Sunday, May 16, 2004
The End is Near, but the Beginning is Far.
 Full Name: Mitchell Grant Smith
Age: -23243242432423432432432432432432.23232322
Hair: Brown.
Eyes: Green.
Sex: All the time.
Seven things that scare you...
1. I'm scared of the fact that it's 2:52, and my mom's not home yet. . .
2. I am not scared. That makes me scared.
3. I'm scared of the real world, it could be said, if I must give you reasons whereby I am scared.
4. Clowns.
5. Children.
6. Your mom.
7. This scares me.
Seven things that make you laugh...
1. Your mom.
2. Sarcasm.
3. Cynicism.
4. Optimistic people.
5. Closed-minded people.
6. That "Summer of 69" song, since I know what it's really about.
7. How stupid the world is.
Seven things you LOVE...
1. Walking.
2. Your mom.
3. Nothing.
4. Agent Smith.
5. Good-looking women.
6. Milk.
7. Dying.
Seven things you hate...
1. Your mom.
2. Optimists.
3. Bastards.
4. The world.
5. Idiots.
6. Children.
7. People who are condescending.
Seven things you don't understand...
1. The world.
2. Your mom.
3. How you can believe in God.
4. Hope.
5. Reason.
6. Humanity.
7. Purpose.
Seven facts about you...
1. I am more than me.
2. Once upon a time I was free, now I'm just dead.
3. The phone is ringing, it must be my mom.
4. I hate you.
5. I died long ago.
7. I have no family.
Seven things you plan to do before you die...
1. Die.
2. Love.
3. Sex.
4. Novel.
5. Kill.
6. Destroy.
7. Impregnate.
Seven things you can do...
1. Your mom.
2. Die.
3. Feel.
4. Not feel.
5. Kill.
6. Feel pleasure.
7. My mom wants to talk to me on the phone. . .
Seven Things You Can't Do or Can't Do Well...
1. Live.
2. Have hope.
3. Think.
4. Speak.
5. Do this thing.
6. Six.
7. Seven.
Seven things you say the most...
1. Your mom.
2. Hell.
3. Ah well.
4. Whatever.
5. Mhm.
6. Who cares.
7. Yes.
Ten things that you look for in the opposite/same sex...
I only want you because I can ruin you because I can desecrate you because I can make you break you because I can shake you and I can scar you forever I only want you so I can feel your warm skin against me so I can know I am not alone so I can feel but feel through you I just want your body I just want your heart I just want to rip you all apart.
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