Monday, May 17, 2004
Suck me dry
 For this first poem, I already have a vision for it as a song.
It started when I was listening to Tool while I was walking. I began trying to put the instrumentals for "Schism" into words, and then I noticed that a sound to place on a certain way you hit the drums. It sounds like "kiss," you know, it's that upper-thing you hit on a drum that makes that "kssss" sound when you hit it. I don't know how better to describe it.
Well, that's how this song would be like. On the drums, there would be "bang, bang, kiss" with the drums, and it would follow right along with the lyrics. So while the drums went "bang, bang, kiss" so would the vocalist (which would be me, of course, because I wrote this song so screw you who wants to sing it). Add to this an electric guitar, perhaps, making as close a sound to "bang bang kiss" as possible. But make it louder than the drums and the vocals, of course. Then along with the song there can be a bit of variety in its sound. . .but there you have it. That's my song.
Tony, think of the possibilties. We can start up Boldly Going Nowhere, and with my lyrical genius, and my vision, we can be the next best since you know who. Imagine, if you will, our first single, "Bang Bang Kiss," and how much it will appeal to the masses and become a classic song heard for years to come.
Also, a question. Does anyone ever make up their own lyrics to instrumental songs? I do. I was listening to the Parasite Eve Theme, something along those lines, and I was making my own lyrics for it. It's quite an interesting thing to do, really, making your own lyrics for just an instrumental song.
bang bang kiss
bang bang, kiss
bang bang kiss
bang bang, kiss
bang bang—kiss
this is, this is how i feel
bang bang
bang bang kiss
can you
bang bang, kiss
this, bang bang kiss
this is how i feel
can you feel—
can you feel what i feel?
or does it bang bang, kiss
does it cause you to
bang bang kiss
(does it cause you to
don’t let this
don’t let this
twist you down
riding a spiral—
you’ve just go to
bang bang, kiss
you’ve just gotta—
bang bang kiss
and i do believe
your lips
and i do believe
your hips
and i do believe i came to know and i do believe i can go. . .
so let’s get the hell outta this show
let’s come to grips
cause what i’m feeling’s not a certain one
it’s just something i shoulda done
one of those things that never gets going, never gets sun. . .
sorta sits there in the dark meek and proud,
waiting till it goes down.
it’s just a. . .just a
bang bang, kiss
bang bang kiss; this
it’s just a. . .just a
bang bang, kiss; this
it’s just a. . .just a
bang bang, kiss; and
don’t let this cyst
grow too large. . .
and don’t let; bang, bang kiss
don’t let this fist punch you raw
let’s just gnaw; i’ve got the
teeth; i’ve got the beast
insida me
i can be
an animal
can be so free. . .
can just make em bleed
can be your king. . .
get on the floor; i’ll make it more
it’s just a. . .just a; bang bang kiss
it’s just a. . .just a; bang, bang kiss
and this; it’s just a. . .just a
bang bang kiss, this is just a
it’s a bang bang kiss.
it’s gonna shoot you up; it’s gonna. . .
gonna mess you up; gonna shake you up;
gonna fake you up; it’s gonna take you off. . .
gonna make you mine, and that’s fine;
bang bang, kiss, this, it’s gonna. . .gonna
take you to me; don’t resist
i feel it insida me
i wanna have you feel it too
get down get up get true
i’m gonna shoot you.
i can feel it insida me.
you better eat the bullets
cause the bullets’ll eat you.
this’s the way, that’s how—
down on the ground, can see
it all spread; i bet you can’t believe
and this’s how it’s supposed ta be
you and me; this bang bang, kiss
you and me, just our guns—our lips,
and the way it sorta slips; bang bang, kiss;
and the way it sorta slips. . .sorta grips,
sorta has an insinuation; bang bang kiss;
bang bang shoot it all down so it’ll break down
so it’ll hit the ground.
get down get up true
i’m gonna shoot you. . .and i’m all outta bullets.
i’m gonna shoot you. . .and i’m all outta bullets.
never knew how ta make you bleed. . .now i can feel it on my face.
you better know what base
you’re trying to make it to.
cause now i know how ta make you bleed.
so i’m just gonna shoot you. . .and i’m all outta bullets.
i’m just gonna give you a bang bang, kiss
somethin you can’t resist; it’ll make this—
these long hours of hell and shit—
it’ll make it all feel like it never happened
and it’ll feel like; bang, bang kiss;
just you and me and only the feeling. . .
and i don’t think these bullets can miss.
so open up wide and smile for me babe
and feel this; feel this bang bang kiss.
this bang, bang kiss. . .feel this; bang bang
kiss; this. . .bang bang kiss; bang bang kiss
feel this bang bang kiss.
one of us now
hey you hey you i don’t think you’re through
hey now hey now it’s gonna go on. . .and on. . .andonandonandon
hey you hey you i don’t think you’re through
get em up against the wall! make him naked make him right in my eyes!
he’s got my prize!
that fucker’s gotta learn how to compramize! gotta learntoknowhowtoshowhisdisguise!
hey now let’s make him touch the sky! make him feel the cloudsandhowtheycry!
i sure want him to die! let’s have some fun with him—let’s mess with this guy!
it’ll be so fun, i can’t believe our luck today! ohhowgooditfeelstohaveitthisway!
oh. . .how good. . .it feels to have it this way—oh, let’s have some fun.
hey here you are here you go i’ve got something to show you my friend
this is when i do the hat trick. . .when i show you where the rabbit’s at, how far it goes—howmuchicanmakeitexposed!
lookey here, as i reach on in your chest—see this, CANYOUSEEMEREACHINGIN?
“the grimace on your face lets me know that i need you, it lets me know i could never leave you
the touch of the hand ripping your chest shows you how far it goes”—hahahah, can’t i sing?
did you like that little song? it’s the only way i can numb the pain! otherwise you gotta see it all!
ah, here we are—i feel it underneath my hands, i’m pulling it out!
nice! he’s screaming, shouting it out!
hey look here now, i’ve got your heart. . .let’s see how far i can TAKEITAPART!
how much i can make it BROKEN make it FALLENtoNOTHING. . .
do not worry, we shall replace your hearT, shall replace it with our metal parTS!
installation’s the gain of the world! it’s making it all worth its time!
and now, it is time for you to be sedated, to sleep awaythelonghoursofthisoperation,
this surgery, this hospitalization.
your eyes’re shutting ri-ght n-ow
a. . .r. . .e. . .y. . .o. . .u. . .r. . .e. . .a. . .d. . .y?
BR--. .. bring ov. . .er—the trans. . .pla. . .nt!
he’s fal-lin. .g as. .l,. . .eep—th. . .e. . .re
(there, his eyes’re closed, he’s out! let’s begin!)
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
. . .(the dead cogs of time, please! the monkey wrench please!)
. . . . . . . . .
. . . . . . . . . . . . .
(there, that about does it—just need to screw this screw in here, push this over since it’s askew, there, that about does it! it’s done)
(WAKEY) wa. . .ke. . y My. . .FrIe. . .N. . .D!
The—re he’s. . .com. . .ing to US now! Hah. . ah!
there, his eyes’re open.
ah. . .the glow in them eyes! it makes me so proud!
and look—the way he cranes his neck now! perfect, perfect!
that’s it!
youare one of us now
welcome, welcome
the machines. . .the robots. . .androids. . .
look, look at all us! the crowds
you are one of us now; are one of us now; are one of us now;
you are; are one of us now; one of us now
you are one of us now.
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