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myOtaku.com: mitzy

Wednesday, October 5, 2005

Name:If I tell you that I'd have to kill you. That can get kinda messy so for internet puposes I'm Mitzy tho I've been called mork, stupid, baka, and hey you as well.
Birthplace:Hm...not sure I was a little distracted at the time.
Current Location:Look behind you!
Eye Color:Brownish although once in a great while they turm green.
Hair Color:Brown, some of my friends say I have natural highlight but I don't see them.
Height:Depends on the time of day.
Right Handed or Left Handed:I have both my hands thank you
Your Heritage:Well you see it all started with.......................................................................(3 hours later), and then there was me.
The Shoes You Wore Today:I don't need shoes I can fllllllllllllllllllllyyyyyyy!
Your Weakness:O please don't get me started, what are you trying to do get me depressed.
Your Fears:Failure in life, I also have major neck issues. Hey did you just see that cute vampire walk by.
Your Perfect Pizza:Cheese!
Goal You Would Like To Achieve This Year:Hm...Go to college without a major guilt trip, right now I'm pretty sure no matter which one I chose I'm letting someone down.
Your Most Overused Phrase On an instant messenger:Tis! n_n
Thoughts First Waking Up:Aw I did'nt have time to beat the bad guy up tonight.
Your Best Physical Feature:Hm....um....I...have'nt thought about it....I have...small.....feet....that's okay...right.
Your Bedtime:Whenever my homework's done, tho it's getting later every night.
Your Most Missed Memory:I'm not missing any memories, I counted them last week. Why! You have'nt been snooping around in my head trying to steal things have you. I'll have you know my mind can play some weird tricks you may never get out again.
Pepsi or Coke:Hm..Dr. Pepper all the way tho I like Root beer to.
MacDonalds or Burger King:McDonalds they have the best french fries. n_n
Single or Group Dates:Um...well....you see I only date in my dreams and just for your info you pervs. I never get very far.
Lipton Ice Tea or Nestea:Tea is NASTY, gross, disgusting..................totally yuck central...............I hate Tea.
Chocolate or Vanilla:Vanilla
Cappuccino or Coffee:Um...I'll take a Hot Chocolate please
Do you Smoke:Ew no
Do you Swear:Somtimes, it's usually a quote tho. I have been known to let a few Dams er..accidently slip tho....Your not buying this are you, I would'nt either did you see the price tag.
Do you Sing:Only in the shower Do ray fa so la ti Doooo, there aren't you impressed....What your not.
Do you Shower Daily:Somtimes its seems like hourly, I really like baths to relax and read, and showers to help wake me up.
Have you Been in Love:Lets see...not actual love No, but I've been known to go a little ga ga for some two-dimensional characters, not naming any names *cough*(kaworu, Xellos, Duo)
Do you want to go to College:Most definatly ASAP
Do you want to get Married:Yeah I think so!
Do you belive in yourself:Depends, I believe that I'm here, I think, unless this is all a dream, and if so whose dream is it, and does that make me real and if I'm not real than can I believe in my self, how does one define real anyway......................................................................
Do you get Motion Sickness:I used to real bad when I was little(about 1.333 inches), but now only when I read.
Do you think you are Attractive:Define Attractive
Are you a Health Freak:Nononono do you have any cookie dough
Do you get along with your Parents:Somtimes, we don't get into any screaming matches or anything, we just don't have many of the same interests.
Do you like Thunderstorms:Definatly did you see that lightening, Whoo Hoo!
Do you play an Instrument:I wish.
In the past month have you Drank Alcohol:No but I did try some wine and a Margrita over the summer, It tasted awful, Alcohol is such a waste of time.
In the past month have you Smoked:Uh No I don't smoke, ew
In the past month have you been on Drugs:major antiinflamortorys(sore back)
In the past month have you gone on a Date:What are you people braindead it's not like Xellos is going to pop out the sky...hey what's that....I'll be right back.
In the past month have you gone to a Mall:Only to go to work!
In the past month have you eaten a box of Oreos:No unfortunatly
In the past month have you eaten Sushi:Ew...gross
In the past month have you been on Stage:Stage Coach
In the past month have you been Dumped:As If
In the past month have you gone Skinny Dipping:No, tho I did once when I was like ten, Yeah long story
In the past month have you Stolen Anything:No Way!
Ever been Drunk:Naw I decided I can get to la la land on my own thanks
Ever been called a Tease:I don't think so, maybe as a joke.
Ever been Beaten up:As if anyone can catch me!
Ever Shoplifted:No
How do you want to Die:Only Mortals Die
What do you want to be when you Grow Up:um...taller
What country would you most like to Visit:Japan
In a Boy/Girl..
Favourite Eye Color:Hm..I'm not really picky it's the personality that counts
Favourite Hair Color:Dido
Short or Long Hair:I do sorta go for the slightly long hair guys
Height:Taller than me
Best Clothing Style:Whatever they find comfortable
Number of Drugs I have taken:I dunno
Number of CDs I own:5(All anime)
Number of Piercings:One and I was born with it
Number of Tattoos:Hm....Lets see...Nope none
Number of things in my Past I Regret:Ever heard of the Butterfly Effect


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