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Friday, February 24, 2006

I'm alive and fic part 3
Well i made it threw my DAR meeting and I'm alive, I was the youngest person their by about 30 years but maybe once I start to understand things a little better it will be fun, i have to go again next month to. Other than that I had to work last night it was so boring and by the time I get home all I want to do is sleep. Ever feel like that? Well anyway I don't have much else to say so here is chapters 4 and 5 of our fanfic. Enjoy and please give feedback. n_n

Chapter Four – A Computer Obsession
Chrissy and Mitzy entered the waiting room with caution this time. They checked with the receptionist, a brunette named Flueky, to see if anyone else had checked in. Sure enough, a Satoshi Hikaru had checked in. They spied the newcomer glaring at the young boy who had come in with his mother. The boy looked nervous, probably because his mother was glaring knives, daggers and other sharp objects at the boy who was staring at him. Mitzy took the list of names from Flueky, who was drooling on her keyboard while looking at pictures of her online boyfriend.
Suddenly, there was a scream. “You’re a guy?!?!” one of the twins on the couch yelled. The purple haired lady, or, well, everyone else thought it was a lady, looked at the twin. “It’s not like you need to worry, I’m not interested in girls.”
“I’m not a girl!” The twin yelled back. The other twin looked up. “Um, Duzie?”
Belatedly, Duzie realized that that might not have been the smartest thing to tell her, er…him, just as the dude who looked like a lady glomped him. “Nuriko… get off me!!!” he yelled.
Mitzy and Chrissy looked at each other, both thinking this was getting very interesting.
“Um, Hideki and Chi? No last names…” Chrissy looked around the room. The magazine reader from earlier stood up. “That’s us,” he told the blonde girl with funny ears.
Chrissy and Mitzy managed to get the two patients into the room with no problems.
“Now, what seems to be the problem?”
The blonde girl piped in. “Hideki is average-sized!”
Both Mitzy and Chrissy turned an interesting shade of red.
“Chi! I told you not to say that!” yelled Hideki.
“Ah…um… If that’s the problem, I think there are other doctors you should… um… talk to,” said Mitzy. Chrissy nodded.
“Nononono!” yelled Hideki. “That’s not the problem! I mean, I am, but- Argh! I’m in love with my computer!”
Chi glomped the average-sized Hideki. “Hideki loves Chi!”
Mitzy raised an eyebrow. “Sooo, she’s a computer.”
Chrissy jumped up. “Chi! Can you search for cute single guys around here?”
Chi nodded. “Chi thinks there are some in the waiting room.”
Hearing this, Chrissy dashed out of the room, leaving a confused Mitzy to counsel the two lovebirds…love-processors?
Mitzy sighed, then jumped up on her desk. “If you two love each other, go for it! Who cares if others make fun of you or think you’re a sick bastard who can’t find a real chick?! Who cares if they beat you up and burn down your house! YOU SHOULD BE FREE TO LOVE!!! Besides, you and Chi are really cute.”
Hideki and Chi hastily made their way back to the waiting room, afraid of what the shrink might say next, or what Chi might repeat. Mitzy shrugged and went to find her co-worker.

Bonus Chapter – The Gundam Pilots Decide to go to Therapy
(Heero, Duo, Quatre, Trowa, and Wufei are sitting outside, enjoying the sun)
Duo: Hey, Heero…Do you ever feel like ripping out random people’s entrails?
All: o.o
Heero: Yes.
Duo: Think it might be because of the war?
Heero: Hn.
Quatre: I randomly feel like wearing my sisters’ dresses.
Trowa: Same here.
Quatre: Catherine doesn’t have a dress that will fit you.
Trowa: I know. That’s why I’m not wearing one right now.
Quatre: Ah.
Wufei: You know, I’m beginning to think the fanfics are right.
Quatre, Trowa: What, about you liking Duo?
Wufei: -_-+ NO!
(Quatre and Trowa giggle)
Relena: What’s so funny?
Duo: Heero wants to rip out people’s entrails, Quatre and Trowa want to wear dresses, and Wufei is in love with me.
Wufei: I AM NOT!
Relena: I think it’s time for a visit to the therapist.
Duo: Hey, did you ever notice? If you put a space in therapist, it’s the rapist.
Quatre: I don’t wanna go to the rapist!

