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Wednesday, September 20, 2006
Hey hey!! This is AJ typing here! It's been so long since we last updated this! Today I have a journal entry of Miyavi's! I'll put the translations on here, but if you'd like to see the Japanese, I'll also put the link to the page I got this from at the end of the post!!
Happy birthday to me.
I’ve happily turned 20 (Sorry everytime everytime)
Finally one step down the everyday generals
Now, as for the other day I was butt naked for some reason (censored out)
And well I’ve gotten bigger, I’d say.
.. that is not news about ‘down there’.
And now I still have more than half a life left, I suppose?
I wonder how it’ll be, me and you [pl.].
I don’t know,
I don’t know, but
Even when I die
I think it’d be nice to be able to smile like this.
I really think that from my heart.
To have a life in which one can die smiling.
Hurry without haste,
I’ll leap without bouncing.
Although I’ve said this all along,
For some reason I’ve though that again today.
Or from than that sort of thing,
Sorry to those who sent me birthday mails saying that same thing.
‘Cause you can send it next year too.
I’m greatful for being born.
Tomorrow (it’s already today, isn’t it)
For 5 days, let’s love each other lots and lots
PS: Of course those who can’t go to the Hall, as well.
That was the entry from the 14th of September.
Oh yes!! Don't forget!! Miyavi is really 25 now! I think he's referring to his song “Hatachi Kinenbi” (Gagaku) which means “Twentieth Birthday”. But he's been saying he's 20 every year now!!!
Okay! Here's the link!!
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Sunday, September 17, 2006
i have just a small miyavi interview for you from this august. enjoy ^__~
Clickie Here
~bai bai~
Kayla a.k.a. lemurturtle
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Thursday, September 14, 2006
Happy 25th Birthday Miyavi! If any of you are doing anything special, i'd really like to know. and if you guys liked Selfish love, heres the link to download it Download here
a.k.a. lemurturtle
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Monday, September 11, 2006
hey everyone hows it going? pretty good here. well today i have miyavi's new PV just incase you haven't seen it yet. It's called selfish love, its from his upcoming album, miyaviuta (which comes out this wednesday ^o^!) plz enjoy ^ ~!
¢¾Selfish Love¢¾
~bai bai~
Kayla (a.k.a. lemurturtle)
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Sunday, September 10, 2006
I just found something out about meevs! he's half korean! well, here's part of the interview (not translated by me) it's funny because alot of people kept on thinking he wasn't full japanese, well now they know.
Here he shares his personal history. Starting with a surprising word: 3rd generation zainichi (Korean-Japanese), death of his senpai, and his suicidal thoughts when the band got dismembered.
Interviewer: You were born in Hyogo?
Miyavi: Today I want to talk about my past before I was born.
I: Then about your parents?
M: Yes, this is the first time I am mentioning, I am 3rd generation zainichi (Korean-Japanese). Looking at the bloodline, I am mixed. My father's side, grandfather and grandmother are from Jejo island, which is famous for tourist site. They were living their until they came to Japan.
I: Did you know this truth when you were little?
M: No, at first the questions brought up, but I forgot. But you know when relatives get married. My father had 8 siblings. And he is the first son, so he always had to attend wedding ceremonies. I remember when I went with him to the wedding, at the front door the last names were written in big letters. When I saw it, one side was written "Lee" and the other side had "Kim". So even though I was little, (laughs) I knew those last names weren't much seen in Japan. And when I was little, I used to eat jijime(Korean food? I don't know) and see jogori (Korean traditional dress). Although I didn't know much when I was little, I knew I was alittle different.
I: So even though you were born and raised in Japan, you felt your surrounding wasn't quite Japan you are saying?
M: Yes, I felt it. I recently found out that my family's last name is Lee . There is Bruce Lee (different chinese/kanji character), so I thought it was okay to have Lee as last name (laughs). My grandfather and grandmother lived in Jurubashi. I was born in Nisikujo .
I: So after you were born, did you move straight to Hyogo?
M: No, until first grade in elementary school I lived in Nisikujo. I was very popular at stores. My mother's side grandfather and grandmother lived near, so I went to play there and they always gave me 100yens. (laughs). Also, when I went to public bath, they always bought me fruit juice and small toys (laughs).
I: So the neighbors all thought you were cute?
