't
Ange de Cramoisi: ..appreciate them*
Dilapoid: Not in this circumstance, I wouldn't trace it back lol.
Dilapoid: Yeah.
Dilapoid: And sour things.
Ange de Cramoisi: ikc.
Ange de Cramoisi: ick* mayve
Ange de Cramoisi: dammit V_V
Dilapoid: It's okay lol.
Dilapoid: I ate so many sour skittles when I get a whole package that my throat feels sore the next day.
Ange de Cramoisi: YUCK!
Dilapoid: *eat
Dilapoid: lol
Ange de Cramoisi: Those are so gross
Dilapoid: I love them.
Ange de Cramoisi: and they totally destroy your tongue for a day
Ange de Cramoisi: or more
Dilapoid: Tastless but tastes good.
Dilapoid: Or something.
Dilapoid: Okay, no more lol.
Dilapoid: Tabasco sauce should be a god.
Dilapoid: I love that stuff as well.
Ange de Cramoisi: I don't experiment with sauces/spices too much
Ange de Cramoisi: I put Tapatio in my bean dip...but that's about it =\
Dilapoid: Heh.
Dilapoid: It's fine. That's just Jenna.
Dilapoid: I also LOVE ketchup.
Ange de Cramoisi: Oh, me too ^____^
Ange de Cramoisi: And i remember the days where it was spelled Catsup
Dilapoid: When I have a hamburger, I smother the whole thing in ketchup, usually both sides of the bun, then make a big puddle of it on my plate, and as I eat it dip it into the ketchup as well.
Dilapoid: Mm.
Ange de Cramoisi: That's almost obsessive love...
Ange de Cramoisi: Amatory...?
Dilapoid: It's also almost as obsessive as love.
Dilapoid: Heh.
Dilapoid: Amatory. Yes@
Dilapoid: !
Ange de Cramoisi: Oh, I'm good ;-)
Dilapoid: Yes.
Ange de Cramoisi: ..well...thanks to you :P
Dilapoid: Heh.
Ange de Cramoisi: brb...I need to write my professor an email
Dilapoid: All right.
Ange de Cramoisi: Ok, I am done
Dilapoid: Okay.
Ange de Cramoisi: This little powerbook gets so HOT
Ange de Cramoisi: my hand is burning
Dilapoid: Mm. That sucks lol.
Dilapoid: HEY--another reason to hate macs.
Dilapoid: Yay.
Ange de Cramoisi: Yeah...I need to get a real mouse :P
Ange de Cramoisi: Oh shush
Dilapoid: I'm teasing.
Dilapoid: It's just the way I am lol.
Ange de Cramoisi: Adult Toys, you say?
Ange de Cramoisi: (haha, I know :P)
Dilapoid: No, amatory toys.
Dilapoid: And a blow-up doll for me.
Dilapoid: And you can have the cuffs if you want. Or something. -0O.
Ange de Cramoisi: Cool...I'm totally going to this site
Dilapoid: Mm? Which?
Ange de Cramoisi: It came to me in an email
Dilapoid: I see.
Ange de Cramoisi: this one...mm
Ange de Cramoisi: Heheh...adult toys really amuse me
Dilapoid: I see.
Ange de Cramoisi: Amatoric Toys?
Dilapoid: Yes, amusal is fun.
Dilapoid: Amatoric lol.
Ange de Cramoisi: Can I make up suffixes?
Dilapoid: I just love making up words.
Dilapoid: It's your writing, your mind. Of course.
Dilapoid: I love doing it as well.
Ange de Cramoisi: Ok, yes....I make up words like elsewhat and elsewho
Ange de Cramoisi: They SOUND like they could work
Ange de Cramoisi: even though they're not real
Dilapoid: I use them when I feel like it too. It's fun and refreshing.
Ange de Cramoisi: Oh, definteily
Ange de Cramoisi: definitely*
Dilapoid: Well, who's to say words themselves mean anything but the ones who make it that way in their minds?
Dilapoid: Exactly. Words themselves...are like this. They mean something, yes. But not in...nature.
Dilapoid: Erg. I'm having trouble explaining.
Ange de Cramoisi: I think I understand
Dilapoid: Words don't mean anything unless you let them.
Dilapoid: All they are is something created by us as humans..
Dilapoid: But I think they are more than that, sure.
Dilapoid: But I can't go away from that truth.
Dilapoid: So basically, making up your own words is the same as using words that are in the dictionary or whatever.
Dilapoid: There. I think that's clear.
Ange de Cramoisi: Yes, yes, I do understand now ^_^
Dilapoid: I just think too much lol.
Ange de Cramoisi: Noooo
Ange de Cramoisi: that's not thinking too much
Ange de Cramoisi: that's thinking outside the box ;-)
Dilapoid: Inside pandora's box, yes. Hehe.