Chapter Five – Fun with Food
Chrissy was in the waiting room, holding on to Duzell’s arm. Duzell himself was looking a little ill. Mitzy took pity on him and pulled Chrissy away. The waiting room was still at a relatively high level of chaos, when there was a knock on the door. Mitzy and Chrissy ran over. Food! They held the door open for the snack deliveryman. It was Matt, a former patient. His old psychologist had given up after two sessions, but he still hung around the office, making himself useful when he could. He made a useful guard, with his unkempt hair, black wings, and horns. People were too afraid to break in.
He always handed out the snacks with a smile, albeit a psychotic one. He did so now as he talked to Mitzy and Chrissy. “So, how’s work going?” he asked.
“Same old, same old,” Mitzy said as she snatched up her seventh bag of M&Ms. “You?”
“Things are going swell. I’m making a new Star Wars movie, and I haven’t caused anyone any major injuries at all this week.”
“That’s great!” said Chrissy, munching a fudge brownie.
The rest of the waiting room was quite now, except for the crunching and chewing sounds that all anime characters make when eating. That didn’t last long however.
“FOOD FIGHT! Heads up, Quatre!” yelled Duo as he hurled a Snickers at the blonde man across from him. The candy bar smacked Quatre in the nose, and he quickly retaliated with a fistful of Skittles, some of which missed and rained onto a young-ish boy’s head. “Sorry, Daisuke!” Quatre yelled. His mom, seeing she was in no shape to defend himself, threw a honey-bun at Quatre. He ducked and the bun went sailing over his head. It hit Nuriko, who was still tightly attached to Duzell. “Ishtar! I could use some help!” he yelled at his twin. At this point, all hell broke loose. Nuriko gathered a handful of snacks from the cart and began hurling them with enough force to put holes in the walls… and other patients. Hideki took a Starburst to the forehead and fell. Chi poked him, looking confused.
Chrissy jumped onto a chair. “ORDER! ORDER IN THE COURT!”
Ed jumped up. “I’ll take a nutty-buddy…in your face!” he yelled as he chucked one at Chrissy. The snack nailed her in the left eye. Thankfully, her glasses stopped it from doing any real damage. However, now she was pissed. With a growl, she hurled a jelly doughnut at Ed.
Ed ducked and the doughnut fell into Duzell’s lap. The twins simultaneously jumped up and entered the fight. Mitzy stood by the side, trying to talk reason into the psychos, including her co-worker, when a cupcake plopped onto her head. All thoughts of reasoning with her patients left her mind as she armed herself with a bag of Tostitos and began throwing them Frisbee-style around the room. One of the Frisbee-Tostitos hit Flueky as she peeked over her desk. Flueky, who had always had something of a temper, lost it and entered the fight as well. Matt had been throwing food all along, and he and Flueky teamed up against Chrissy and Mitzy, while all the patients seemed to be fighting indiscriminately. Behind up-turned table, the Gundam pilots were actively engaged in the battle. “Watch it , Trowa!” Quatre yelled. He shoved his friend aside and lobbed a glob of jell-o at Mitzy, who retaliated by climbing over the table and pouring a large box of nerds down the back of his pants. Heero shot Sango in the forehead with a marshmallow from his gun, causing her to fall backwards and land butt-first in large coconut cream pie. The mother who had come in with her son was attempting to strangle Satoshi with a Fruit by the Foot while growling that she’d never let him arrest her little boy. Her son was trying to make her understand that while he didn’t want to be arrested, he didn’t want her to murder anyone, especially not with a food he happened to like. The fight came to a halt when Nuriko grabbed the entire food cart and swung it across the room, knocking out the majority of the fighters in the process. Chrissy took Nuriko down with a well-aimed Hershey Kiss, and the two shrinks assessed the damage.
Miroku was trying to feel up Sango, using the whipped cream on her rear as an excuse. Nuriko had collapsed onto Duzell, and was refusing to get off. Ishtar was trying not to step in anything while attempting to get Nuriko off him. All the Gundam pilots were still behind the overturned table, which was covered in splattered foodstuff. Their only casualties appeared to be Quatre, from the Snickers, and Heero’s gun, which had somehow gotten a jumbo Tootsie Roll jammed in the barrel. Heero was cradling it and glaring at anyone who came near. Ed was attempting to remove a Skittle from his nose, and Chi was systematically picking cupcake sprinkles out of Hideki’s hair. Matt and Flueky were munching on various M&Ms and Skittles from the floor.
The room, needless to say, was a complete wreck. Magazines covered the floor, chair and end tables were overturned and everything was covered in food. Several cupcakes and doughnuts were stuck to the ceiling and walls.
And the poor shrinks, Mitzy and Chrissy, were not in great shape either. Chrissy had an M&M or two in one ear and the shape of a nutty-buddy ingrained in her face. Mitzy had frosting in her hair and on her face, and was trying, without success, to reach it with her tongue.
Chrissy gave a final shake of her head, sending the M&Ms flying from her ear, hitting Mitzy in the process.
“Now, can we please have the next patient?” Chrissy asked, smiling like the lunatic that she was.
“ME! I’LL GO!” yelled Duzell, crawling across the floor with Nuriko hanging onto his ankle. Ishtar stepped in to help, calling out an weird foreign language. Nuriko promptly went completely bald. He screamed and let go of Duzell long enough to yell something to the effect of, “My beautiful hair! You’re gonna get it, you hag!” On the other side of the room, Duo shuddered and moved as far away from Ishtar as he could.
“Ooops,” said Ishtar. “I only meant to electrocute him a little. My bad!” She grabbed Duzell’s hand and followed the shrinks, leaving a sobbing, bald Nuriko behind.
As they left, Mitzy turned and shouted, “When we get back, this room had better be spotless or it’s ‘Omae o korosu’ for all of you!”
Duo, who had pretty much started the entire thing, squeaked out a “Yes, Ma’am!”

Well what do you guys think chapter 5 has always been one of my favorites it was certainly fun to write. n_n

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