Saturday, May 8, 2004
See, I'm a, I'm a steel worker, I kill what I eat.
 word scramble
the words i remembered--
the ones i was gonna tell you--
mess onto the ground,
fall all around,
and i look down
see them scattered all over there
see some in pairs,
others alone.
i’m wondering how i could let them fall
like this.
must’ve been in my wrist,
how i tried to fling them out,
and hope i could let you catch em
with style.
it’s gonna be a while,
just a little bit
don’t worry about it.
they’re all on the ground,
it’s true.
there’s one right there--i see a u.
it’s staring at me and i wonder if it‘s kinda blue.
it looks kinda sad, i’d say.
wonder what happened to make it so.
must’ve been this show, the way it kinda kills you.
it’s OK, i know you can make it.
you’ll get through.
and what’s this i see,
it’s all over me,
many I’s staring over now.
they’re all bent, crooked,
wretched gnarled and crude.
who the hell let it get so nude?
it’s like they’re wearing bones
and skin’s falling off them.
the I’s, i believe, have much to mean.
they seem strewn on the floor,
bloodless gore, naked, sore.
wonder what these I’s looked like before?
too bad i can’t find out.
they look kinda lost, all point when and where.
wonder when they’re gonna find their place?
maybe never, maybe someday.
maybe it’s not too far.
now the letters, all over the floor,
they’re coming together, selling themselves to me.
it’s like they’re whores.
but they’re not--they’re much more.
what the letters spell doesn’t cost a thing,
it’s the least expensive rose i can give,
or the least expensive assassin i can hire.
the bullets will penetrate your skull, you’ll expire.
the roses will red in bloom, love’s swoon, and hold you close.
whatever you want i can give it with these.
don’t you ever doubt me when i use these.
i can make you fall, in amazement, to your knees.
i can make you numb, in indifference, with ease.
i can touch you with hands i don’t even have.
i can grab you, caress you, seduce you as i please.
i can do most anything.
and you look kinda blue.
i think you need them now.
i think i can lift you with them, up as high as you want,
you don’t weigh much right now.
what is it you want?
you wanna be on top of a skyscraper?
you wanna be down in the ground?
you wanna see me inside?
i can do it all, just hold your seat, because you’re in for a ride.
i’ll take you wherever you wanna glide, or wherever you wanna go.
all you gotta do is put my words, all over this floor, together.
then we can get going to forever, or to never.
i wish i could show you
all the letters down here.
they’re spelling words i never knew i had,
and making things i’ve never seen.
this is really the weirdest thing,
it’s really the most bizarre.
i wonder where you are.
i wonder where you are, you falling star.
i wanna have that scar.
and the letters
they are a mess
all over, and the
stress, and all
the things i
wanted to say.
they fall down
on the ground
scattered all
around, and
i wonder what’s
here i still
haven’t found.
so much to see,
so much to be,
but i’ve gotta
the words spelled out
like water in the winter’s spring
this is a blue green,
this is a red spleen,
the heart, it is a wondrous
let’s not wilt, for there is much
to see.
love’s gonna sting, the words into me,
and you’ll kiss,
your hips,
the way it lips,
it’ll kill but it’ll spill,
don’t let it go, let it show, give it grow,
i’ve got something to show.
i like the way you walk,
i like the words you make me say.
let’s find the letters to spell.
it’ll go well in this deep well
where many night-like waters trickle.
can i just give you a tickle?
it’s all right, i’m not gonna stab you with a sickle.
can i just give you a tickle?
it’s in this
water, the gloom,
where wet, there is set
the words, all a mess.
we’ll put em together, we’ll coalesce.
it’s just a wishing well,
don’t get so riled up over it.
you don’t have to yell.
the words will find it, climb it,
and tell.
let’s listen
i can hear
the trickle
just the tickle
of the words.
how wet they make me,
how dry they take me.
it’s gonna flow,
the words’re gonna row
to the edge.
you like this ledge?
then let’s just stand for a while,
looking down while it looks back to us.
i think this is where it’s best.
let’s just be here.
the words all over us,
nothing to fear.
let’s just be here.
mistake the man make
the mistake make the man
--then he alienates
in isolation until
he is broken by machine hand of
left to grow, and finds
he is nothing.
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