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Thursday, July 29, 2004
Fuckin Village
12:20 am
Ooooook ... i was under the impression that M Night Shyamalan was the man. Apparently he fuckin screwed up on The Village. The film was pretty bad and definitely could've been a whole lot better. I thought the story was gonna go a totally different direction, if it went more like my way it wouldve been one crazy film. But noooo the story just goes off into Weirdville, where Shyamalan seems to currently reside. Just dont bother seeing it i guess. Damn and i was waitin for this movie to come out. Ehhhhh well cya around im gonna go sleep now or stay up ... whichever.
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Wednesday, July 28, 2004
The Village SCREENER
Im goin to see The Village which comes out friday. But I get to see it today unlike all of you poor bastards. HAHA. Anywho it was made by M. Night Shyamalan who was behind Unbreakable, Signs and The Sixth Sense (which are all good movies). Im really lookin forward to seein The Village since it looks so freaky. Well sayonara and remember M. Night Shyamalan is the man.
The Village movie poster
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Sunday, July 25, 2004
Yea yea im a jerk got a problem with that
Well not much to say. I had to do a lot of tedious housework today and im really tired. Damn the tediousness ... anyway Im downloadin a fansub of Last Exile which should be done within a day and Im tryin to download this weird Evangelion fandub parody but the link i found doesnt work. The parody was made by fans of the show. They re-edited the show and added english dubbing to it. So the storyline was totally changed and results in Gendo being a pimp who is tryin to take over the world or somethin. Oh yea and its called Evangelion: Redeath. Well then I must continue my search for it so cyaz laterz.
What the fuck is that ... an angel?
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Wednesday, July 21, 2004
Shit happens
My brother got the DVD for The Shinning so we watched that last night. Its such a great, scary and funny movie. I find it hilarious whenever Jack Nicholas swears at his wife.
Jack: "Whenever im here, in this room, working i want you to stay the FUCK out! Got it, so why dont u start now and just get the fuck out."
Wendy: "....ok".
Well enough of my sadistic thoughts. So earlier today i watched Mononoke Hime for the quadrillionth time. Its such a great movie. Really its just the pinacle of animation all over the world. Think its the #2 highest grossing movie in Japan, Titanic barely beat it out ... fuckin Titanic. Not to say Titanic wasn't a good movie but people were obbessed with it (like my older sister). People would go every god damn week. Which is why the movie was out in the theatres for about 6 months. Anyway ive gone wayyy off topic. If u havent seen Mononoke Hime (aka Princess Mononoke) you seriously should be shot. I mean god damn its one of the few animes that was actually released in theatres throughout the US. So see it if u havent already and if u've already seen it watch it again ... hahaha.
^Thats Ashitaka
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Sunday, July 18, 2004
I was at a party from 4 pm yesterday to 2 pm today. I had a good time though we spent 2 hours tryin to set up a lan network so we could play against each other. But we failed for unknown reasons and ended up with only a few computers that got an internet connection. Before we tried to set up the huge gamin war we swam around in the pool (i forgot to bring swim trunks so i didnt swim but i did get pretty wet) and we ate some bbq food. After that we ended up watchin Eurotrip, Super Troopers, some Naruto, and we played halo. I was the second best person at halo, got beat by a fuckin asian (Wu-Tang) ... though technically im asian (not oriental) ... so i guess asians just rule at gamin. Anyway at like 4 am everyone decided that we should go to sleep. So we're lying around talkin for a while about dumb stuff. One of my friends (Chuck) had drank 60 oz of alcohol/soda/coffee so he kept on talkin about how much he drank, he was out of it. Gotta love him. I personally didnt go to sleep, i just lay on ground there starin at the ceiling for like 3-4 hours and thinkin about things. At like 9 am people started wakin up. And we just dicked around and played games for a while. Then at 1pm we just lay around watchin Heather play Silent Hill 3 for like an hour. Ben tried to set up a Gamecube but couldnt find the power cable or somethin. Then we packed up and went home which is when i realized i left somethin at Jon's house. So i gotta go and get it back tomorrow. Well in closing i've been up for about 30 hours and im not even tired at all, oddly enough. Sayonara bastards.
