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The Shadow Realm of my mind..
Member Since
Waiting for Yami/Atemu to become a widower
Real Name
That is of none of ur concern..
I've made a few people like Pokemon. 0.0....Heh, not as much as I do of course. v_v
Anime Fan Since
All my life (I'm 100% serious o.o)
Favorite Anime
Pokemon has been all-time fav since 1998, and it still is. :D However, that does NOT mean I only like just Pokemon, because I have a VERY wide range of favs. o.o except hentai, and MOST robot ones. <<
TO ONE DAY MARRY YAMI YUGI!!! (And I will....make no mistake about it..)
Anime, Manga, (that includes trying to make some too) Video games, Acting, Singing, Drawing, and last but not least, STAYING IN LOVE W/ YAMI YUGI/ATEMU FOR ALL ETERNITY!!!!!!!!!!
Drawing, singing, acting, (Well, not quite yet, workin' on da stage fright..) making people laugh, and loving Yami Yugi more than anyone else in any realities, in exsistance and in NON-exsistance! O.o
| Mizu Takishima
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Saturday, February 5, 2005
Hey guys! ^_^ Before I say what
happened today, I wanna say
that Yesterday......Was my
Mom's B-day!! ^^ (yay! :D) Even
though she had fun w/ me and my
sisters, our dad still ruined
her whole day.....long story..
*sighs* It's sad...she says
that she married him out of
fear of dieing alone..and when
she gets hurt, (like if she
like the time when she fell in
the mud) he doesn't even try
to help her......but then
again, this family would fall
apart w/out him since he's the
only one in the house w/
somesort of income.. (my mom
doesn't believe that women
should work...old fashioned,
yes, but hey man, it's in the
bible somewhere o.o) ANYWAYS,
on her B-day, we went to the
mall and stuff. ^_^ It was
cool! :D Now on to what
happened today...well, I'm sure
u know how it started by now.
@_@ And after that, I read D.N.
Angel vol. 1 that I barrowed
from a friend at school, and
later my mom went to a
Mexican-food place w/ my Great
Aunt, but before that my mom
dropped me and my sisters off
at the mall! ^^ (yay! Mall-ness
two days in a row! :D) I got
the CD "[Linkin Park] Meteora"
It's got great songs!! ^^ Even
if they're not singing in
Japanese, who cares? :P But
their music has some anime-ness
to in the music video
for "Somewhere I Belong", they
had an oriental room in it w/
close-ups of Gundams, and in
the music video for "Breaking
the Habit", the whole thing was
animated Anime-style straight
from Japan! o.o Anyway, we had
fun at the mall, and mom had
fun w/ my great aunt at the
mexican place ^^ Well, I g2g
now, Sayonara! ^^
P.S. Yami Yugi was HOT today!
(as always)
P.S #2 Yay Adult Swim!
P.S. #4 Oh yea, and in my new
CD, I forgot to mention that in
"Nobody's Listening" It's like
a mix between Oriental stuff,
(Far East stuff)/Rap/rock or
something. That's kinda
anime-ish ^_^
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Saturday, January 29, 2005
Hey guys. °_°' As usual, I
started off the day
watching my usual morning
anime. o.o Pokemon, One
Piece, and all the rest
were great, But y'know
what? o.o I was watching
Yu-Gi-Oh today, and is it
just me,.....or is
EVERYBODY obsessed w/
dueling?!! O.O I'm not
saying that's a bad thing,
but it's like everyone,
(and everyTHING) has one
on their minds, and that's
to duel. O_O NO NO NO, I
For example, lets say that
Yami Yugi and company (heh
@_@) are walkin' around
the streets of New York
City. o.o And they run
into a
person in a alley or
something. o.o Now,
instead of them getting
stabbed, or mugged, or
whatever....they get
challenged to a duel!! @_@
AND lets say that the Mob
was after 'em for some
reason, (*shrugs*) and
instead of getting
"whacked", the hit-man
challenges them to a DUEL!
