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Idaho, Near Nampa
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I've got one semester left before graduating highschool. That's gotta count for something.
Anime Fan Since
I was four. My dad bought "Warriors of the Wind" (otherwise known as Nausicaa) I've loved it ever since!
Favorite Anime
. . . . . A lot. We'll leave it at that.
Live life to the fullest!

Sketching, Writing, making very little sense but still getting my point across, doodling. . . and. . . ummm . . . drawing!!
Thursday, September 8, 2005
Nnnnn. . . .
Time of Post: 10:19 PM(MT)
Not feeling too hot today. Nothing serious, just a little off balance. I get like this sometimes, no big.
Well I think maybe what set me off is that they handed out yearbooks today. No, I'm not going to give you some sob 'no one signed my yearbook' story, because that's not how it is at all. I got plenty of signatures and I signed plenty of other people's books. What bothered me is that most of the signatures in my book said something along the lines of "Hi, Erin! I don't know you too well, but that's just because you never talk. I like your drawings, all that Japanese stuff. Hope you have a great year!" Things like that. It was depressing that all people really know me for is the fact that I draw and that I like 'that weird Japanese stuff'. And they wonder why I hate school. Oh well, there was a signature that I got a kick out of. I have a friend named David--he's Jerry's little brother--and we're the same age. He signed it in Spanish, but I got the general meaning. It said something like "Fuck you, Bitch, Love David." Now, before you get all indignant, this is a running joke with me and him. I don't cuss much on my own, but for some reason, he can coax me to be bitchy and nice at the same time. All the while having a really foul mouth. Hell I signed his yearbook saying "Hey, Ryuu-kun!(nickname) Omae o korosu!!(Japanese for 'I will kill you'--another joke between us) Just kidding! I wouldn't do that. But still, you're a bitch! -Erin" Nice, right? That's just the way we are with eachother, so it was really great to get a sincere signature like that. Heh, me and my friends are weird, aren't we?
Hey, thanks for all the feedback on my paper, I'm glad you all liked it! ^_^
Hmm, well it seems as if only one person looked at my new fanart! Well, at least there was only one vote on it last I checked, which was a few hours ago. Does this meant that I do need to bribe you guys? *pouts* Well, if you didn't see it already, would you mind taking a peek? Please and Thanks! ^_^
Ahh, I'm feeling a bit better now. Like I said, I'm unbalanced. I feel like crap for awhile, then I feel great for awhile. It's almost like being bipolar, except that I'm only like this sometimes. *sigh* I hate this.
Well, that's it from me! Oyasuminasai all! |
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