Good doggy ... keep eatin that rotting corpse. BAM.
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Wednesday, July 14, 2004
Seven Samurai ... and big mechs
Well to start off i watched Seven Samurai this morning. Its 204 minutes long (uh ... 3hr 24min). It was made in the 50's by Akira Kurosawa along with a bunch of other good movies. But Seven Samurai is what he is mostly known for. Akira Kurosawa was a big influence on George Lucas which is evident in his Star Wars series. First off R2D2 and C3PO were takin from two characters in The Hidden Fortress. They were these two idiots that by chance stumbled into the whole plot much like how the droids happen to meet up with the princess and Luke. Also the reason the way of the Jedi is very closely related to the way of the samurai is because of George Lucas's interest in Kurosawa's films. Theres probably a lot more influences but ive only watched two of Akira Kurosawa's films.
Well anyway I picked it from my bros DVD collection cuz im watching Samurai 7 which is a new anime thats loosely based off seven samurai. I say loosely cuz the anime deals with samurais vs big mech things and has a lot of plot differences from the movie. Only the basic story layout remains the same. Not to say that the changes are bad in any way cuz I really like the anime from the 4 eps. i've seen.
Akira Kurosawa's Classic
I also continued to play Tales of Symponia with my little brother. The two player mode is cool since i cant count on the cpu for the other party members. Its retarded and it'll do things like heal a person who has full life while leaving the other party members to die. And I love the real time battle system cuz u are directly involved in the combat. The fighting system is basically a trademark of the Tales series though no one really knows a lot about the Tales series since most only came out in Japan. Anyway the battle system is very unique and combines a normal turn based RPG's engine with a fighting game engine. So u have combo attacks and are able to pause the action to select a different character, magic attack, item to use, and other stuff. So playin with a buddy really unlocks its potential. I have the original Tales of Phantasia rom for the snes. It was only released in Japan, i think, so the one i have was translated by some dude. The fighting system was very similar to Symphonia and its a shame to that it didnt come to the US. I never finished playin it cuz its an old game and i felt like playin some newer games though the story and gameplay were both good. Well if u want to play it, finding a copy and a the ZSNES emulator online (Zsnes is the best one out) shouldnt be hard. I also played Tales of Destiny 2 (on the playstation) for a few minutes. The battle system was basically the same as the snes one though i didnt get to see if there were any differences. So in closing if u have a Gamecube u must buy Tales of Symphonia since its one of the few games that are worth buying.
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Monday, July 12, 2004
Finally my wait is almost over. Tomorrow Tales of Symphonia is coming out. This would mark the first time i've actually bought a game in a long long while. Usually i just play pirated games on my bros Xbox. A cool feature with Tales of Symphonia is that it is a 1-4 player game. Only one other rpg, that i know of, is like that. And thats Final Fantasy Chrystal Chronicles. I heard that the english voice acting wasnt that great for Tales of Symphonia and they dont have an option to choose the japanese voice acting with english subs. But all that doesnt really matter too much since it is gonna be the only RPG i own on the gamecube since its the only one thats good. I might buy another RPG thats comin out on the gamecube, its called Baten Kaitos. Actually both Baten Kaitos and Tales of Symphonia are made by Namco and they're both supposed to be pretty good. WELL tomorrow i'll probably be playin Tales of Symphonia for the good chunk of the day so i wont be online much. Sayonara people.
The Tales of Symphonia Group
Colette and Lloyd
Colette with Wings Spread
Cellshaded Graphics
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Sunday, July 11, 2004
Well its just about 3 am and ive been watchin this online cartoon series for the past couple hours. The main characters are this crazy squirrel named Foamy and his owner, Germaine, who's a gothic chick. Here's the link ... i suggest you take a look at it cuz i dont know what ill do if u dont.