M: Of course(laughs)
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Saturday, August 12, 2006
i'm gonna post this really fast. i just want to give you an example of how tricky miyavi is with his wording, heres today's journal entry. and i get the translations from masakarasu at livejournal. i give you the link cuz i can't get the japanese to show up and you kinda need it to understand it.
click here
bai bai
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Friday, August 11, 2006
if you like the song above you can download it here
ok, i promised i'd start posting miyavi's journal entries so here's todays. it's kinda short (but they usually are) he sometimes post more then one a day so if he posts another i'll at it too!
Translated by: Jessica
Date: Friday, August 11, 2006 9:22 AM
Now, I'm off, to Oomiya.
It's been a while, so I'm excited.
Lately, I've not been* well, but everyone, take care of your health ok~
That's all, Miyabi.
* this is the only part I'm not sure about. "watoi? wati? wato? @_@"
I think this is like Japanese pig-latin. very not-easy for me to translate. *shakes fists in Miyavi's general direction*
ok there you go, man, this post is so short, well, heres a miyavi wallie to make it seem a little longer (i love this wallpaper)

bai bai
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Monday, August 7, 2006
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Sunday, August 6, 2006
if you like the miyavi song above, you can download it here
hello! this is Kayla, to start, i think it would be a good idea to post some information about miyavi just incase you don't know too much about him yet.
Name: Miyavi
Nicknames/shorts: Meever, Meev/MYV
Formerly known as: Miyabi (means “elegant”)
Real name: unknown (he has asked that those who know keep it secret out of respect for his privacy. He often provides fake names, and according to certion melutomo/diary, it has a certain ending... but you should go to Masa Karasu LJ comm for that XD)
Position: former guitarist and back-up vocalist for Due le Quartz, currently a solo artist
Record Company: PS Company (supposedly it stands for Phalanx of Swashbucklers *or Phonetically Syndicated*, but usu. in PVs and stuff it's Phalanx ^^)
Place of residence: last I heard, somewhere in Chiba, Japan, probably along the Tokyo Bay coast where he can see Mt. Fuji
Place of birth: Amagasaki, Hyougoken, Japan
Birthday: September 14, 1981
Current age: 24
Zodiac: Virgo (he used to claim it was Pegasus)
Chinese whatever sign: Rooster
Height: 185 cm (6’ ¾”)
Weight: 57 kg (125 lbs, though recently he looks a bit fuller to me)
Shoe size: 9 US
Blood type: AB (though he says its ABC)
Favorite food: he says he loves sweets but he's not going to give in to them anymore. he likes lean, white meats (esp chicken XD) and other healthy foods. (as can be heard directly from Miyavi on White day clips and in the minibio at
Favorite color: pink
Favorite cigarette brand: Seven Star Box (but he has quit, using Paipo, an inhaler with no nicotine or tobacco that comes in various flavors, which you may see him using in many pictures)
Favorite artist: he claims its himself, though he does look up to Toshiya of Dir en Grey and the late Kazuki of Raphael
Favorite cologne: he says he's never been one to wear any, but says he uses whatever his fans send him (one sent him Dolce & Gabanna, which is why you may sometimes hear that)
Piercings: 3 in his left ear, 1 in his right ear (he used to have 2), 1 in his right eyebrow, 1 in left nostril, 1 in right bottom lip, and 1 secret (though I've never heard him speak of it).
Tattoos: 1. right arm: “I am the one and only…. In heaven and on earth.” (this is his favorite and first tattoo. Some say that it says “In heaven and on earth, there is only one of me”. it is a slight twist of a Japanese saying.). 2. right wrist: “Due ‘le Quartz” (tribute to Miyavi’s first band, back when he was known as Miyabi). 3. under naval in a smile pattern: “don’t hesitate & go” (some of his most famous lyrics from POP is Dead. One of his more recent tattoos.) 4. fingers of right hand: the Greek letters Mu, Psi, and an upside-down Omega, so it looks like MYV 5. fingers of left hand: “382”, (basically a numerical form of his name 3=mi, 8=ya, 2=bi.) 6. left shoulder: “Ore” ("ore" is an informal, and sometimes proud way of referring to oneself. no reference to Oresama; he got this tattoo before the movie.) 7. behind right shoulder: "ware" (another informal, but proud way of referring to oneself) 8. collar bone: “un-do” (no idea, though I will leave you do your own guesses). 9. right forearm: “9” (once again, I am lost. But I would guess that its because 3 is the most powerful number and 9 is 3 to the power of 3. But, this has no affiliation with Miyavi whatsoever, it is merely my own guessmaking; so, don't go with that. You can draw your own conclusions.) 10. inside of upper right arm: “more haste, less speed” (another set of lyrics from POP is Dead.) 11. around left arm: "Close your eyes to every love but hold no one in your arms but me." 12. his entire back: the heart sutra, written in Chinese kanji. It reads:
“The Prajnaparamita Heart Sutra
When the Bodhisattva Avalokiteshvara
was coursing in the deep Prajnaparamita,
he perceived that all five skandhas are empty,
thereby transcending all sufferings.
