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The Shadow Realm of my mind..
Member Since
Waiting for Yami/Atemu to become a widower
Real Name
That is of none of ur concern..
I've made a few people like Pokemon. 0.0....Heh, not as much as I do of course. v_v
Anime Fan Since
All my life (I'm 100% serious o.o)
Favorite Anime
Pokemon has been all-time fav since 1998, and it still is. :D However, that does NOT mean I only like just Pokemon, because I have a VERY wide range of favs. o.o except hentai, and MOST robot ones. <<
TO ONE DAY MARRY YAMI YUGI!!! (And I will....make no mistake about it..)
Anime, Manga, (that includes trying to make some too) Video games, Acting, Singing, Drawing, and last but not least, STAYING IN LOVE W/ YAMI YUGI/ATEMU FOR ALL ETERNITY!!!!!!!!!!
Drawing, singing, acting, (Well, not quite yet, workin' on da stage fright..) making people laugh, and loving Yami Yugi more than anyone else in any realities, in exsistance and in NON-exsistance! O.o
| Mizu Takishima
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Saturday, April 23, 2005
Hey everyone ^_^ I finally
watched my Saturday morning
shows, (But I had to miss One
Piece cuz I had to see
Yu-Gi-Oh! @.@ They were both
new episodes! @@' But c'mon
dudes....YAMI YUGI! :\ No
contest o_o') ANYWAYS, I forget
if it was yesterday or a few
days ago, but I got a message
From Yami Yugi in Gaia!!! ^^ I
messeged him, apologizing for
my retarded behavior at JACON,
and he said it was ok!!! :D AND
he said that he was upset or
sorry or something (I forget
what he said exactly x_x) about
us not haveing much of a chance
to talk or spend as much time
together!!!! :'D (He ALMOST
seemed as upset as I was! o.O
and his wife was even more
upset than he was, cuz she gave
him an ear-ful oo') He also
said that he may get to message
me if Kyoki isn't too busy w/
RPing and her work ^^' But
yeah, dats awesome =3 Oh yeah,
and today my Younger sister
cleaned, AND re-aranged my
bedroom 0.0' (Yes, she did this
on her own free will o.o) And
she did an AWESOME job! O_O Man
I sure owe her big time! ^^
Well I g2g, sayonara! :D
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Monday, April 18, 2005
Hey guys...yes, two days late,
but hey! ^^' MAN I have a
crap-load of stories to tell
ya!! @.@' But if I told all of
'em it'd take 3 days to tell
x.x' So I'll just say; Friday
took 3 flights to get to
Florida, Went to JACON
(Japanese Animation CONvention)
on Saturday, (which was TOTALLY
awesome by the way! ^^) and
slept all day on Sunday. o.o
And uh, at JACON, and stuff, I-
I uh I-...well obviously it was
losts of fun, but I uh, see, I
sorta, to meet Yami
Yugi and stuff *blushes* And
uh, I was like, REALLY nervious
and stuff, and I um, kept
feeling dizzy cuz I kept
locking my knees cuz I felt as
stiff as a statue, and uh, I
pretty much made myself look
like a TOTAL retard infront of
him!! x.x So I pretty much
totally blew it! @@;;; But the
thing is, I had NO idea what he
was thinking of me! o.O I
couldn't tell if he thought I
was stupid, or funny, or hot,
or ANYTHING! o.o' Well anyway
Ok, me my friends, younger
sister, and yami were going to
the deli at the convention, and
the wind was blowing hard and
cold, and so I got infront of
where the wind was blowing on
him, and I opened my jacket out
like a sheild, and so the wind
was blowing on the back of me
and my jacket and I was all
"Don't worry I'll protect ya
from the cold!" ^^ And he was
all "I think I can fend for
myslef.." and I THOUGHT to
MYSELF "Ah sure ya can hun."
