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The Shadow Realm of my mind..
Member Since
Waiting for Yami/Atemu to become a widower
Real Name
That is of none of ur concern..
I've made a few people like Pokemon. 0.0....Heh, not as much as I do of course. v_v
Anime Fan Since
All my life (I'm 100% serious o.o)
Favorite Anime
Pokemon has been all-time fav since 1998, and it still is. :D However, that does NOT mean I only like just Pokemon, because I have a VERY wide range of favs. o.o except hentai, and MOST robot ones. <<
TO ONE DAY MARRY YAMI YUGI!!! (And I will....make no mistake about it..)
Anime, Manga, (that includes trying to make some too) Video games, Acting, Singing, Drawing, and last but not least, STAYING IN LOVE W/ YAMI YUGI/ATEMU FOR ALL ETERNITY!!!!!!!!!!
Drawing, singing, acting, (Well, not quite yet, workin' on da stage fright..) making people laugh, and loving Yami Yugi more than anyone else in any realities, in exsistance and in NON-exsistance! O.o
| Mizu Takishima
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Saturday, November 27, 2004
Hey guys. :D Before I talk
about what happened today, I'll
just let ya know what else
happened this week. ^^' For
one, I decided to only post on
myOtaku once a week. (on
Saturdays) Unless there's
something I just HAVE to tell u
right away. ^.^' Also, I've
updated "My Guru Results" (the
site in my Intro w/ a crap-load
of anime quizes) quite a bit,
so be sure to check it out if u
want. and also, on Wednesday, I
saw snow fall from the sky for
the very first time in my life
irl!!! ^_^ (I use to live in
Florida all my life by the way,
and I've only lived here in IL
for about 5 months) It was very
pretty-full. ^.^ Well anyway,
on with what happened
today....well as usual, I
watched my usual morning shows!
^_^ PoKeMoN and Yu-Gi-Oh
totally ROCKED!! ^.^ (and So
did Sonic X, One Piece, and
F-Zero GP Legend) I just
absolutely LOVE Ash's new
friend Torcoal. ^^ That Torcoal
is so emotional when he's
happy, and that makes me go
like T_T and at the same time
it makes me laugh because it
happens so many times in a
comical fashion! ^.^ Now, as
for the Yu-Gi-Oh
episodes....GAWD! DID U GUYS
YAMI-CHAN?!! If I were in
Yami's shoes, I would have been
sooo embarassed....~.~...then I
would have beaten the crap out
of Weevil w/ my fists, instead
of my cards!!! XD But, when
Yami Yugi was making his
monsters attack Weevil like
that.....well in my personal
opinion, (VERY personal..) I
thought it was totally hot. ^^
(and other things..) OOOH THE
MY HEAD!!!!!!! XD Man, every
time Yami called out an attack
on that bug-boy-creepazoid, I
was thinking "oooooh yes! YES
XD......*blinks* I sounded just
plain wrong just now, didn't I?
o.o' Alright then, I better
shut up before SOME people get
the wrong idea. o.o''''''' Well
anyway, T'ea had to go and be a
buzz kill and forced Yami Yugi
to stop..~.~ (and just when I
was getting warmed up
MOUTH!! @.@) Part of me thanks
her for stopping him, ("PART"
of me is the keyword here...)
but she didn't have to touch
him though. -.-'
ANYWAYS....tonight I'm gonna
watch toonami and Adult Swim,
so that's gonna be cool. ^.^
Also, I probably should have
mentioned this sooner, but for
a while now, I've been keeping
a list of "Yami Yugi
Nicknames", and so far I'm up
to 44. o_o' So I was wandering
if u guys wanted to read 'em
all or not. o.o If I get enough
people telling me that they
wanna read my list, (please
request in the "Comments") then
I'll just type 'em up in my
Intro. ^.^ I mean, I don't
wanna put 'em up if it's gonna
scare people away from myOtaku.
^^'' (not to mention embarass
myself @.@) On the other hand,
aren't u guys wandering how the
heck I came up w/ 44 nicknames
just for one person? 0.o' Just
a thought. @_@ Well, I g2g now,
sayonara! ^_^
Comments (0) |
Saturday, November 20, 2004
Hey guys. Well, this morning I
watched Pokemon, Winx Club,
(don't ask..) Sonic X, One
Piece, Pokemon, F-Zero GP
Legend, Yu-Gi-Oh, and Yu-Gi-Oh.