X.X AM I CRAZY?!! @_@;;;;;
I mean c'mon...the test
that Yugi put Yami through
today had something to do
w/ dueling, even though
they were in some weird
place, surrounded by
spirits, in the middle of
nowhere. x.x U'd think
it'd be some kind
of..."Spirtual" test or
something. o.o And that
thing.......instead of
trying to, I dunno, attack had a freakin'
Duel-disk or something! oO
Then again, I'm actually
thankful kinda..o.o I mean
heck, if Yami Yugi
actually had to
"fight-fight", he would
get KILLED!!!! O.O But
waaah, I wanna see Yami
all actiony!! (heavily
inked, speed lines,
fighting..) :D I wanna see
him beat the crap outta
somebody w/ his bare
hands!! XD I wanna him
sweat in the heat of
battle! XD I wanna see
some blood shed!!!! XD
(Not his blood, but the
blood of the poor sap who
messes w/ Yami o.o) Then
again, none of that will
ever happen. ¬_¬'
especially in the edited
english dub. u.u' But man,
u have no idea how many
times I wanted to hop in
the tv and be Yami's
body-gaurd! o.o Well
anyway, one of my favorite
parts was when Yami got
licked in the face all
cutely by the doggy! ^.^
(lucky dog...) But it was
so sad seeing the Pharaoh
cry! *sniffs* T.T (But
even when he was crying, I
STILL got a disturbance in
my pants...0.0) Well, I
g2g, Sayonara! ^_^
-P.S. I'm Sorry..I always
tend to ramble...BUT I
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Saturday, January 22, 2005
Hey guys. o.o I've been sick
all week, so I got to miss
school for almost the whole
week! ^^ (yay! :D) And
uh...I've been in bed most of
the time...and that's about it.
°.°' (The only REALLY bad part
was that I had to miss the new
episodes of Inuyasha this week!
T.T) BUT today was soooooooo
awesome!!!!!! O.O I watched
"Pokemon; Destiny Deoxys" The
US premire of the...7th Pokemon
movie! :D (Not including Mewtwo
Returns, the sequil to the
the part, with the thing- and
the- and that other part, when
they- WHOO! O.O And what's
really cool is, I already know
what the NEXT movie is about!
XD (Well, sorta.......)
actually, all I know about the
next movie is that Mew's in it,
I knew the title, (But I can't
remember what it was..) and I
saw a small pic of the movie
poster. ^.^' Oh yeah, before I
forget..o.o..If ur a major
video game-fan, I'm sure u know
this already, but did u guys
now that "Donkey Kong"'s real
name was suppost to be "Monkey
Kong" but they screwed-up the
translation of his name
somehow? x_x Well, I never knew
that..o.o....and, I learned
something today. o_o Sayonara!
P.S. Too bad they're showing
YYH over again...but I'm still
watching new episodes uncut cuz
my older sister keeps buying
the dvds every time they come
out in english. ^^' (We're at
the part when Hiei almost died,
and one of the three "kings" of
Demon World shows "his" true
identity to Hiei...But I know
everything that's gonna happen
even at the very end of the
series cuz of spoilers my
sister told me about onlin
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Saturday, January 15, 2005
Hey guys....guess what? :( My
mom was real mean this morning
cuz she stole my alarm clock
when I was sleeping and I
missed almost all my morning
anime!!! T.T But namely
Pokemon, and One Piece. uu'
Pokemon, I can catch those
episodes again on Friday, but
One Piece, GAH!! IT WAS THE
THING!!!! T.T I know Luffy
wins, but I missed exactly how
it happened!! @@ And YES, I
know the english version is
crappy, but I still like
watching it anyway. uu' *can't
download it in japanese, or buy
the dvds off the internet, and
she's too lazy to read the
manga* uu Anyway, on a good
note, I went to the mall today!
