Friday, May 7, 2004
Ms. Driver
 Elle Driver (California Mountain Snake)

You're Elle Driver! Sly and evil, you can manipulate people in order to get whatever you want. You're usually alone, but that's the way you like it. You hate having others nearby to order you around (unless it's Bill, of course... but even then you're still hesitant).Kill Bill: Which Deadly Viper Assassin Are You? (Vol. II spoilers... results with pics)
I still remember this scene. It's such a fully realized scene. How she's wearing that leather, or whatever it is, how the umbrella moves, how Ms. Driver walks--Tarantino knew what he was doing.
What makes the scene so beautiful is her whistling. And how much it just feels right.
Sometimes I catch myself whistling the tune. It's just one of those scenes I really enjoyed.
Obviously, Tarantino uses music a lot for effect in Kill Bill. And it works.
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