Germaine at Hospital |
Right before i watched that Foamy cartoon I watched Legend which is kinda old (1985) and stars Tom Cruise. I heard that the movie influenced Shigeru Miyamoto when he made The Legend of Zelda. And after watching it, there were some aspects of the game that were obviously taken from the movie. Especially in Ocarina of Time. Oona definitely influenced the creation of Navi. Jack is a human who lives in the forest that elves inhabit much like how Link who is hyrulian and lives with the elves in kokiri forest. In the begining Jack is dressed in a green tunic, though it is very very worn and dirty. He also receives a sword that is similarly shaped to the master sword but is a golden color (not blue). He also gets a shitty gold shield and he uses a bow and arrow in one scene. And to beat the demon lord guy, jack uses a bunch of mirrors to reflect light at him. Like in zelda where u have to position a few mirrors to move to the next room and i think there was a boss that had to shine light at though i dont remember exactly. Well anyway if ur a big Zelda fan u might want to pick up Legend to see its origins.
Adult Link with Master Sword |
Well in anime news im dl'ing Samurai 7 episodes 3+4. The show looks good from what ive seen but i cant really tell if its gonna be good or not ... so heres to hoping that it doesnt dissapoint. I heard the show was really expensive to make so odds are it'll be worth watching.
Well yea its about 3:30 am now so im gonna go sleep sleep. Sayonara.
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Friday, July 9, 2004
Quiz Quiz Quiz
I took a quiz I saw somewhere on Kelsey05's site. Here it is.
If You Were Magically Zapped into Kingdom Hearts, Which Character Would You Be Most Like?
"Is it for the children? For a memory? Or for himself?" - Advent Children
You are most like Cloud. Strong and handsome, you often feel the need to show the world what you're made of. You will go to any length to do this, even if it means giving up the things that you love.
Heres the link for the Quiz Kingdom Hearts
Last night i saw the screener for Anchorman. It's the funniest movie I've seen in a while. There are a bunch of cameo appearances like Jack Black (His scene in the movie is hilarious). So do all of yourselves a favor and see it.
No anime news though i havent checked for any fansubs.
No manga news.
My little bro has a 14 day free trial for this MMORPG called EVE. Its kinda boring since all i can do right now is mine asteroids for money. Another thing that suxs is that u spend all of ur time in a little spaceship and u cant land on any of the numerous planets they have. And i havent fought any enemies. Funny story, my little brother was playin and whenever he left the space station he would be attack by a group of guys (we call them the bandits) and would be killed in a matter of seconds. So he would die before he has the chance to make the jump to light speed. Well in other gaming news i cant wait for Tales of Symphonia to come out. Gotta wait a few more days. For all of u that dont know its the best RPG on the Gamecube which once again doesnt say much since gamecube only has a handfull of RPG's. But it may also be the best RPG on any of the current systems. I'm also plannin on getting Metroid Prime 2 and Resident Evil 4, whenever those come out.
P.S. Whoever's lookin at this site tell me if everything looks freakishly big on ur computer. Cuz i use the Mozilla web browser now. But i just checked my site on Internet Explorer and everythin was huge, though on Mozilla everythin looks fine. So just post a comment tellin me if it looks fine or not.
Well till next time:
"Stay classy ... Planet Earth" - Ron Burgundy
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Wednesday, July 7, 2004
All work and no play makes me a dull boy...
I've been doin a lot of yard work the past few days and i think im finally done. So in commemoration of that fact i decided to post some more random shit. Well past few days were bad cuz of all the work which left my hands in a pitifull sore, blistered, and bloody state. And the fact that it was hot out didnt help either. Well im used to that kinda work i guess.
In anime news im currently DL'ing Samurai Champloo Ep 5.
NO manga news since im not a big manga person.
Well ill start postin gaming news. I already pre-ordered Tales of Symphonia which is comin out the 13th. Im also plannin on buyin a Ps2 when i get some cash. I already have a Gamecube and my older bro has a modded Xbox. For the xbox im gonna burn Ninja Gaiden onto the hard drive, after i rent it from blockbuster or find a friend that has it. Gotta love piracy.
Ryu Hayabusa
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