~_~ XD Well anyways, when we
got to the deli, we were all in
line, and I have no idea how I
ended up saying this, but
somehow I said to Yuki (one of
my best friends; we've known
eachother longer than ANYONE)
"Well I mostly came all this
way for Yami- UH, I mean I came
to see u guys TOO, but- I mean-
the hot-ness-" @@;; And I
turned away, but from the
corner of my eye, I heard and
saw Yuki say to Yami; "See?"
and then when I turned around,
next thing I knew, Yami's arm
was sort of around my neck, and
he was HUGGING ME!! O.O Now, at
this point, I went completely
boogy-eyed and was surprised
VERY much! oo'' He hugged me
for like....well, less than a
minute, but more than 2 seconds
o.o then when he stopped, I
paused, looked at him, and said
while kinda twiddling my
fingers "um...yeah, well, I've
been sorta, kinda, meaning to
do this all night-" and I
hugged him super fast, (and
HARD 0.o) around his neck and
shoulders some while shutting
my eyes tightly *blushes*
...BUT I had to let go kinda
quickly because since he was in
Kyoki's body, (Kyoki's a
girl..) I didn't wanna look
like a lezbo O.o Later, we went
to Yuki's hotel room, (the
convention took place in a big
hotel) I had a chance to
actually talk to Yami more,
(cuz I pretty much didn't say
anything to yami at all, except
for meaningless rambling..) BUT
my younger sister didn't feel
so good, so me and Yuki had to
take her back to MY hotel room,
and we got lost! x.x then when
we FINALLY found it, we got
lost on the WAY back! @.@ And
then when we got there Yami was
already gone..! *sniffles* and
I got real depressed after
that, and Yuki and I went for a
walk, and she did make me feel
a little better, but I was
still kinda depressed....but
now...I'm not
depressed..because 1; I got to
meet yami in SOME type of way;
2; he actually HUGGED me, and
even though he wasn't in his
body, when I shut my eyes
tightly, it felt like I was w/
him, plus I could see HIM in
kyoki's eyes.. and 3 THIS whole
convention thing almost didn't
happen AT ALL...and the reason
why it DID happen was because I
kept hoping, believing,
praying, begging, and all THIS
happened,...then that means
it's only a matter of
time..(probably a very LONG
time)...before I get to meet
him in his world...*smiles
warmly while blushing* So I
suppose the moral of today's
story is...the longer u hope
for something, and the more
badly u want it, chances are
that it'll happen/get it no
matter what it
P.S. I missed ALL my saturday
shows, both morning and
evening, but dun worry I'll
catch 'em ^^
P.S. #2: Y'know that feeling u
get when u feel like u've been
touched by an angel?...Yeah,
dats me right took me
like 2 days for me to realize
how...amazing...that hug felt..
found out that Yami switched
places w/ Kyoki, I litterally
fainted and landed on the
sidewalk..only I didn't pass
out, I just fell over..
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Saturday, April 9, 2005
I SO HAPPY!!!!! ^^
Hey guys :D As usual, my saturday
started off the same, cool anime,
blah blah blah, but I've got some
BIG NEWS that I've been DYING to
tell u guys for a long time and
now is the time to tell ya!!! ^.^
Today, as u know, is saturday,
and then sunday, monday, tuseday,
wednesday, thursday, then finally
FRIDAY.....and on that friday, my
family and I....ARE GOING TO GO
FILLED DAYS!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :D
FINALLY! I'll be able to see me
home-land once again!!! T_T And
Friday, we're gonna go eat, and
check out our old stomping
grounds, and other stuff! :D And
if that's not cool ENOUGH, just
wait 'til I tell ya this! On that
Saturday, yep, April 16th, we're
going to the Anime Convention and
I'll be able to see some of my
oldest and closest friends that I
haven't seen in almost a
year!!!!! ^^ *squeels in
excitement* (btw, the convention
is called JACON, for those of u
who don't know ^.^') And u WILL
O.O .......brace
urselves...because the one, the
*hops up and down excidedly* (he
hasn't seen me irl since I was in
the 7th grade, and now I'm in the
9th! o.O) Unfortunetly, he won't
be able to be in his ACTUAL body
since he doesn't have a solid
form of his own in our world, he
has to be in Kyoki's body, since
she's the only one he can get in
to since she's the only one who
can cross over, and she's a girl!
x.x So I won't be able to hug him
too much, or hold his hand, or
try to kiss him, or anything of
the sort! x.x But I will be able
to hang out w/ him, and at least
we'll be together! ^^ (Yes, I
know u r all very confused right
now..) Well, I g2g, Sayonara! :D
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Saturday, April 2, 2005
Totally drained..@_@
Hey guys ^_^ Guess what? :D I
am SOOOOOOOO tired XD Why?
