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College student by day and by night, well, I'll just leave you guessing
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Staying at least partially sane, and I'm a top ten Greetizer. whoo hoo
Anime Fan Since
Favorite Anime
Gundam Wing, Wolfs Rain, Gundam Seed, Fruits Basket, Vampire Game, Full Metal Alchemists, Slayers, Getbackers, Tsubasa, Death Note and more than likly several more I have forgotten.
To make it thourgh college without a major breakdown, and to become fluent in the Japanese language.
Reading, Anime(of course), and hanging out with my human and animal sidekicks.
Confusing myself along with other people
Monday, March 21, 2005
Part Three
Okay heres the thrid part, sorry it took so long, me and Ceekari had a few technical diffculties. n_n
Chapter Three – Alchemic Anger Management(continued)
Once they were in the office, Mitzy locked the door. “Now,” she said calmly, “Why don’t you tell us your problem?”
Edward, who was being forcibly restrained in a chair by Chrissy, growled, “What problem? I don’t have a problem.”
Chrissy and Mitzy exchanged glances. “We think you do,” said Chrissy. “Oh, yes,” said Mitzy, “You most definitely have problems. Now, I’ll say a word, and you say the first thing that comes to mind, ok?
Ed glared.
“Temper,” said Mitzy.
“My temper is fine.”
“Can’t be created.”
“My house.”
Mitzy finished taking the notes. “Well, I think we know what the problem is. Now, let’s find out why.”
Chrissy let go of Ed, who was now thoroughly tied to the chair. “I’m going to swing this watch, and you are going to watch it closely.”
“Hey! That’s MY watch!” Ed shouted.
“Shhh. Just watch the watch. Waaaatch the waaatch…” Chrissy said, swinging the State Alchemist’s watch in front of his face.
“Now, tell us about your life. When did the problems start?” Chrissy asked.
“When that freak out there called me pipsqueak and you guys kidnapped me.”
“Um, how about a little earlier than that?” Chrissy suggested, holding Mitzy at bay. The shrink was about to kill the patient for calling Duo, whom she obviously had a crush on, a freak.
“Um, well. My dad left us. My mom died because she missed him, and I made her flowers, and people called me short, and we tried to resurrect our mom, and I almost killed my brother, and I lost my arm and leg, but Winry made me some automail, so now I have a kick-ass arm and leg, but my brother is a suit of armor, and-“
“Ok, ok.” Chrissy said, pocketing the watch. “I think that’s fine for now. You may wait for us in the waiting room,” she said after she untied him.
Ed stumbled out of the room in a daze. Chrissy made a gesture indicating the guy was a basket case, and Mitzy nodded. “The world’s full of ‘em,” she said. “Which is a good thing. More money for people like us.”
Bonus Chapter – The Day the Muse Died
Chrissy: (sobs)
Mitzy: What’s wrong?
Chrissy: My… my muse disappeared!! (sobs harder)
Britty: Did she just say her moose is gone?
Mitzy: (whispers) No, her muse, m-u-s-e. It’s the little creature that gives her inspiration, helps her creative juices get going.
Britty: Ohhhh. What’s it look like?
Mitzy: Kinda like this:

Britty: o.O EEEP!
Mitzy: Just kidding. You have one too.
Britty: I do?
Mitzy: (nodnod) You just have to know what it looks like.
Britty: And that would be?
Mitzy: This.

Britty: ^__^ Ohhh, yeah, I think I’ve seen her under my bed.
Mitzy: Yep, and there’s mine.

Britty: O.o Figures.
Mitzy: And Matt’s.
Britty: I’m afraid to ask, but what’s Matt’s?
Mitzy: Oh, just this.

Britty: o.O;
Mitzy: And Breanne’s

Britty: It looks like they have about the same taste, huh?
Mitzy: Then there’s Flueky’s.

Britty: Yup, no surprise there.
Mitzy: no, not really. And Darke’s.

