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The Shadow Realm of my mind..
Member Since
Waiting for Yami/Atemu to become a widower
Real Name
That is of none of ur concern..
I've made a few people like Pokemon. 0.0....Heh, not as much as I do of course. v_v
Anime Fan Since
All my life (I'm 100% serious o.o)
Favorite Anime
Pokemon has been all-time fav since 1998, and it still is. :D However, that does NOT mean I only like just Pokemon, because I have a VERY wide range of favs. o.o except hentai, and MOST robot ones. <<
TO ONE DAY MARRY YAMI YUGI!!! (And I will....make no mistake about it..)
Anime, Manga, (that includes trying to make some too) Video games, Acting, Singing, Drawing, and last but not least, STAYING IN LOVE W/ YAMI YUGI/ATEMU FOR ALL ETERNITY!!!!!!!!!!
Drawing, singing, acting, (Well, not quite yet, workin' on da stage fright..) making people laugh, and loving Yami Yugi more than anyone else in any realities, in exsistance and in NON-exsistance! O.o
| Mizu Takishima
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Tuesday, September 14, 2004
Hey guys. ^_^ Ya know what's
funny? =3 I'm ACTUALLY looking
forward to going to school
today! O.O XD Why? Because on
thursday, (which was the last
time I had concert chorus) we
were listening to music, and we
were suppost to write/draw what
the songs made us think about,
then one of my friends had a cd
w/ some Inuyasha songs on it,
and she asked the teacher if
she could play at least one
song on it, and she said yes!
:D The song that was played was
"Every Heart" (the japanese
version of course @_@ not the
crappy english one) and as if
THAT wasn't cool enough, it was
also cool cuz alot of the other
kids, (who most of them never
heard a Japanese Song in their
lives) were talking through it,
BUT u could hear alot of them
saying stuff like "shut up!",
"Hey shut up, I wanna hear
this", "Yeah! Now that's what
I'm talkin' about!", and "I
like that!" :D It was so cool
hearing all that. :'D Plus me
and my friend were singing
parts of it and those who
noticed were shocked! XD But
anyway, on to the part that I'm
looking forward to. o_o'
(finally) I asked the chorus
teacher if I could bring my
Japanese Pokemon CD next class,
(which is now today) and she
said yes!!! :D (Actually, I
told her it was "a japanese CD"
because I like surprising
people. =3) So, yeah, that's
why I'm looking forward to
school today. ^.^ I'm STILL
pretty pumpped up from thursday
when we listened to Every
Heart. XD I mean, at my old
school, we never listened to a
anime CD in class before!! 0.0
And it was just so cool man! XD
Oh, and since the chorus
teacher will probably play only
1 song on my CD, (Pocket
Monsters; Revilation Lugia
soundtrack) I pick track 2,
"Rivle" and the title of this
post says "Batoru shiyou ze"
because that's the first
sentence in the start of the
song. (though I have no idea
what it means. @.@ Something to
so Battle...) Oh yeah, incase
ur wandering, I got the
Japanese Pokemon CD from JACON
2004, a anime convention at UCF
back in Florida. ^.^ (where I
use to live) Well, I g2g,
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Tuesday, September 7, 2004
Hey guys.....don't u hate it
when u do the least little
thing, and ur mom (or dad..or
legal gaurdian <.<') acts like
the universe is about to cave
in on itself? Yeah, that's
basically what happened to me
right after school...*sighs*
Ok, here's how it's the last period
of the day, and the bell rings,
meaning we could all go home.
(yay!) Then one of my friends
asked me if it was ok for her
to walk out with me to meet my
mom who was waiting for me in
the parking lot. And, being the
nice, (yet forgetful) person
that I am, I said yes. So, her
and I walked out to the car,
she met my mom, and I thought
things were going pretty
well..and they were, well, sort
of...then, as soon as we
started to drive off, my mom
was all jumpin' on my case and
crap because we were gonna be
late picking up my younger
sister from middle school, EVEN
THOUGH we were late from the
start, EVEN THOUGH she didn't
talk to my friend any longer
than 1-3 minutes, AND EVEN
Gosh, u guys should have seen
how my mom was actin'!!! The
way she was cussin', bein' a
b*tch, hit my knee, (actually,
it was one of her sissy slaps,
but even if she hit me as hard
as she could it wouldn't have
any effect on me, for I do not
fear that pathetic fool..) AND
the way she was acting in
general, U WOULD THINK that she
doesn't want me to have ANY
FRIENDS AT ALL!!!! I mean, when
we picked up my younger sister,
she was all "Sorry that we got
here so late Teri, but one of
your sisters' stupid *hit!*
"FRIENDS" fallowed her out to
the car!" MAN! THIS WOMAN
Plus, the way she acts, it's
like she thinks that I'm some
sort of "oddball" in the family
because I just happen to
actually HAVE friends!!! But
the thing is, I'm NOT the only
one in the family who has
friends, I'm just the only one
them other in the class room!!