^_^ In Pokemon, Ash FINALLY got
his Heat Badge! ^.^ (Yay!!!)
But ya know what I've been
noticing lately? o.o'' I'm
starting to realize that I
don't know as much Pokeology as
I use to!! TT Because they have
a thing where before some of
the comercials start, u have to
decide which of the fallowing
Pokemon would win against a
certain Pokemon, and sometimes
I-...I-...I-...I get it
WRONG!!!!! X'( NUUU!! T.T
*shoots herself in the head
with a gun and dies* x.x *but
then that
floating-outer-space-thingy w/
a lady's voice and hands brings
her back to life like on Excel
Saga* Aw man, why does that
always happen on myOtaku? ~_~'
Well anyways, Yu-Gi-Oh was good
today too because Yami Yugi is
almost constantly on the show
now.......ever since Normal
Yugi lost his soul. uu'' But
why did Rebecca have to be so
mean to Yami Yugi for? T.T I
mean, it's not HIS fault that
YUGI just HAD to be a hero and
save Yami Yugi from getting his
soul taken away by taking his
place, is it?! T.T Though, Yami
Yugi DID play the Seal of
Orichalcose.....but STILL,
Rebecca didn't have to make
Yami Yugi feel WORSE, did
she?!! T.T Don't get me wrong,
I can easily understand how she
feels, it's just that I can't
stand it when people make our
Pharaoh feel sad...*sighs* Oh
well, at least it was funny
when Kaiba was all "WHAT?!!
funniest part about that was
that he totally blew his top
for only about a minute or two,
then he went back to normal.
0_o And right after that part,
I was thinking "Aw dude, that's
just like "Whoops,...Ms. Pidlen
almost lost her temper!" XD"
(Ya know, like on the old "All
That" when Keanen played that
lunch lady who was obsessed w/
peas, and would "blow her top"
when the kids say bad stuff
about peas, then she would go
"back to normal" and say that
she ALMOST lost her temper)
Then either before or after
that Tristen did a Kaiba
impression!! XD So yeah, I
guess today was a "laugh and
point at Kaiba day" for me. o_o
Man, when are they gonna get
Yami Bakura back? 0.o I wanna
laugh and point at him too. uu'
Oh well, at least Rave Master
was cool today too! ^.^ Even
though that has nothing to do
w/ what I was talking about o_o
But who cares? ^.^ Right now,
I'm currently watching the
Wizard of Oz while I wait for
Adult Swim. o.o' *sighs* This
reminds me of the time when I
got turned into a Scare-crow
like the one in this movie in
one of our RPs when one of the
7 curses apon the whole group
was where everything got turned
into The Wizard of Oz for 24
hours. ~_~ Back when Luffy was
always online....*sighs*...But
don't worry, he'll come back
soon!..^_^ He always
does..(btw, Luffy is one of my
friends, NOT my boyfriend ^^'
Even though he likes me <<'
Just like a bunch of other guys
online >>' Which is kinda
ironic since very rarely does a
guy like me irl o.o') Well,
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Saturday, November 13, 2004
Hey guys @_@ Well, all my
Saturday morning anime/1
cartoon where great. ^^
(especially Pokemon :D) But I
can't get over what happened on
the Yu-Gi-Oh episodes
today...the good and the bad.
o_o' I mean, first Yami Yugi
stopped listening to Yugi, then
Yami Yugi got all evil
and-.....--_--...*sighs and
clearn her throut*
Um,..actually, I can't lie to u
guys. u.u'' But for some very
STRANGE reason,....when Yami
Yugi was all evil and stuff, I
got a few butterflies in my
stomach and I drooled a bit!!
XD But some of me was all
"Nuuuu why must u turn evil??!"
HOT HE BE! XD *giggles like a
maniac* But, when Yami Yugi
lost the duel, I thought I was
gonna die!!! O.O (I'm serious!)
