if you like the song above you can download it here
ok, i promised i'd start posting miyavi's journal entries so here's todays. it's kinda short (but they usually are) he sometimes post more then one a day so if he posts another i'll at it too!
Translated by: Jessica
Date: Friday, August 11, 2006 9:22 AM
Now, I'm off, to Oomiya.
It's been a while, so I'm excited.
Lately, I've not been* well, but everyone, take care of your health ok~
That's all, Miyabi.
* this is the only part I'm not sure about. "watoi? wati? wato? @_@"
I think this is like Japanese pig-latin. very not-easy for me to translate. *shakes fists in Miyavi's general direction*
ok there you go, man, this post is so short, well, heres a miyavi wallie to make it seem a little longer (i love this wallpaper)

bai bai