Sariputra, form is not other than emptiness
and emptiness not other than form.
Form is precisely emptiness and emptiness precisely form.
So also are sensation, perception, volition, and consciousness.
Sariputra, this voidness of all dharmas
is not born, not destroyed,
not impure, not pure, does not increase or decrease.
In voidness there is no form,
and no sensation, perception, volition or consciousness;
no eye, ear, nose, tongue, body, mind;
no sight, sound, smell, taste, touch, thought;
there is no realm of the eye
all the way up to no realm of mental cognition.
There is no ignorance and there is no ending of ignorance
through to no aging and death and no ending of aging and death.
There is no suffering, no cause of suffering,
no cessation of suffering, and no path.
There is no wisdom or any attainment.
With nothing to attain, Bodhisattvas relying on Prajnaparamita
have no obstructions in their minds.
Having no obstructions, there is no fear
and departing far from confusion and imaginings,
they reach Ultimate Nirvana.
All past, present and future Buddhas,
relying on Prajnaparamita, attain Anuttara-Samyak-Sambodhi.
Therefore, know that Prajnaparamita
is the great mantra of power,
the great mantra of wisdom, the supreme mantra,
the unequalled mantra,
which is able to remove all sufferings.
It is real and not false.
Therefore recite the mantra of Prajnaparamita:
Gate, Gate, Paragate, Parasamgate, Bodhi Svaha”
as you can tell, MYV is very religious ^^
Not a lot is known about our elegant artist. Miyavi began playing the guitar when he was fourteen, and played soccer (for Europeans, this would be football) throughout high school, and still plays as a hobby, though would never choose it as a profession (though i daresay he certainly has enough energy!). It is rumored that he played in a band called the Loop, or the Loop Group, but i cannot say this is true. but i do know for sure that he was one of a two-person group, possibly called New Generation? no verification on the name though. at age 18 in 1999, he signed as a guitarist for indie rock band Due le Quartz (DlQ), making him the youngest member and leaving no time for college. (he wanted to be a doctor, because "it's important to help people". an Asian parent's dream, eh?) so DlQ was all *success* until they disbanded in September 2002, not long after Miyabi had his 22nd birthday. Miyabi then changed his name to Miyavi and began releasing singles as a solo artist under the indie label PSC (they say it stands for "Phalanx of Swashbucklers Company). now we see that he must have been planning this solo career for quite some time, eh? however, many former die-hard DlQ fans were disappointed with Meev's solo work, and turned away without even the comfort of any visual kei he could have included (DlQ was quite visual). but with his new music came new fans, and many of them. not too far down the road, Miyavi announced that he would be starring in a movie, Oresama, which was released in February 2004. Now he has announced two new major albums in addition to his first major and two indie albums XD. and so the road goes ever on and on, and Miyavi never ceases to amaze his fans again and again.
small facts
~Miyavi writes, arranges, performs, and produces his own music.
~Miyavi has a mother, father, a younger sister (who is supposedly very beautiful), and a grandmother. He is close to his grandmother.
~I don't know if they're his favourites, but brands he wears occasionally are BA-TSU, Jean Paul Gaultier, Here-There, Beauty-Beast, and Gucci.
~he lost his cell phone in mid-2005; he found and then left it in his pants pocket and put them in the washing machine ^w^ silly goose.
~Miyavi used to play soccer mostly in Jr. High, and I have heard he started as early as nine but I don't know.
~he broke his leg when he was nine, making him unable to play for a while
~he often gives pretend names or nicknames. (one he gave was Koda Imoutoko)
~when asked whether he prefers working solo or in a band, he replied, "This is just as if you ask whether I prefer my father or my mother!" likewise, when asked if he liked being an actor or a musician better, he said the same, except used "grandfather" and "grandmother".
~Miyavi once said, jokingly, in an interview that he drew his tattoos on with magic marker every morning; this was so widespread that many believed it to be true (he seems to be a very good actor, even in interviews).