also, when Yugi saved Yami Yugi
from getting his soul taken
away, it was really sad because
Yami-chan was crying!! TT (Of
course, I already knew that was
gonna happen since one of my
best friends sent me some pics
of that part..but still!) T.T
T.T T.T T.T T.T T.T *sniffs*
Well, I g2g now, I'll see u
guys later T_T
P.S. Oh yeah, right now I'm
waiting for adult swim. ^^
Comments (2) |
Friday, November 12, 2004
Hey guys :D Sorry that I've
been gone so long. ^.^; The
phone company stopped working
for 2 weeks, and w/out that,
the webtv, (or the phone)
couldn't work! x.x But now I'm
back! ^.^ Lets see, stuff that
u guys missed.......well for
one, my Halloween was great! ^^
(Yay candy!) I hope all of
yours' where great too. ^^
also, last saturday, my mom, 2
sisters, and I went to one of
our relatives' wedding! -^.^-
It was really prettyful :D (But
for some reason, I couldn't
help but think about three guys
I know during the actual
wedding..) oh yeah, and the
reseption was lots of fun. ^_^
there where lotsa peoples I
didn't know there, but I didn't
care all that much. @_@ Now, as
for stuff that happened today
that is actually interesting or
............well, no not really
o.o Hooray! ^.^ Eh. o_o'
*shrugs* Man I love ya guys.
T_T Well, I g2g, Sayonara! ^.^
P.S. OH YEAH! O.O I forgot to
mention, a few days ago, I got
the .hack//Legend of The
Twilight OST! :D
Comments (2) |
Saturday, October 23, 2004
Hi guys. =3 I saw 2 new
episodes of Pokemon and
Yu-Gi-Oh today! ^^ But
unfortunetly, nobody told me
that they would show TWO new
episodes of Yu-Gi-Oh...o_o' I
woke up at 7:00am-ish (midwest
time..) and they were already
showing yu-gi-oh 0.0' So, I
thought that they were just
showing ONE new episode, but
going to show the same one
twice. o_o But I was wrong!!
^_^;;; So now, because my
younger sister (age 14) hates
getting up early, and since I'm
always suppost to wake her up
for Yu-Gi-Oh, she missed an
episode!! O_O;;; Hopefully she
won't realize that it was my
fault. x.x Well anyway, The
two new episodes of Pokemon
were like totally awesome. ^_^
But of course, we all know
that! o.O (Though, I did miss
Shaman King x.x But hey, even
if they weren't gonna show
Pokemon twice, I still would
have missed it because the
Channel that has FoxBox just
suddenly went blank for the
rest of the morining-ish! O.o)
I can't stop thinking about
that adorable Skitty! ^_^
Especially since a few weeks
before that episode came on, I
got a
from a machine at the mall! :D
(Ya know, those machines where
u put in some quarters, and u
get a toy of some kind...^^')
What I don't like about those
machines is that they put the
Pokemon Machine WAAAAAY too low
to the ground! 0.o It's like
they were...I dunno, meant for
some sort of...species of small
people..o.o But oh well, no big
deal. ^_^ Seeing Skitty on tv
is just extra cute! X3 The way
it chases its tail, and plays
with everything it can get its
widdle paws on, and how pink
and furry and tiny and the way
it goes "Nya!" is just too gosh
darn kawaii!! ^///^ *squeels*
^-^ Oh man, I'm sorry guys ^^'
I mean, I love all Pokemon
equally, and I think all
Pokemon are Kawaii. o.o I guess
I'm making such a fuss over
Skitty because I miss Amy and
Tama..(tom-uh) They're my two
cats that I had to leave behind
in Florida when we moved to
IL..^_^ Well anyway, I'm
looking forward to watching
Read or Die on Adult Swim
tonight. :D But how dare they
not show a new episode of
Inuyasha!! T.T Oh well,
hopefully they'll show it next
Saturday. u.u' Well, I g2g
Comments (0) |
Saturday, October 16, 2004
Hey guys. Not that much stuff
going on lately. I mean, stuff,
but heck, I'll tell
ya that part later. ;) Well
anyway, a week or two ago, I
auditioned in a chorus group
called the "Madrigolds", and u
can get in only if your a good
singer...and guess what?!
:D..........I didn't get
in....and I think I know's because....I
friends say I sing really good,
but they're my friends, they're
practicily SUPPOST to support
me when I'm feelin' down! But
ya know what?..A few days after
I found out that I didn't make
it, I asked the chorus teacher
"Now, be brutily I
sing really bad?" and she was
all "no, u sing ok, u sing
ok" and "you just need more
work on your tone and stuff.."
and the girl next to her,
(who's supposidly the best
singer in chorus, even though
she sings like a friggen
pop-star, even though in the
world of chorus, that's a BAD
thing) she said "what grade are
u in?" and I was all "I'm a,
freshmen.." and both of them
were all "ohh, then it's fine,
don't worry about it" "yeah
don't worry about it" and u'd
think that would make me feel
better, right? WRONG...if
anything, it made me feel
WORSE! And here's
see, I've been in chorus since
elementary school, and when I
was in middle school, I had one
of the best chorus teachers in
the whole state!!....and yet,
I'm still not a good enough
singer.....even if I am a
freshmen, that's still no
excuse..!! So..I've been
thinking...maybe...I should
just quit chorus now while I
still can...maybe I can join
art class or something...I
don't really know...what do u
guys think I should do..? Well,
I'll ttyl, sayonara..