UGH! I could just
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Saturday, September 4, 2004
Hey guys. Did anyone watch
.hack//Legend of the twilight
last night? O.o That's the last
episode! o.o Why would they end
it like that?? @@ Maybe it's
because they want people to
write fan fictions to continue
it. o.o Well anyway, if u
DIDN'T see it, I'm not tellin'
what happened! u_u So those of
u who haven't seen the show
from the begining, well next
friday u'll get ur chance! :D
If ya wanna know when it comes
on, just ask me. ^.^ Anyway, I
got to see the season finallies
of Pokemon and Yu-Gi-Oh! :D
both Pokemon episodes were so
freakin' awesome!!!!!!!!!!!!
But the second Yu-Gi-Oh
episode....I didn't like. O.o
It was nothin' but flashbacks
and T'ea being
PHARAOH!!!! And why did he
bother showing up?!! O.o I
would have grabbed him and put
him somewhere safe so he could
hide!! O.O *sighs* Oh well, I
take comfort in knowing that he
looked annoyed while he was
waiting for her, and when she
showed up. uu' Plus, he didn't
marry T'ea, he married Kisa.
o.o....--' Well anyway, a while
ago, everyone was being a jerk.
>< Here's what happened -.- Me
and my younger sister were
makin' Yu-Gi-Oh/Pokemon Music
videos, (using a cd player and
a dvd player..unfortunetly, we
can't record the music
videos..) and then my older
sister busts in w/out warning
trying to tell us something,
and when we told her to hold
on, because it takes alot of
concentration to play the music
at just the right part,
suddenly SHE gets all offended
and crap and says in the most
stupidest, mean, selfish,
braty, crappy-@$$ed, b*tchy way
possible: "Oh just never
mind!!" and stomps away! O.o
But what happened after that
was even worse! >< Since I
yelled at her for acting like a
jerk, my mom starts yelling at
me from down the stair case,
and as USUAL, I get blamed for
something that I didn't even
start!! O.o But the worse part
is that stuff like this always,
ALWAYS happens to me!! >.<
*sighs* Oh well, at least I
found some hot Yami Yugi
pictures. :') But than again,
ALL pics of Yami Yugi are hot.
;D Well, Sayona
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Saturday, August 28, 2004
Hey guys. ^^ Today I didn't
miss my Saturday morning
shows!! :D Yay! ^.^ (sometimes
I over sleep and miss 'em @.@)
Which reminds me, remember when
I said that the Fox Box was
gonna show One Piece, Mew Mew
Power, (Tokyo Mew Mew) and a
car racing-type anime, on Sept.
18th? 0.o' Well, it turns out I
was wrong. x_x They're only
going to show ONE of those
shows, and that u have to go
online to vote (as many times
as u want) at ^_^;; I
would vote, but I can't
choose!!! XD Anyways, I got to
see an all new full hour of
Pokemon, and Yu-Gi-Oh. :D Both
Pokemon episodes were totally
awesome, (Duh, as usual u_u)
and the Yu-Gi-Oh ones were ok
too. :) (Especially the Yami
Yugi HOT-NESSSSSS!!!!) Oh yeah,
and when good Marik took off
his shirt, I accidentily yelped
"WOO!!!!" 0.o I didn't mean
to!!! >.< It just slipped out!!
O.O I can't help it if it was
like some find of strip club in
that episode!!!! >< But yeah, I
did giggle for a little while.
uu'' Man, why don't they make
Yami Yugi take off his shirt?