Because all week I've been
partyin' here at sping break!!!
^.^ WOOT! ^o^ But monday, it'll
all be over u.u' But I sure did
have fun :D First, (it starts
lame) I went and got my
military ID thingy, and
surprisingly enough, my picture
for it turned out GREAT! O.O
(Which is really weird, since I
hate all my pictures, AND it's
an ID) Then we went to some tow
where a bunch of Amish peoples
live, and we saw several
Horse-and-buggies, and we stood
by a huge lake! ^^ (The wind
was blowing so hard, it felt
like I could jump up and fly
^_^) Then of friday, we went to
Chicago! ^.^ (I haven't been
there before, even though I
lived in IL since late July
0.o) And we went to the top of
the Sears tower, and walked
around, and ate at McDonald's,
and stuff ^^ Oh yeah, today we
went to the mall, and instead
of buying the usual, (like
manga, or dvds, or cloths) I
baught alot of insence, and
some candles, and a pretty
picture-frame ^.^ And incase u
didn't guess, the reason why I
got those items, is because I'm
colecting anything I can that's
egyptiony/spiritual because I'm
building a "Yami Yugi Shrine"
in my bedroom closet. O.o NO I
am NOT starting a kult! >< My
shrine will be just a happy
place for me to go to Hope for
Yami and I to be together
someday, and it's one of the
many ways I can think of to
sure my love for him..... Well
anyway, I g2g, Sayonara! ^^
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Sunday, March 27, 2005
kawaii kawaii KAWAII!!!! ^.^
Hey ^_^ I watched all my
fav saturday morning anime
as usual ^^ and friday,
Spring Break FINALLY
started! :D WOOT! ^o^ And
so far everything's been
great, but at the moment
my head is
throbbing....why? Because
my brain's been stuffed w/
too much.....cute-ness x.x
First, last night I was
watching the opening and
ending songs of Tokyo Mew
Mew in Japanese, (so
sweet, I think they gave
me diebities @_@) and
they've been stuck in my
head ALL DAY!! @_@ THEN
when I got home from
ridin' around w/ my mom
and two sisters all day,
my younger sister found a
yu-gi-oh music video on my
older sister's computer,
and they showed......YAMI
TODLER!!!!!!!!!!!! -^^-
Normally I HATE seeing
anime characters as
babies, but Yami Yugi was
squeeled from the
cute-ness and I had to run
to my room and squeeze the
stuffing out of my
pillow!! XD He was so
cute, and tiney, and when
he was learning how to
walk was just ever-so
adorable!! ^^ He was just
so precious!! -^^- But
then I was acting TOO
excited and motherly, so I
had to run too the
bathroom and flex my
muscles to remind myself
that I'm way too macho to
get all excited over
Yami's adorability o.o Not
to mention that my younger
sister showed me a picture
of egyption yami yugi
waking up from a nightmare
or something and he had no
shirt on and u shouldn't
see if he was wearing
anything "below the belt"
or not cuz his blanket was
covering him o.o.....gawd
he's sexy.......*shakes
her head* Well anyways,
g2g, sayonara!! ^^
-P.S. If I get overly
happy over how cute
baby/todler Yami Yugi is
again, I want u all to
smack me really really
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Saturday, March 19, 2005
...happy, anxious, and sad..
Hey guys...^_^ Like every
saturday morning, I
watched my fav shows ^^
And I even saw sme
Japanese clips from Tokyo
Mew Mew on my older
sister's comp! :D
(Remember, I'm using webtv
@.@) So yeah, dat was cool
too ^.^ Also on my older
sister's comp, I got to rp
in the forums of Gaia!
