Tuesday, April 13, 2004
High and Dry
 Ignore this. It is crap.
the throat’s
rough full with,
things rotten to say.
mush decay to you, to you to you
to you.
i don’t care what you do.
you heard me
don’t sermon me
the throat’s
closing itself,
going in--
where do i begin?
it begins
on the grin
go on in
going in--
i’m gonna taciturn.
you won’t hear from me
i’m gonna believe
you went straight
as a narrow.
you see them sparrows?
see the pointing arrow?
see the tear hole to my eye?
can you see the line?
why don’t you go waste someone else’s time.
i’m going bout my way fine.
go back in time.
go back in time.
i read the writing
in my mind
i read the fine print.
i know where i’m going
i know where to sprint.
i’ve got lots of running to do
to end up nowhere as nothing to no one.
i read the writing
in my mind
i read the fine print.
i know where i’m going
i know where to sprint.
i’m gonna end up where i began.
so take your ways away from me
and dig your rabbit hole.
i’m gonna be just the same--
swallowed whole like a whale
i’m gonna exhale now
just gonna exhale.
there’s nothing left for me
i feel it die, i heard you gave the time.
well i’ve just come here-- the jail cell’s bars.
the cold steel makes me think of stars.
how dead it is,
how dead it is,
the throat is quiet
the mouth does not move.
don’t you just love this room?
don’t speak too soon.
go back to the moon.
i know where to find my womb.
i’m gonna get myself a life.
buy it all the way,
then get myself a wife.
then i’ll burn my hand,
i’ll be in my plan.
there’s nothing left here
nothing to stand.
i’ll wobble thanks man.
this is it
i’m through
from here it’s back to the act.
the same show keeps playing its way.
my throat’s lodged.
let’s stay the night inside.
mush decay to you.
you’ll realize it’s the truth before it’s through.
how i wear these chains
detest these chains
and how i’m gonna be aside.
i’m just fine.
i’m gonna taciturn.
mush decay to you.
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