:( It's not fair. :'( Now, some
of you might be wandering: "Why
is there a pic of Ryou Bakura
here?" Well, there was a part
in one of the Episodes of
Yu-Gi-Oh when he was raiding
the fridge. 0.o He must have
been very hungry o.o' But
anyway, when I saw that, I said
a way while back, I wrote a
short Yu-Gi-Oh fan fic (out of
boredum) and YAMI Bakura was
the one raiding the fridge! >.<
(And I made him act like a
Ham-Ham while doing so o_o)
Dude, they totally took my
idea..=\ That's the first time
that they stole my idea on
Yu-Gi-Oh. o.o Usually they
steal my ideas for other anime.
<.< Well, I g2g do stuff ^^'
P.S. If Your wandering why I
didn't mention the stuff that
happened on Pokemon, it's only
because most of u probably
didn't see it, and I don't like
spoiling cool stuff. =3
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Thursday, August 26, 2004
Hey guys. Today at school, it
was an "A Day" meaning that I
had Basic English, General
Math, Keyboarding, and Theatre
arts. Math today was
surprisingly easy, even though
I hate math. O.o But than
again, it's only the begining
of the year, plus General Math
is the easiest math class u can
get. ^^' Well anyway, enough
about school. =\ (Though I have
more to say, but I don't feel
like it right now..) You're
probably thinking: "If she had
an ok day, than why does the
pic look so sad?" (If u can't
see the pic, come back later,
cuz I'm still working on
getting it, and it could take a
little while) Well, I'll tell u
why.....well, it's mostly
because a few old wounds opened eternal Yami Yugi
wounds...(to learn more of what
I'm talking about, go here )
....however, it was mostly my
own fault my wounds opened up
again....u see, whenever my old
wounds open up, I not only feel
pain emotionally, but
physically as well...I know
it's strang, but it's
true.....well, I g2g, I'm in a
hurry, Sayonara
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Tuesday, August 24, 2004
Hey guys. ^^ Guess what? :) I'M
thought I was gonna get eaten
alive by preps, but it turns
out that there aren't any!! :'D
(Well, I don't think there are
o.o...but as long as they don't
bother me, or anyone else, who
cares? :D) And also, I met a
few people who like anime!! ^^
Today was a "B Day", meaning
that my classes were PE,
Concert Chorus, Gen. Science,
and Foods (cooking). There's
also homeroom, but I think
nobody has homeroom 'til Sep.
3rd or something. o.o Don't ask
me why, I have no idea <.< Well
anyway, today was great! ^^ The
only bad thing was, that EVERY
TIME that it was time to switch
classes, I kept getting lost!
@_@ But luckily I would ask for
help when I was completely
confused. o.o' But now that the
first day is over with...I'M
least I'll sleep well tonight.
^^' Well, I g2g do stuff,
Sayonara! ^_^V......Zzz...
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Monday, August 23, 2004
Hey guys. @_@ Guess what? x.x
Tomorrow I'm goin' to school..
:S I was suppost to go back on
friday, but my mom said that
since it was a half day,
there'd be no point in going
because there would only be
enough time to get me
registered and such. (since I'm
from out of state) BUT, today
when we went over to my high
scool to get me registered, it
turns out that we're gonna have
half days anyway until Laber
Day! ^^;; Funny, huh? o_o But
there's good, and bad news
about these half days. =\ The
good news is, that I'll get out
of school early! ^^ The bad
news is, I have to GO to school
early too. x_x But hey, it's
only for like a week..=\ Oh,
and since a regular day ends at
3:00pm, and the school is near
by, I'll be home in time to
watch Pokemon!! ^^ Yay!!!!!! :D
But still, I do NOT want to go
to school. ~~' Oh sure, the
staff seems pretty nice,
(probably because they think
that I'm smart, because of my
glasses...yeah, my glasses
ACTUALLY make me look SMART
@_@) but I don't know what the
other students are like!!! x.x
What if NOBODY in ANY of my
classes likes anime?! o.O (like
at my old school in the 8th
grade..) Or what if they're all
mean!? @@; Or maybe they'll
stero-type me because of my
glasses and the way I dress!!
>< (My mom usually buys all my
cloths..*shudders*) Plus I'll
be all alone cuz I'm a freshmen
w/ no friends from middle
school! >.< *sighs* But hey,
maybe it won't be THAT
bad.....well, that's what my
older sister says..then again,
she DID survive high school..