~he got his first tattoo in Okinawa; i'm not sure if this is the same instance, but just before Due'le Quartz broke up, he went on vacation there. He said he had a sort of self-reflection moment during his stay.
~when he first began getting tattoos and piercings, and his mother and grandmother reprimanded him for it, he would say, "Shut up, you're so noisy".
~Miyavi says that each of his tattoos represents something important or meaningful in his life. He once said in an interview: "To show my determination, I will go get a tattoo or piercing."
~he pretty much always sports black piercings. likewise, all of his tattoos are black, even though he loves color. Elegant, eh?
~Miyavi held his first concert in Taiwan, in the Taipei Youth Activity Center. Onstage, Miyavi held up his guitar and declared, 'My fans had better strip down to listen to my music!' At that, a wave of 'high' energy burst over the crowd, both on-stage and off-stage. Vibrations from the jumping could be felt on both floors of the building. During the concert, Miyavi flaunted this hard-learned Chinese sentence: 'Hi everybody! I'm Miyavi. Even if you don't know Japanese, I hope you can all appreciate my music through this concert.'
~in one interview, when asked why he likes tattoos, he said 'Because they're records of things that happen and they'll never be erased."
~in the same interview, when asked if having his lip piercing makes kissing difficult, he answered, "When I kiss girls, I always have it on, so I really don't know if it's comfortable for them or not."
~although he frequently uses his (male) guitarist as victim of fan service, he says he prefers the female genre.
~although Miyavi himself like tattoos and piercings, he doesn't necessarily want to date a girl with body art. "I won't like the girl who is pierced and tattooed all over, just as long as she's cute and independent though, it's all okay," he said once in an interview. He also says he likes girls who are cheerful and lively and he loves to make them laugh.
~when asked what his favorite place is, he said, "I like the places where I can do whatever I want."
~Although Miyavi had said he was going to sing Chinese songs, due to his tight schedule, he could only say: 'When I was practising, I was constantly bugged by aliens, so I couldn't continue!'
~taken from a television talk show:
In the next fan letter, Rino-chan asks Miyavi about how he spends his Christmas.
Miyavi: Well, I just went to the Moss Burger.
Shoji: What- what is that?
Miyavi: So lonely. Last year I chatted on ORESAMA.
Shoji: Go on.
Miyavi: So I bought chicken.
Shoji: And then?
Miyavi: And that's it!
Miyavi: During the chat it was like... I didn't want to get oil on the keyboard so I wiped my fingers on tissue (pretends to wipe), ate (pretends to gnaw on bones), wiped hands (wipes), typed, ate, wiped, typed, and threw away the bare bones.
Shoji: So your Christmas was like so?
Miyavi: Yes, it was that kind of Christmas. -nightingirl, probably '02 or '03
~when asked what he was like when he was small, he said he was a good kid and he did his homework and studied, but he was really into soccer, and he liked to be around people. he was a "latchkey kid" but since he knew that no one was inside, instead of going indoors he'd just hang out around his home until his parents came home. and when he got older he'd spend all day hanging out with his friends or playing soccer.
~when speaking of the bonus track on his second album, he states that it is something he put everything he was feeling into at the time.
~he prefers Apple computers
~for quite some time, he claimed his Zodiac sign is a Pegasus; of course there is no Pegasus Zodiac. now he has returned to saying Virgo.
~Miyavi and his manager Saitou are very close; they'e pretty much best friends.
~he has never released his full real name. he has, however released his last name (ishihara – and yes, this is the first portion of the name of his band, “ishihara gundan’. Gundan is like a military squad).
~his fans that are in his official fanclub are called "Comiyavi" and the "co" refers to like mini-me's or followers or children. so they're like "little miyavis" or “miyavi’s children”. Sad to say, overseas fans cannot join the official club, but we are still fans.
~he loves summer and the beach
~he hates broccoli and tomatoe juice
~Miyavi is from the Kansai district and has a Kansai accent
~in each album and single, he thanks the PS Company and all the bands under them
~he says he has problems shouting all of the time (NIG)
~despite his loud personality, he is (supposedly) quite humble around his fans and others
~Miyavi re-uses his mic stand, named Masako, first used in Gekokujou, and then Oresama. but he actually hasnt used it in a long while.
~he had his palm read once, and was told he would marry in his 30s.
~about the name change: in DlQ, he was Miyabi. Once he went solo, he changed to Miyavi. However, the Japanese have issues pronouncing the "v" sound, as it is not used in their language (kind of like the "w" sound, though that is used a little). Therefore, instead of using a "v" sound, they use a "b" sound. So his name is still pronounced the same; you are just supposed to write it differently.
