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• writergirl_71
• 1989-07-14
• Idaho, Near Nampa
Member Since
• 2004-08-13
• Student ^^
Real Name
• Erin
• I've got one semester left before graduating highschool. That's gotta count for something.
Anime Fan Since
• I was four. My dad bought "Warriors of the Wind" (otherwise known as Nausicaa) I've loved it ever since!
Favorite Anime
• . . . . . A lot. We'll leave it at that.
• Live life to the fullest!
• Sketching, Writing, making very little sense but still getting my point across, doodling. . . and. . . ummm . . . drawing!!
Thursday, November 10, 2005
My Computer
Time of Post: 10:12 PM(MT)
Heheh, well, today I'll be taking a leaf out of Logan-kun's book and showing you guys the inner workings of my computer.
This is my desktop. Not a whole lot going on here, but I like my background.

Oh, and I was talking to my friend David when I made some of these, so that's why his name is at the bottom of the screen. ^_^"
Next we have my My Pictures folder. I organize the hell out of my pictures, simply because if I leave them all jumbled together, I can't find anything.

See? I even organize my art by series.

Now, my music on the other hand. . .

I tend to just leave my music in one big play list. It makes for an interesting mix when I put it on shuffle. I have everything from heavy metal to bouncy J-pop.
So yeah, that's a little sneak peak into my comp.
On to my day. As far as health goes, I'm feeling much better. It was a stomach thing yesterday, and I think it may have been caused by something I ate, because I feel fine today. Though since I was being a slug yesterday, I forgot to take my shower and had to get up reaaaaaally early to take one today. How early? Can you say 5:30 AM? Yep, if I don't do it that early, I don't do it, because any later, and my parents take over the bathroom that has the shower in it (we have two, but only one has a shower.) So yeah, I've been up since 5:30 and I am extremely tired. I'm shaking I'm so tired. That ever happen to any of you?
Meh, well I think this post is long enough.
Oyasumi! |
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