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myOtaku.com: Miyoko-chan

Monday, October 24, 2005

Moshi moshi!
Time of Post: 10:14 PM(MT)
Heh, I love that greeting. I always have to stop myself from saying that when I answer the phone. My friends bug me enough about the Japanese stuff as it is.

Sorry for not posting the last couple of days. Not to sound selfish or anything, but I kinda didn't feel like it. That ever happen? Ya know, you just don't have anything to talk about and don't want to natter on about nothing? Yeah, that's been me for the past few days.

Well, I did submit a couple of new fanart over the last couple of days. One is a Halloween pic, and the other is a sketch of Nanashi. Votes and comments earn you some warm apple crisp with vanilla ice-cream! (any guesses as to what I'm eating right now? ^_^)

Well, I'm talking to Jerry right now. About religion of all things. I'm Mormon--though not by choice. Personally, I consider myself a deist--and he's Catholic. We're comparing beliefs and things like that. One thing I can't stand about my church is that they are very strict about everything! Like piercings. I have two holes in each ear, and every time I wear two sets of earrings to church, I get looked at funny. I'm not even joking about that. You'd thing I was walking around stoned or something with the looks I get. I've learned to just not wear makeup or jewelry to church, and people are so much nicer. *grumbles*

Ai-ya! My hair is still wet from my shower--which was two hours ago, thank you very much--and it is cooold! Though I do have temperature issues, I swear, I must be cold blooded or something, because I'm always freezing!


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