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Idaho, Near Nampa
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I've got one semester left before graduating highschool. That's gotta count for something.
Anime Fan Since
I was four. My dad bought "Warriors of the Wind" (otherwise known as Nausicaa) I've loved it ever since!
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. . . . . A lot. We'll leave it at that.
Live life to the fullest!
Sketching, Writing, making very little sense but still getting my point across, doodling. . . and. . . ummm . . . drawing!!
Sunday, June 11, 2006
Current Gundam Mood:
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Still very tired, but doing mucho better in the happy department.
Wow, it's really late, and once again, surprise surprise, I can't sleep. T_T Oh well, at least I don't have anything important that I'll be missing tomorrow if I do manage to sleep during the day like I plan to. Mouuuu, I hate insomnia!
Uh, anyway, on to the reason I'm feeling a bit better--we had a guest whom I haven't seen in a reaaaaaaally long time today! His name is Preston, and I've known him since before I can remember. He moved to Arizona a few years ago with his wife (he's 24, by the way) and the last time I saw him was the fourth of July in 2004. He's here because his father is in the hospital, but he's been making time to visit everyone in the neighborhood. He and my friend Tasha were here earlier playing cards--hence why I didn't post around 10 like I usually do. Actually, I wasn't going to post at all, but, well, I don't have anything better to do right now, so yeah. Anyway, I had a lot of fun, and it lifted my spirits considerably (especially since I totally owned everyone at cards!!). It's always nice to have an evening like that, don't you think? ^^
Well I've gotten four pages of my manga all sketched out. Only 13 more to go! Ah, but once I get the sketches all done, I'll still have ink them, then scan them at my mom's work (our scanner isn't big enough for the paper I'm using), tone and letter them in paintshop, then print them out at juuuust the right size (since the rules were very specific what sizes to use), and send them in. I still have a lot of work left -_-"" Ah, well, it'll be worth it in the end, and winning--or even placing in--this competition will look great on a college application (for an art college, anyway, which is good cuz that's where I plan on going). Wish me luck!
You know, I'm starting to think I have a thing for red-heads. I like Axel from Kingdom Hearts, Gaara from Naruto, Hiroshi from Gravitation, and now Reno from Final Fantasy VII.
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I re-watched Advent Children yesterday, and it dawned on me that Reno(right) and Rude(left) were my favorite characters (Though I also really like Kadaj, Yazoo, Tifa, and Vincent), but Reno especially attracted my attention. I just love his spunky, smart-ass, but still dangerous attitude. He makes for a very interesting character. ^^ Anyone else like him?
Feh, well I'm gonna once again attempt sleep . . . that or attempt to learn more about Reno through fanfiction. Hmmm, decisions, decisions. . .
Random Fanfic Quote of the Day:
Alright, today, instead of just posting a quote, I'm going to link to a very short, but very funny FFVII fic. It takes about five minutes to read and I promise you'll at least get a chuckle out of it, even if you've never played the game (like me).
Random Notebook Scan of the Day:
Nyan, nothing today because it's past 3 in the morning, and I don wanna hunt for one.
Oyasumi! |
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