Yay! :D On webtv, if u TRY
to rp, it feels like your
swimming in the deepest
depths of the ocean w/
ankers shackled to ur arms
and legs!! x.x And I'm
looking forward to adult
swim tonight :D well,
sayonara! ^^
P.S. I gave another
anime-related speech in
class again, and when I
was done, I asked if
anyone had any questions,
and guess what? :D They
asked if I could draw
anime-style on the board
again! XD And I did :D And
they liked it :) Alot! :D
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Saturday, March 12, 2005
Strawberry Cheese! o.o
Hey ^_^ Nm
goin' on today other than the
usual....('cept I've been on my
older sister's comp a bit ^^)
last night I had a mysterious
stomach ache that hurt like
someone kicked my stomach in
the balls o.o But I'm better
now! ^^ .....Aw snap. °_° AHH I
STARTED ON IT! x.x I only
chosen my topic! @@ I never
even got to finish my
bibliography or whatever!!
x.x;; But oh well don't worry
about that, for I come baring
good news! ^.^ Remember that
time I said that Yami's Gaian
PM system wasn't working? Well,
turns out that it DOES work!
^.^ Apparently Kyoki, (The
person who actually owns the
account that Yami uses) was
grounded for a month and
couldn't get on the comp! ^^'
(And if she doesn't get on,
neither can Yami....long
story.) So anyway, this means
that I can get messages from
YAMI YUGI HIMSELF again! ^^ (if
he's not to "lazy" to message
me °_°) Well, I g2g ^^ Maybe
I'll eat some Strawberry yogurt
o.o which my older sister says
smells like Strawberry cheese!
0.0 Sayonara! ^^
P.S. What do u guys think of My
drawing? ^_^ It was too big to
put in my otaku fan art, so I
decided to put it here! ^^
(It's a picture of me, Mizu
Takishima in a pink kimono
wearing the Straw hat that my
friend Luffy black gave me,
standing outside the entrance
of Gaia! (from ) ^_^
The pic still needs to be inked
and colored/shadowed
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Saturday, March 5, 2005
Hey...alot of cool stuff has happened/is going to happen, but I don't feel like talkin' much cuz I dun feel so good....sayonara..
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Saturday, February 26, 2005
Hey guys ^^ I'll start
this off about stuff that
hapened earlier stuff this
................well, to
be honest, alot of cool
stuff happened, but the
only thing worth talking
about was what happened in
Speach class o.o Ok, we
had to do a "Demonstration
Speech", where we had to
show the whole class how
to do something. When it
was my turn, guess what I
showed them? o.o I showed
them how to draw Manga
Style! :D So I drew and
explained how to draw a
close-up of a randomly
made-up anime girl, and
they LOVED IT!! O.O And
while I was drawing it,
everyone was all
"D@MN.....!" and "Now
there's some artistic
stuff right there.." But
when I saw it from my
seat, I said "Oh no, it
looks like crap!" And
everyone was all "No it
doesn't, it looks good!",
even the teacher! 0.0 AND
I showed everybody a new
picture in my sketchbook,
to show them that I
normally draw WAY better,
and when I showed it to
this one kid near the
middle of the room,
everybody rushed out of
their seats just to see my
work! ^^ And everyone was
all "Wooow.." and "Oh my
gosh that's so cute!"
"wow, that's really
cool..!" I was so happy
And the highlight of today
was........I watched Tokyo
Mew Mew o.o (Unfortunetly
it was the english dub, so
they called the show "Mew
Mew Power" o0' But I think
they did a pretty good job
on the dub, considering
what I knew about the
japanese version) I also
watched my other fav shows
too ^^ And I had a great
day, except that I've been
a wee bit depressed
cuz....*sighs* y'know that
? Well, Yami Yugi hasn't
been able to recive (or at
least reply) to any of my
private messages lately.
T.T Oh well,
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Monday, February 14, 2005
HAPPY VALENTINE'S DAY EVERYBODY!!!! ^_^ (Today is also my 16th B-day ^^)
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