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• writergirl_71
• 1989-07-14
• Idaho, Near Nampa
Member Since
• 2004-08-13
• Student ^^
Real Name
• Erin
• I've got one semester left before graduating highschool. That's gotta count for something.
Anime Fan Since
• I was four. My dad bought "Warriors of the Wind" (otherwise known as Nausicaa) I've loved it ever since!
Favorite Anime
• . . . . . A lot. We'll leave it at that.
• Live life to the fullest!
• Sketching, Writing, making very little sense but still getting my point across, doodling. . . and. . . ummm . . . drawing!!
Tuesday, March 14, 2006
Just a Few More Days!!
Time of Post: 10:00 PM(MT)
Current Gundam Mood:

Daydreaming. . .
And Charlie the horse is officially gone. I'm just thankful they came and got him before I got home. I was dreading having to be the one to supervise that gruesome task--neither of my parents are home during the day--but luckily they got there around 1 when my brother was still home, so he got to handle it. *big dramatic sigh* At least my mom is doing better.
Ah, and my kitten is home already. She went in this morning around 8:30 or so, and got home around 4-ish in the afternoon. She looks so funny with her shaved belly and ginger walking! XD She's still a little loopy from the medication, but not nearly as bad as when she first got home. Paranoid was an understatement for her behavior this afternoon. Now she's being all snuggly and cute again. . . but if you go anywhere near her belly, she growls and limps away. Poor thing! *pets Kiko gently*
You know what? Anime Oasis, the only anime convention in Idaho, is this weekend! I've gone without manga for nearly five weeks saving up for this! (That means I'll have $50 to spend, plus whatever I can get my brother to lend me) Problem is, my brother works both Friday and Saturday, so if I wanna go with him, I'm gonna have to go on Sunday. Feh. Oh well, at least I'll actually get to go this year, neh? ^_^
Random Notebook Scan of the Day:

Hmmm, this is the second most upset I've ever drawn Takuya. The other one of him--which started out as a major project, but was never finished--featured him crying in the rain with a helpless look on his face. Unfortunately, I dropped it after the third failed attempt. -_-"
Oyasumi! |
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