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Idaho, Near Nampa
Member Since
Student ^^
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I've got one semester left before graduating highschool. That's gotta count for something.
Anime Fan Since
I was four. My dad bought "Warriors of the Wind" (otherwise known as Nausicaa) I've loved it ever since!
Favorite Anime
. . . . . A lot. We'll leave it at that.
Live life to the fullest!

Sketching, Writing, making very little sense but still getting my point across, doodling. . . and. . . ummm . . . drawing!!
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Ritsuka Aoyagi (11/01/05)
watashi wa ritsuka desu sugee site, desu nee?
your site is kinda cool
i hope you dont mind if i add you to my friend list do ya?
vissit my site anytime and add comments to my post if you want to you can also sign my GB
see ya around...
by: ritsuka
WitchHunterfan (10/30/05)
Hey there ^_^
Your site is awsome ^_^ I like your back ground... I saw your fan art and you can draw really good ^_^ I hope you keep up the good work on your drawing... And it's nice to met you ^_^
Please come by my site and please sign my gb... I'll add you as a friend if thats ok with you... And you may PM me any time you want ^_^
Well, I'll see you later ^_^
JD Person (10/30/05)
Big Duo fan!!!!
please tell me you think he's straight!
i hope so!
i loved your "Duo yawning" Pic. so cute!
i need friends that watch Gundam so please visit!
i'm addin you please do the same!
oh, and you're older than me, thank god, so man youngins on here!
BlackfireDA (10/28/05)
hiya luv da site keep it up
plz drop down ma site n check it out oh n i hop u dont mind me addin u in as a friend n i hop u do da same
Redtiger (10/08/05)
Hey Miyoko! Guess who? I got my site back up finally. Your site is still as nice as it was when I was last here. Once again Ill add you as a friend, so Ill see ya hopefully.
chikki (10/06/05)
I saw you at another site, and you said that you had never taken any art classes and such, so i just thought: hey, same like me! So i came to check it out... ^_^
Myui (09/26/05)
You've got some cute fanart. (and a lot at that, heh,)
Lots of varied stuff, which is interesting. Keep up the good work, and...
rock on!
EvilMonkey (09/17/05)
hi...came to sign your gb nice site btw peace and love will be true if you watch hour's of endless anime.....
peace and love to anime..
Animegirl501 (09/13/05)
love your site you like love hina right that is a funny book ^-^ come by mine ok ^-^
dddddd (09/02/05)
this site is kinda cool
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