:D And I got a new CD! ^^ It's
Yoko Ishida "sweets"
and has following songs that
she sings:
1. spring field
2. believing
3. White Destiny
TV anime "Prétear" Opening Theme Song
4 proof of life
"Anime TV (TV KANAGAWA/KIDS STATION) Ending Theme Song
5. Eternal Flower
TV anime "Ai Yori Aoshi" Opening Theme Song
6. I can't tell you
TV anime "YUCIE" Ending Theme Song
7. Get Away 2a.m.
8. Fragile flower
9. Sugar Baby Love
TV anime "A Little Snow Fairy Sugar" Opening Theme Song
10. Truth's Door (Album version) TV anime "GUNPARADE MARCH~Spirit of SAMURAI~" Opening Theme Song
11. Thankful
12. Sugar Baby Love (English Version) US Exclusive Bonus Track
Yes, the anime songs u've
noticed are NOT remakes, but
the actual ones ^.^ And ALL the
songs r awesome! :D 'cept the
English version of Sugar Baby
love =\ I mean it's ok, but I
like the japanese version
better ~.~ Oh yeah, anywho,
today is my friend
HalfDemonInuyasha's 19th
b-day!! :D Hooray! ^.^
Everybody g2 his otaku and wish
him a happy b-day!! :D Well, I
g2g, sayonara!
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Saturday, January 8, 2005
Hey guys...I woke up early, and
the only new episode of any
morning anime was of One Piece.
^_^' But at least it was
totally awesome! :D Oh yeah,
and earlier this week, I
watched a new anime dvd I got
called "Spiral" (vol. 1) It's
very very interesting o.o (and
not JUST because it has a bunch
of bishonen!! XD) It's, it's a cool anime!
O.O U guys should totally watch
it if u get the chance, it's
extremely awesome. o.o *sighs*
But I've been thinking about
stuff lately....and
well....lets just say..that if
u care about someone, don't be
an idiot like me by walking
away from them......*turns her
head away slightly, hiding the
tears building up in her
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Saturday, January 1, 2005
Hey guys, I hope u all had a
wanderful new years day! ^^ I
know I sure did.....*giggles*
Ah, Yami Yugi Yami Yugi Yami
Yugi Yami Yugi..^.^
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Saturday, December 25, 2004
:D I hope u have an awesome
holiday dudes and dudets! ^.^
Mine is going pretty nicely. ^^
If only it would snow o.o Oh
well! ^.^ Besides, we might get
some snow flurries later today!
:D I hope u like the
Christmasy-Yami Yugi pic in my
post! ;D (If u can't see it,
it's cuz I didn't put it up yet
x_x Webtv stuff...) Christmas
time is so chearful and jolly!
^.^ It can also be romantic too!
0_~ I even daydream about me and
Yami Yugi in a christmasy
atmosphere. ^_^ *Sings* "I'm
a" 0.~ (L)
Which reminds me, earlier today
I drew a pic of Yami Yugi
relaxing in a hot-tub! ^^ It's
one of the cutest-non-chibified
pics of Yami Yugi I've drawn in
quite a while! ^.^ *sighs.
trying to stop herself from
blurting out something
disturbing about how sexy Yami
Yugi is* u.u' Anyway, I guess
that's all for now o.o I g2g add
another nickname to my "Yami
Yugi Nicknames" list! ^^
Sayonara! ^_^
P.S. I tried to send all my
friends an anime/christmas
e-card, but it didn't work! T
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Saturday, December 18, 2004
Hey guys. :D Before I let ya
know what's going on today,
I'll just fill ya in on the
highlights of the week. ^^ Well
first off, I FINALLY added
Nickname #50 to my list of Yami
Yugi Nicknames! :D T_T :'D
(YAY! ^^) Also I went to a
Christmas Party at my Great
Aunt's house on thursday. :D
(fun! ^^) and Also, last night,
(and a little bit of today
@_@') I watched a anime on DVD
called Corrector Yui! :D It's
about......well, It's got the
whole "Magical Girl"-type thing
down pretty well, (Like Sailor
Moon, that girl from Pretear,
etc.) and it takes place
somewhere in the future. o.o
(2000-something) Here's a
picture of two of the
Characters that I found on a
website that was in Spanish;
(The girl is Yui, and the Robot
looking thing is a Corrector
Software program named IR)
Those two, and a bunch of other
Correctors they meet later,
have to save the Virtual world
from an evil virus-type-thingy
or something like that named
Grosser (and his henchmen of
course) And yes, the main
character is actually from the
real world, not the virtual
world. @_@ Man is she lucky. =\
If she wants to go the virtual
world all she has to do is lift
her finger up high and say
"Corrector Yui Enter!" o.o But
it's kinda ironic since the
girl doesn't know ANYTHING
about computers! x.x (She makes
me look like a computer
wiz......*shudders from such a
dorky thought* ~~')
Well anyway, it's a great show
but now on to what's going on
today! @.@ (finally x_x) Today
is my older sister's b-day! :D
(WHOO!) She turned 19 today,
and now I can call her "Xander"
from "Drawn Together" XD (cuz
they're the same age now :D) Oh
yeah, and we had cake! ^^
(Mmm...cake..) And as for
presents- Well, she got stuff
from my great aunt ^^' (we
needed to use most of the money
on christmas presents x_x) Oh
but don't worry, my older
sister got some other stuff
yesterday too, and she's gonna
get the next Yu Yu Hakusho DVD
that's coming out....I forget
when, but I think it's later
this month. x_x (She has EVERY
SINGLE DVD of YYH that has came
out in English so far. o.o)
Well, that's basically it ^.^'
Oh yeah just one more thing.
