Wednesday, April 14, 2004
 [Insert here]
Hm. I think I'm gonna finish my story for the Reanimatrix thread today. Or get closer to finishing it.
But first, it is time for Frosted Mini-wheats: that stuff that's the god's ambrosia, the wheat of the greatness.
By the way, Warcraft III: Frozen Throne is a good game. Thing is, my friend Ryan bought the battlechest--that contains the first game, and also the expansion (which is Frozen Throne), and I thought that b.net wouldn't care if I used a fake CD-key to get on, since Frozen Throne has its own CD-key. Well, I was wrong; I'm gonna have to buy Reign of Chaos to be able to play Frozen Throne, since I need a CD-key that's valid for the original version of Warcraft III. Hooray for that.
We still can play it on the LAN at his house though, so it works out. We killed some computers today. Was fun. That's my goal: rid the world of the evil computers. They just don't get it, that they're made so we can kick their asses. And most of the time, they seem to beat us.
Oh, and also, Frozen Throne seems to lag like hell on my computer. My computer's such a beast. It's gonna swallow you whole. It lagged so much when I was playing a game on Frozen Throne, I couldn't play anymore. I couldn't even move anything, it was so bad.
Black & White is an interesting game. I bought that game a while ago--wow, it was such a steal. $10 for the original B & W, as well as the expansion. It rocks my socks, it's the cat's pajamas, and it's the rib's dibs. As well as the bob's gobs.
I also got Dungeon Siege. Haven't played it yet, but it was only $20. Fair enough. I also got Arcanum--this RPG game I've wanted for a while.
I bought all this stuff a while ago, other than Frozen Throne.
Ah, and then there's the game I keep coming back to: Starcraft. If you're anyone that's into computer games, well, Starcraft's one of the best I've ever played. The game's just amazing, once you get used to it. I think it's Blizzard's finest game. Even better than the Warcraft series.
You'll remember soon Starcraft Ghost is coming out for the consoles, as well as computer, I believe. I want to play that, too.
I also bought Mr. Driller for Playstation. It was $5, so I thought what the hell, why not. I bought it mainly since Tony's talked so high of it. I have yet to play it. I do like puzzle games sometimes, though.
Man, it's crazy all the games I've got sitting around to play, and how I never play them. I still have Xenosaga to play. I just stopped playing that suddenly, for whatever reason. I have a strategy guide for it. I bought that game, used, all the way back when I was working at KFC. That's a long time ago.
Then there's Final Fantasy Chronicles, which has my favorite RPG ever on it. Chrono Trigger. If you haven't played this game, I think you need to play it. Right now. Do it now. It's fucking amazing, and I mean fucking amazing all the way. It still stands the test of time.
Too many people these days care about graphics. I could care less. Take Chrono Trigger for example. . .the game's got your 2-D graphics. It still manages to be the best RPG ever made. No argument at all.
I own the entire soundtrack itself on CD. I love the music for this game. Excellent music.
Just play it now.
What else I got laying around? Well, on Final Fantasy Chronicles, there's also FF II (US), which I've played mostly through before on the SNES, but never beaten. I got stuck on the part where those to what-you-ma-call-its were turned to stone, and you needed to turn them back from stone. I think their names start with P's. Poram, or something. . .who knows. I can't remember.
I also have Final Fantasy Tactics. I was playing that game way back when, and it's annoying. The game randomly has you save at certain parts of the game. I happened to be stupid and save at the point just before a boss who I couldn't beat. I tried and tried to beat that boss, I hated every second of that trying but I did it. . .and I never succeeded. The bastard, once killed the first time, transformed into this impossible bastard monster. Just thinking about it makes me sad, because I really like Final Fantasy Tactics, and I was really far--I had put a lot of time into the game. The game's hard, too. You have to train a lot. . .or, at least, I did. And it took a long time. Too bad I had saved it when I did, otherwise I would've been able to train before the big boss dude came.