Britty: Cute ^_^
Mitzy: Yup.
Britty: But what is Chrissy’s, then?
Mitzy: This one

Chrissy: (jumps up) YOU FOUND HER!!! (huggles her)
Muse: X_X
Mitzy: It’s no wonder it ran away…
Britty: Yup…
Chapter Four – A Computer Obsession
Chrissy and Mitzy entered the waiting room with caution this time. They checked with the receptionist, a brunette named Flueky, to see if anyone else had checked in. Sure enough, a Satoshi Hikaru had checked in. They spied the newcomer glaring at the young boy who had come in with his mother. The boy looked nervous, probably because his mother was glaring knives, daggers and other sharp objects at the boy who was staring at him. Mitzy took the list of names from Flueky, who was drooling on her keyboard while looking at pictures of her online boyfriend.
Suddenly, there was a scream. “You’re a guy?!?!” one of the twins on the couch yelled. The purple haired lady, or, well, everyone else thought it was a lady, looked at the twin. “It’s not like you need to worry, I’m not interested in girls.”
“I’m not a girl!” The twin yelled back. The other twin looked up. “Um, Duzie?”
Belatedly, Duzie realized that that might not have been the smartest thing to tell her, er…him, just as the dude who looked like a lady glomped him. “Nuriko… get off me!!!” he yelled.
Mitzy and Chrissy looked at each other, both thinking this was getting very interesting.
“Um, Hideki and Chi? No last names…” Chrissy looked around the room. The magazine reader from earlier stood up. “That’s us,” he told the blonde girl with funny ears.
Chapter Five - Average-Sized Issues
Chrissy and Mitzy managed to get the two patients into the room with no problems.
“Now, what seems to be the problem?”
The blonde girl piped in. “Hideki is average-sized!”
Both Mitzy and Chrissy turned an interesting shade of red.
“Chi! I told you not to say that!” yelled Hideki.
“Ah…um… If that’s the problem, I think there are other doctors you should… um… talk to,” said Mitzy. Chrissy nodded.
“Nononono!” yelled Hideki. “That’s not the problem! I mean, I am, but- Argh! I’m in love with my computer!”
Chi glomped the average-sized Hideki. “Hideki loves Chi!”
Mitzy raised an eyebrow. “Sooo, she’s a computer.”
Chrissy jumped up. “Chi! Can you search for cute single guys around here?”
Chi nodded. “Chi thinks there are some in the waiting room.”
Hearing this, Chrissy dashed out of the room, leaving a confused Mitzy to counsel the two lovebirds…love-processors?
Mitzy sighed, then jumped up on her desk. “If you two love each other, go for it! Who cares if others make fun of you or think you’re a sick bastard who can’t find a real chick?! Who cares if they beat you up and burn down your house! YOU SHOULD BE FREE TO LOVE!!! Besides, you and Chi are really cute.”
Hideki and Chi hastily made their way back to the waiting room, afraid of what the shrink might say next, or what Chi might repeat. Mitzy shrugged and went to find her co-worker.
Bonus Chapter – The Gundam Pilots Decide to go to Therapy
(Heero, Duo, Quatre, Trowa, and Wufei are sitting outside, enjoying the sun)
Duo: Hey, Heero…Do you ever feel like ripping out random people’s entrails?
All: o.o
Heero: Yes.
Duo: Think it might be because of the war?
Heero: Hn.
Quatre: I randomly feel like wearing my sisters’ dresses.
Trowa: Same here.
Quatre: Catherine doesn’t have a dress that will fit you.
Trowa: I know. That’s why I’m not wearing one right now.
Quatre: Ah.
Wufei: You know, I’m beginning to think the fanfics are right.
Quatre, Trowa: What, about you liking Duo?
Wufei: -_-+ NO!
(Quatre and Trowa giggle)
Relena: What’s so funny?
Duo: Heero wants to rip out people’s entrails, Quatre and Trowa want to wear dresses, and Wufei is in love with me.
Wufei: I AM NOT!
Relena: I think it’s time for a visit to the therapist.
Duo: Hey, did you ever notice? If you put a space in therapist, it’s the rapist.
Quatre: I don’t wanna go to the rapist!
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