o.o I've noticed that NOBODY
has posted about ANYTHING in my
comments lately...O.O Not even
about my Yami Yugi Nicknames.
o_o But hey, that's cool. ^.^
But it kinda makes me wander if
anybody likes talking to me
anymore. o.o' I probably scared
everybody away....o.o'''' Well,
I g2g, sayonara! ^_^
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Saturday, December 11, 2004
Hey morning
anime/one cartoon were great
like always...and as more good
news, I haven't been to school
all week..(it's only cuz I've
been caughing my lungs out x.x
but still, yay!) but
unfortunetly....have u ever had
one bad thing mess up ur whole
freakin' day..? *raises her
hand* Yeah, that's basically
the problem w/ me right
now...oh, and if ur wandering
what happened, (which I'm sure
ur not sence nobody cares) well
don't even bother to ask, it's
a really really long story and
I don't feel like wasting ur
time........but...if u actually
wanna know, go to and
if u have an account there
already, look for my username,
"Mizu Takishima" and read the
journal...but if u don't have
an account, u could get one o.o
not just to see my stupid
journal, but because that's one
of the best forum sites
addictive though, trust me. ¬_¬
Well anyway,- HOLY CRAP!!! RAVE
OVER!!!! >< aw crap ~.~ I have
nooo idea what's going
on...~~;;; and who's that
person I never seen before? o.o
PEOPLE?! @@ Aw maaaaaaan!! Well
anyway, g2g, Sayonara! ^_^ @.@
-P.S. Yay for Adult Swim
tonight!...and tomorrow night!
:D (Super Milk Chan!)
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Saturday, December 4, 2004
Hey usual, my
saturday morning anime/one
cartoon where great. ^.^ 'cept
that they didn't show new
episodes of Yu-Gi-Oh
though...u.u' but at least I
was able to watch Kirby and
Shamon King. :D (yay!) Well
anyways, I've basically been
catching my younger sister's
cold all week. @.@ Right now
I'm at the part when I'm
caughing like....every 30
seconds and/or every 5 minutes.
@.@ *caughs up some blood and
falls over like Hyatt always
does on Excel Saga* x.x *gets
back up as if nothing happened
then walks away* *then
remembers that she forgot
something and comes back to her
post* oh yeah, I almost forgot.
o.o Remember last time, when I
asked u guys if u wanted to
read all of my Yami Yugi
Nicknames, and if u did all u
had to do was post in the
comments? o.o Well, nobody
posted. o.o So,.......that
means....I'll just HAVE to post
'em then!! :D Because it is
human nature to do the opposet
of what one is expected to do,
and by not saying anything,
then that means u WANT to know
the nicknames. o.o *shrugs* I
dunno, reverse psycho-cology
stuffs. o.o...So I must give da
people what they want! ^_^
Besides, I like scaring u
people with my Yami Yugi
nicknames, because I am EVIL!!!
Muwahahahahahahahaha!!!!! XD
*Her dark other half from
within: "Please...this little
girl is about as..."EVIL" as a
daisy.."* *blinks* Ooh, I like
daisies! ^^ Well anyway, I'm
currently watching Rave Master,
and I'm looking forward to
Adult Swim. ^.^ Well, I g2g,
Sayonara! ^_^
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