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Idaho, Near Nampa
Member Since
Student ^^
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I've got one semester left before graduating highschool. That's gotta count for something.
Anime Fan Since
I was four. My dad bought "Warriors of the Wind" (otherwise known as Nausicaa) I've loved it ever since!
Favorite Anime
. . . . . A lot. We'll leave it at that.
Live life to the fullest!

Sketching, Writing, making very little sense but still getting my point across, doodling. . . and. . . ummm . . . drawing!!
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Guestbook Entries:
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Sesshoumaru25 (10/04/04)
hey!!! kool site u have!!!!! come by mine sometime!! i'm gonna add u as a friend, k? add me if u want!!!! ^_^
lotsa hugs,
LiLMaMa89 (10/04/04)
Thx for signing my guestbook. I like your site, and I noticed all the blue. YAY 4 blue. I am gonna add you as a friend. Oh yeah and great fan art!!
InuYashaGe (10/03/04)
Hey I like your site. I'll add you as a friend. FFCC is really cool. The only person I know who likes it is My cousin Alex (Stonesword on MyO).
Number 5 (10/02/04)
howdy! pleased to be here in your site! great avatar by the way! i love it!! thanks for signing my gb!!! i really appreciate that! i'm glad that you like my fanart!!! ^_^
nice work with your site too! gotta say i like the theme on it! so yeah, i guess i'll catch ya later then! oh i almost forgot, if ever you need help with HTML codes and stuff PM ME!!! ja ne!
~ #5 ~
shippo323 (10/01/04)
Hey thanks 4 the encouragement! Your site is COOL!!!
kagomecat13 (09/30/04)
Thanx for signing my geustbook. I'm adding you as a friend!
azngirl K170 (09/29/04)
Moi? Psycho? Hm...no1 ever called me psycho.
How special 4 me. Whee.
Well, um, thanks for coming by my site & all-I just changed my theme, y'know. I like your site, awesome shades of balue.
I have a lot of pics i drew 2, but I can't put them up 4 many reasons...stoopid...
Well, you're kinda new, right? Yeah,the site looks jus grand though! I must go now, & I will see u l8er!
~the azngirl
vash331 (09/28/04)
Hey, hows a going? I'm good, thanx for asking. I really do like your art, it's very good.
Uhmm.....let's see here, what else can i say.....i don't know. You should get AIM so we can talk. If you already have it then my tag is Attimus331.
I must be going now. *walks into light and dissappears with a sudden flash*
AwesomeDude898 (09/25/04)
Yo! Thanks for signing my guestbook. I really like your artwork, you have some incredible tlent with pen and pencil. I can't wait to see more of your art. By the way, can I add you as a friend? Please tell me if that's OK.
blackwolfpup (09/23/04)
i like you fan art and nice site
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