~he says he cannot go a day without hugging someone (NIG)
~to try to be healthy, Miyavi tries to drink a lot of orange juice (he also is quite fond of the drink), and i have heard that he has stated that he won't drink coffee, tea, soda, or sake. (Sake is fermented rice beer native to Japan and usually consumed hot or warm). However, I'm not sure of this last part because hes been seen drinking a lot of tea (in comments, etc) and has talked about drinking alcohol.
~his early stage and PV clothes were made by Fotus (also for the photos taken for Gagaku), which he modeled for in a fashion show in '03. Fotus makes kind of space-y stuff like in Pop is Dead PV, but MYV doesnt really wear Fotus any more.
~he has modeled a few times for the Gothic Lolita Bible
~Miyavi says that he doesn't go shopping a lot; he actually wears a lot of the clothes his fans send him, and recycles clothes from his videos and PVs. true
~he used to smoke, but has been spotted using special sticks called paipo made to help people quit (apparently they come in various flavours), and I think he has succeeded. (MK/NIG)
~he has been to California, where he did a photoshoot in 2005. I think I read somewhere that he had been to Las Vegas, Las Angelas, and New York as well; but he did not perform any concerts, as far as I know. he has a photobook of it.
~he was once scheduled to attend some conventions in the US in 2004, but they said a technician caught sick and he had to cancel.
~Miyavi claims to use his own tour towels when he bathes
~for those of you wondering, no, he does not have a girlfriend.
~I have heard that he has a very low pain tolerence. I have no idea how he got all of those tattoos though.
~apparently, he can't hold his liquor very well, either, probably due to his slim appearance. a lot of japanese, actually, cannot hold their liquor - probably cuz they're all so small (at least, compared to us fat ass americans XD)
~At his first live, he hit his front teeth on the mic stand; he continued, pretending that nothing had happened, but afterwards said that it hurt so much he could have cried. (NIG) also, at one concert in '05 during the "Oresama Daare Da" tour, he twisted his ankle one night but continued with plans to have a show the next night. such a super trooper! ^w^
~he has terrible eyesight, hence the glasses you may sometimes see him wearing. the first thing he does in the morning is put them on.
~Miyavi is half Korean, 3rd generation Korean immigrant; his grandparents on his father's(?) side are Korean
~Miyavi painted the guitar in the Freedom Fighters video himself (as can be referenced to in the DVD).
~he was so nervous before the shooting of the first live scene in Oresama that his knees were shaking and he couldn't eat. he used to have terrible nervousness before performances, esp in DQ era. Nauseau, etc.
~he loves being around children.
~commenting on the tattoo on his back, he said, "It is the Buddha literature of Wisdom. I want to spend the rest of my life finding the answer to my heart." (he said this on a TV show in Taiwan called AIUEO.)
~he frequently does magazine covers for SHOXX magazine; that was the first magazine he was on the cover of as a solo artist.
~Miyavi has had his hair almost every color, but not necessarily dyed. Usually it's temporary gel, or braided in, sprayed on, etc. I'm sure he's dyed it a few times though XD
~^w^ communication with anyone is never hopeless, including MYV. I've heard of people who've had conversations with him in English; it's just not very understandable XD. besides, Japanese kids have to take English throughout school, so he should be able to speak a little. maybe not very fluently, but whatever. i think he had to take a few english lessons for the Nirvana coverage album, though, so, idk. Spoken language is not the only means of communication, though.
~his parents are divorced, which is why you rarely hear him talking about his father. i dont know how old he was when they divorced, but he also had a bad relationship with his dad for a long time. they only recently started talking to each other again.
~i cant believe i nearly forgot this: 382 is a numerical form of his name (as mentioned in the tattoos sections, though i figured some may not really feel like reading through all of that). 3 = mi, 8= ya, and 2 = bi. clever, yes?
~4/11/06: Megumi, wife of Yoshida Hisanori (or, as i like to call him, the LFX Dude), whome Miyavi wrote "Yappari, megumi ga Suki" for (download available at downloads site), gave birth to their first child, Yoshida Zaku-chan, but three months before the date of delivery, the name was changed to Yoshida Miyabi-chan. ^^ I bet Miyavi-sama is ecstatic
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Tuesday, August 1, 2006
For some reason, my banners aren't showing up on Jaz's site. If this is happening to you as well, please contact me and I will do my best to fix the problem!
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