(She graduaded before summer)
Anyways, I g2g and have a blast
while I still can! :D Wish me
luck for tomorrow! ^.^ Well,
c-ya later!....(I hope T.T)
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Sunday, August 22, 2004
Hey guys. ^.^ Yesterday, I was
talking to Yuki, (one of my
friends back in Florida) and
man was I glad to see her! O.O
I thought she died because of
the hurricane!! T.T (Since
she's ok, I assume that my
other friends in Florida are ok
too. o_o) Well anyways, her and
I were talking about stuff,
(anime stuff of course u_u) but
unfortunetly she was infuriated
when she found out that "Tokyo
Mew Mew" was dubbed into "Mew
Mew Power", because she said
that they PROMISED to keep it
the same, even in the dubbed
version. o.0 Well anyway, we
were also talking about Shonan
Jump, and that there are
EXTREMELY HOT parts of Yami
Yugi in the Yu-Gi-Oh Manga! :D
And later there's a NAKIE
SCEAN!!!!!!!! XD Him lying in
bed I think, all egyptiony-like
and such..^-^ Yuki's gonna send
me pics ASAP! :D *runs around
in circles like a dog, then
runs into a fire hydrent* Ow,
that hurt! @.@ Well anyway, w/
Hot Yami Yugi pics as the
subject, her and I talked about
this one pic that we use to
worship, (but I still do! :D)
but since now she's obsessed
with Sasuke instead of Yami
Yugi, she asked me if I could
draw a pic of Sasuke in the
same pose as Yami Yugi was in
the pic that we use to worship.
^^ (Like I said before, I still
do....I even have it framed..)
So I'm gonna do my best! :D
Yuki probably would have stayed
obsessed with Yami Yugi like I
am, if it weren't for the fact
that he got married to Kisa and
had twins with her...BUT HEY!
Ya know what I say to that? I
say: "I don't care if he's
married to Kisa, I don't care
if he had twins with her, heck,
he can have octoplets with her
for all I care!! o_O But I'll
NEVER change my feelings for
him!!! :D" Well anyway, so now
I'm working on a Sasuke pic for
my friend. ^_^ (Did I mention
that I've known her longer than
any of my other friends? o.0')
So I guess I'll see u later! ^^
Sayonara! :D
Comments (1) |
Thursday, August 19, 2004
Hey guys. x.x Guess what? uu'
Today I have a doctor's
appointment! @@;;; Why? O.o
Because since I'm from out of
state, before I can go to
school, I have to have a check
up. ~~; (What, do they think
that I have some weird
Floridian/Southern illness?
o.O) Plus, to make things
worse, Tomorrow, I
forgot to mention. ~_~' Just
some FYI, It's NOT like I'm
affraid of Doctors and
hospitals, (cuz I ain't scared
of anything u_u) it's just that
I'm not exactly 100%
comfortable around 'em. 0.o
Plus I might have to get a full
Well, c-ya later. uu'
Comments (4) |
Saturday, August 14, 2004
Hey guys. u.u'' Guess
what? :( I missed the
sneek peeks of Mew Mew
Power, AND One Piece on
the fox box, AND I missed
Yu-Gi-Oh on the WB, just
because I over slept!!!
T.T I keep forgetting to
buy a new alarm clock. --'
*sighs* BUT, I'll try to
look on the bright side.
uu' Like how I saw the
Yu-Gi-Oh movie, and how I
remembered to watch
.hack//Legend of The
Twilight yesterday. o.o
Plus there are the new
episodes of Inuyasha and
Wolf's Rain that I'm gonna
see. o.o and I DID see at
least most of that 1 out
of 3 sneak peeks on the
Fox Box. o.o (I think it's
about racing) Plus, the
ACTUAL premieres of Mew
Mew Power, One Piece, and
that racing anime, aren't
unt'il Sept.! ^^' So I
guess I feel a little
better now. :') Well, I
g2g, Sayonara! ^_^
P.S. Oh yeah, I did manage
to catch a new episode of
Magaman NT Warrior, and
the episode of Pokemon I
missed was a re-run that I
know by heart. :3 Well,
almost by heart. @_@ My
brain doesn't work the way
it use to. 0.o
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