P.S. On a lighter note, (and
something that actually
happened super recent..) I got a
(at from Yami
Yugi's wife, and she said that
Yami Yugi was happy to hear
that I still care about him,
even after all that's
happened!! ^.^ She also said
that HE'LL pm me when he's over
his cold!! XD *squeels fangirl
style* ^-^ XD ^_^
Comments (3) |
Saturday, October 9, 2004
Hey guys. ^^ Now, all this
stuff happened yesterday, since
technically it's past midnight.
o_o Ok, there was no school
today, (I dunno, some kind of
student holiday-type-thing) so
we (we; as in my mom and 2
sisters) went to Best Buy and I
got an anime DVD called
"Magical Shopping Arcade
Abenbashi" :D (I wanted to get
Pretear, but they didn't have
vol. 1!! ~~'' But then again, I
had my eye on this one longer
than Pretear..) After that, we
went to the mall and looked
around some of the stores and
stuff :) Then we went to
Wendy's to meet up w/ my great
aunt and her grandkids and had
lunch. -^.^- Then we saw that
movie Shark Tale. (which was
pretty good btw) Finally, we
went home and I watched my new
DVD. :D I thought it was Cool,
funny, random, crazy, hyper,
loony, and a bit naughty, 0.o'
But what was funny was that
they made knock-offs of almost
everything! o_o Star Wars,
Pokemon, Hamtaro, DBZ, The
Simpsons, and they over
exagerated mecha anime. o.o'
But basically, the show is
about these 2 kids (a boy named
Sasshi and a girl named Arumi)
from Osaka, who live in
Abenobashi, (some kind of area
in Osaka where u can buy stuff
and stuff) and when they find
out that Arumi is gonna be
moving soon because her
family's resturant is going out
of business, (just like a bunch
of other places in Abenobashi)
that makes it their last summer
break together! (mind u that
they're just friends, but
they've known eachother since
forever) But don't worry, it's
a summer they won't forget!
Because when the four gods of
North, South, East and West
are......wait...the statues of
the bird and turtle
were.....*scratches her head*
........Aw heck I'll skip that
part!! ANYWAY, they somehow
find themselves traveling to
and from different worlds,
simular to their own, only
different. (kinda like
alternate reality type things,
only like a video game) And
man, a bunch of crazy stuff
happens. o_o But that's what
makes it cool. :D Well, I g2g,
Sayonara! ^_^
P.S. Sorry that all my posts
are so freakin' long!! T.T
Maybe my family's right, I AM a
chatterbox!! TT But everyone at
school says I'm quiet!! I'm
Comments (3) |
Sunday, October 3, 2004
Hey guys. uu' Guess what? =\ I
got my progress report today!
^.^'' Aheh...promise u won't
laugh if I tell ya what I got?
o_o Well, I'm gonna tell ya
anyway, beacause I gotta get
this off my chest. uu' I
got...all F's 'cept a C–!!!!!!!
(Please don't tell my b/f about
this!! @.@ Wait, how can u, u
don't know him o.o') I'm trying
as hard as I can, but I'm still
failing. T.T Plus, the
standards in IL are way higher
than FL! For example, lets
pretend that u got a 60 in a
class. In Florida, that would
be a D. But in Illinoise, it's
STILL an F!! The heck is wrong
with this state?!! Ugh, I knew
moving here was a bad idea..
-P.S. On a lighter note, I went
to the mall yesterday and I
went to the Hot Topic there,
and they had this Hello Kitty
shirt that had a pic of Hello
Kitty in a somewhat goth-ish
outfit with her looking angry,
and the words on the shirt say
"If I hear the word cute one
more time..." LOL! That shirt
has my name writen all over it!