I wanna start playing that again. Fun game. I also got that game so cheap, too. $15. Worth every cent. Thank god Square decided they'd rerelease it. . .before they'd done that, the game was hard to find.
I only wish they'd do that with Xenogears. I want to buy that game someday. I want to play it all, too.
What else is there. . .I still haven't beat Silent Hill. I also have Silent Hill 2. Haven't beat that.
I've got Lord of the Rings: Return of the King. I never beat that, either. I've only played it a bit with Ryan.
Oh, Parasite Eve. How I love that game. Has anyone played Parasite Eve? It's one of my favorite RPGs as well. I love that game. I think I've played through it about a million times or so, and I still keep coming back.
I highly recommend that game. It's for the Playstation. By Square. It might be a little hard to find, but it's worth it. I consider it one of the most innovative, interesting, good RPGs I've ever played. It's great fun, and the storyline's just interesting.
When you beat Parasite Eve, you can play a thing called an "EX" game. In an "EX" game, you can go to this building called the Chrysler Building. It's about 60 floors of hell. If you get through it all, you get to this final boss that's hard as hell from what I've read in my strategy guide. After you beat it, you get a new cinema. I've never done it. It's so hard.
I ended up cheating (sadly) with a gameshark. I still never got there. It's just so hard.
The main reason it's so hard is because the floors are divided into 10. 9 of the 10 floors are randomly generated. And plus, the monsters are very hard in the building, and continue to get harder, as well as it's just very, very patient-driving. But, one day, I'm gonna do it all. . .I really, really wanna see that last cinematic, and feel the wonderful feeling of doing it. I wanna do it without cheating, too. . .which will be hard as hell, let me tell you. They don't call it "EX" game for nothing.
I have Final Fantasy Origins. I've still never beat Final Fantasy (that's right, the first FF), and I haven't even started to play whatever else FF is on there--the one where you don't gain levels, your statistics go up with what you use to attack. From what I remember, I am almost to the end of Final Fantasy, but I just stopped playing it, I guess. I was stuck I believe, and it was getting frustrating. That game's pretty damn hard. And I'm sure the original NES cart's even harder, because in the Playstation remake, when you kill something and you have someone else set to attack that now dead monster, it lets the character attack whatever other monster's left alive--it didn't do this in the original. The character targeting the dead monster would just not attack at all. That must've really been hell. And despite the remake of it's easier, it's still hard, in comparison with other FFs.
I also want to start playing Final Fantasy VII again. Great game, I'm so fond of it.
Then there's FF III (US), which I own for SNES. Awesome game. I think it's my favorite FF, and I have beaten it without cheating or anything. But I wanna start another game, even though I've played that game so many times--it's just worth it.
I never beat Max Payne 2 on all its difficulty settings. That game's fun, but it gets old after a while. Personally, I liked Max Payne, the first one, so much better. Who cares if its graphics are not as good in comparsion? I don't care about graphics; this new generation of gamers needs to understand that. . .graphics don't matter. That's just the aesthetics of it--the prosthetics--what really, really matters is how the game plays. Look at something like pong. . .that game's still fun, despite it's pretty much bones when it comes to graphics.
Man, I've got so many games to play. And I keep buying more, since they're so cheap when they're used.
Baldur's Gate. That's a good game too. I want to play Norrath. The game looks good. So does Baldur's Gate II. Good games, even if they aren't as good as Diablo II. Those type of games do get old after a while. . .but Baldur's Gate really had its grip on me.
I could list more games, but I think it's time to go get my snack.
I also have Resident Evil: Code Veronica. I got that used. I never really got into that. I should. It's supposedly one of the best games in the RE series. I still like the Silent Hill series way more than RE, though. RE's still good stuff nonetheless.
Yeah, so. I'm gonna go eat my frosted mini-wheats. I should play some games tonight. So much to play, though, and so little time. . .
Someone give me control of time. That'd rock.
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