Ange de Cramoisi: heh
Dilapoid: You know...have you ever been walking around in a town, or something...and thought what it would look like without anything built, just as it was naturally?
Dilapoid: It's really hard to think...everything has been this way since you and I were born.
Dilapoid: It's kind of a weird, strange thought.
Dilapoid: Feels somewhat...eh. Can't think of a word.
Ange de Cramoisi: Actually, i've thought something along those lines before. The northern tip of the Baja Penninsula is how I imagine Souther California's coast to have looked like long ago
Dilapoid: Heh, cool.
Dilapoid: It's such a weird thought. Mm.
Ange de Cramoisi: Yeah, i agree.
Dilapoid: I'm still trying to think of a word to describe it.
Dilapoid: Yet it won't come.
Dilapoid: You know, it's like I know what I want to say, and what word I want to use, but I can't think of it.
Dilapoid: Then later, or when I know the word, I'll smack myself for how stupid I was not to think of it lol.
Ange de Cramoisi: Oh, I KNOW!!!
Ange de Cramoisi: And that word just gets lost in your brain?
Dilapoid: Yeah.
Dilapoid: It's like I know what the word is but I don't.
Dilapoid: Like it's a phantom.
Ange de Cramoisi: yes!!!
Ange de Cramoisi: It always annoys me to no end, too. Such a simple word...so hard to reach...
Dilapoid: Yeah.
Dilapoid: It's like this for a lot of things most of the time, not just this lol.
Dilapoid: And sometimes it's even more weird...like the opposite of this.
Dilapoid: It'll be like I've felt some certain moment before, but I don't know how.
Dilapoid: Deja vu, of course.
Dilapoid: But yeah.
Dilapoid: Weird stuff.
Dilapoid: It's like, say, in comparison, the word is on the outside, and I can feel its presence, but it won't compute with anything else...and I usually come to the conclusion it was probably from a dream.
Dilapoid: If that even makes sense.
Ange de Cramoisi: I'm trying to understand it...
Dilapoid: I'm comparing how I can't find words to how I sometimes feel deja vu.
Dilapoid: And saying that it feels like, in comparison, instead of the word being in my head and feeling like it's there, like it's outside of me and it won't compute, or come into meaning, in my head.
Ange de Cramoisi: Ahh, ok
Dilapoid: I'm having trouble understanding myself. I just love odd comparisons though.
Dilapoid: I am getting closer to finding this word...erg.
Dilapoid: If I could remember what it started with, that usuall just makes it come right away.
Dilapoid: I'll I've thought of so far is violated. That's not close enough.
Dilapoid: It's not what I want and feel from thinking that about some city lol.
Dilapoid: Ah well lol.
Dilapoid: It'll come to me sometime later when I don't need it.
Ange de Cramoisi: Ack, sorry, delivery man liked to talk
Dilapoid: It's okay, of course.
Ange de Cramoisi: He was all jabbery
Ange de Cramoisi: very friendly delivery man
Dilapoid: Probably was attracted to you lol.
Dilapoid: It seems like that with most people if they talk to you a lot, I guess.
Dilapoid: *shrug*
Dilapoid: Or was it a girl?
Ange de Cramoisi: lol, nah, it was like a 40 year old guy
Dilapoid: No...you say man lol.
Ange de Cramoisi: he was just all curious about why I was home at this time fo the day
Dilapoid: *said
Dilapoid: *said
Dilapoid: Ah.
Ange de Cramoisi: and I was like, 'Well....I'm a STUDENT"
Dilapoid: lol
Dilapoid: When stupid people ask stupid questions II: the death of deliveryman.
Ange de Cramoisi: ahah
Dilapoid: I have such a dry sense of humor.
Ange de Cramoisi: But it's so great :P
Dilapoid: Too bad dry isn't as good as lubricated in most cases, though. :p
Ange de Cramoisi: Well THAT I can agree wtih...
Dilapoid: Heh.
Ange de Cramoisi: agh... i need to shut down my computer for a bit
Ange de Cramoisi: I need to see if this new part works before my parents get here =\
Dilapoid: Ah.
Dilapoid: Okay.
Ange de Cramoisi: I may be back, we'll see ^_^
Dilapoid: It was great talking.
Dilapoid: Of course.
Ange de Cramoisi: If I'm not, yes, it was defintiely great talking to you :D
Dilapoid: Heh.
Dilapoid: *posts this in My Otaku*
Dilapoid: Whee.
Ange de Cramoisi: ^___^
Ange de Cramoisi: Talk to you later!
Dilapoid: Yes, hopefully.
Ange de Cramoisi: Ciao :-)
Dilapoid: Have a good time with the ol parents.
Ange de Cramoisi signed off at 5:32:42 PM.

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