XD I would have gotten it, but
I'm saving my money for
something very special. u_u
Comments (0) |
Thursday, September 30, 2004
disturbed, and saddened, and
confused, and mortified, and
everything else that isn't
happy!! Why? Ok, well, here's
what happened....Today at
school, I was in Chorus, and
being in chorus, we sing, (duh)
and well, right when class was
over, one of my friends and I
were getting ready to leave,
when my friend says "Man some
people are just rude.." and I
was all "huh, why?" and she was
all "ya know, talking bad about
people..." and I was all
"oh...wait, is someone making
fun of you?! (I said that
because she told me that people
make fun of her all the time)
Who are they, where are they,
I'll beat the crap outta 'em,
I'll-!!" but then she goes "no,
they weren't talking about
me...they were talking about
u.." and I was all "w-what?
Why?, what'd they say?, who
said it??!" and she was all
"some of the other girls, they
were making fun of the way u
sing...." and I was all
she was all "they were, _______
was the one who started it
all.." and I was all "WHAT?!
ergh, this is the second time
that she's gotten on my nerves!
First the Grrl Power thing, and
now this!!" (The meanie called
Grrl Power retarded, and she
never even seen that anime, she
just had a glance at the dvd
cover!!) And basically, I was
getting all hyistarical while I
was talking to my friend for
the rest of our walk..but when
we went our seperate ways to
our next classes, I was all
twitchy and stuff during the
first hour (or less) of general
science...(luckily I told my
friends there about what
happened, and I felt a little
better....)but I'll show them,
mean ones) *cackles evily* For
u see, there is a big audition
thing for a chorus group
called....I forget..BUT
ANYWAYS, I'm going to audition
for it, (as soon as I tell my
mom about the audition ^^'')
and I'll bet u anything that
I'll make it!!! ('cept for my
Pokemon stuff, no matter how
sure I am, I never risk the
Pokemon stuff) Wanna know how I
know? I'll tell u why!! It's
because everyone in my class
sings in their throut voice,
(pop-star-style) AND they sound
REALLY breathy. And in Chorus,
(Well, that's how I was tought
in Florida before I came to
Illinois anyway..) And hey, at
least I actually TRY to sing in
my head voice!!!!! (aka, the
good voice that u need to be in
when u sing chorus-style) (U
can tell if ur singing it right
if u only feel your nose
slightly vibrating, instead of
your throut, or your chest) And
who knows? Maybe I'll be the
best singer in school, (big big
BIG MAYBE) because the best
singer in school, sings in her
throut voice, (aka pop-star
voice) and guess what? In REAL
chorus, that's BAD! But I don't
care if I beat the best singer
or not, I just want to be in
that important chorus group
after I audition, and show that
other girl that I CAN sing!
Well, Sayonara!
-P.S. The girl who started
making fun of the way I sing,
isn't the best singer in
chorus, it's some other girl..I
Comments (0) |
Monday, September 20, 2004
Hey guys.....*playing her
GBA*....I haven't..posted in a basicallyyyy......u
guys missed a crapload of
stuff. ^^''' Ok where to
start....*saves the game, then
turns off her GBA* Well, it
turns out, that in chorus, we
didn't get a chance to listen
to a song on my Japanese
Pokemon CD 'til way later, and
when we did, I don't really
think anybody liked it very
much.....the chorus teacher
said it was only because they
thought that they had to sing
it, but I think that's only
half of the reason...(I mean,
C'MON!! Don't they have ANY
common sence at all?! Why would
I make them sing a song that
they never heard before in
they're lives, AND IN
JAPANESE?! Man, and people say
that I'M stupid..) Well anyway,
on the 15th, I got Pokemon Leaf
Green, and it's so freakin'
awesome!!! XD *drools at it's
level of awesome-ness* Oh yeah,
yesterday my younger sister and
I went to the park, and we
battled eachother wirelessly,
(she got Pokemon Fire Red) and
I kicked her butt!! XD I never
win against her w/ the other
games, but I actually beat her
this time!! T_T (Don't ask me
how she kept beating me..) So
yeah, basically I've been
feeling like Okido Shigeru,
("Oak Gary"; Gary Oak) because
not only did I beat her, but my
Pokemon are WAY stronger, AND I
have more badges! X3 Even
though she had a head start!
0_~ Man, it was so cool
standing in the grass, battling
eachother like real Pokemon
trainers!! T_T Ok, now on w/
the stuff that happened
today.......OH YEAH! 0.0 I got
detention today! @@ And I'll
have it for the next 3 days!
@.@ How? I'll explain later.
@_@ Well, I g2g, Sayonara!
-P.S. Did u guys watch Shaman
King, One Piece, Pokemon,
Yu-Gi-Oh, Inuyasha, and Wolf's
Rain? =3 I did! :D They were so
cool! ^o^
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