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The Shadow Realm of my mind..
Member Since
Waiting for Yami/Atemu to become a widower
Real Name
That is of none of ur concern..
I've made a few people like Pokemon. 0.0....Heh, not as much as I do of course. v_v
Anime Fan Since
All my life (I'm 100% serious o.o)
Favorite Anime
Pokemon has been all-time fav since 1998, and it still is. :D However, that does NOT mean I only like just Pokemon, because I have a VERY wide range of favs. o.o except hentai, and MOST robot ones. <<
TO ONE DAY MARRY YAMI YUGI!!! (And I will....make no mistake about it..)
Anime, Manga, (that includes trying to make some too) Video games, Acting, Singing, Drawing, and last but not least, STAYING IN LOVE W/ YAMI YUGI/ATEMU FOR ALL ETERNITY!!!!!!!!!!
Drawing, singing, acting, (Well, not quite yet, workin' on da stage fright..) making people laugh, and loving Yami Yugi more than anyone else in any realities, in exsistance and in NON-exsistance! O.o
| Mizu Takishima
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Friday, August 13, 2004
Hi everybody! ^.^ Guess what
movie I went to go see today?
^////^ *covers her eyes while
blushing brightly and shaking,
trying to hold back the
..... *takes a deep breath to
calm herself down* ......u.u..I
MOVIE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :D :D :D
:D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D
^////////^ It was great!! ^.^
Especially the Yami-Yugi-ness!
=^.^= But there are two things
that I didn't like about the
((ONE, There was a part, when
Kaiba and Yami Yugi were
dueling, and Kaiba made a
the back, and they showed the
dagger coming out of him threw
the other side!!!! (Though Yami
Yugi was shadowed...BUT
STILL!!!) And TWO, There was
too much dueling, and not
enough Yami Yugi shirt-less.
u_u....!o_o Uh, I mean
pants-less- WAIT, NO! NO!
great, now u all think I'm
dirty, don't u? ~~'''' MAN, I
*blinks* Oh yeah, remember when
Yami Yugi got stabbed? o.o
Well, when he did, I fell over
on my left side, completely
frozen...then my younger sister
started poking me 0.o and I
still didn't move. o.0 There
was no one anywhere near my
left side, which was how I was
able to fall over, and it took
me quite a while to calm down
after that part, even though I
knew he was ok. o.o' When I
told my older sister all that,
she said that Yami Yugi was
like my voodoo doll. 0.o' When
he got hurt, I got hurt. o.o
Plus, I feel what he feels.
HOWEVER, I still liked this
movie alot! ^_^ It was cool,
funny, exciting, and they got
away with more stuff than they
NORMALLY would on the show. ^^
(Not much more, but still :S) I
give this movie 4 stars! ****
^^ Well, that's all for now,
Sayonara! ^_^
P.S. Do u have any idea how
often I quivered, purred,
melted, drooled, and held back
embarrassing/loud comments
about Yami Yugi, just at the
very SIGHT of him on the big
movie screen?!!!! O.o
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Wednesday, August 11, 2004
Confused @_@
Hey guys, not much happening at
the moment. <.< Later today,
(and I say that now cuz it's
passed midnight over here :3)
We're going to the mall to just
look around, and to meet my
cousin. (who's 16) My great
aunt Kay says that she's
gothic, and I was thinking to
myself: "OH THANK GOSH! I was
affraid that she'd be preppy or
somethin'!" XD I think that the
goth-look is pretty cool. :D
Well anyway, she's probably
going to spend most of the time
there w/ her boyfriend, (who is
also gothic) than hangout w/ me
and my 2 sisters. :s But hey,
that's cool, that's cool. ^.^ I
still think that I'll have fun
there anyway. :D But the only
downside is, that I won't be
online 'til either in the early
afternoon, or really late at
night. uu'' And here is the
confusing part, and to show u
what I mean, here is my
"fun-filled" shedule. ~_~'v
Today, the 11th: mall (dunno
about internet time though
12th: (hopefully) internet time
(yay! :D)
13th: Yu-Gi-Oh the movie (OH
YEAH!!! XD I just hope I don't
blurt out embarassing things to
Yami Yugi that might disturb
everyone and get me thrown out
o_o' Too bad that I dunno if
I'll have online time or not
14th: Rantoul carnival thing..
(I hope I'm not too old for
one, and yet I've never been to
one. 0.o For some reason, our
mom never allowed us to go to
one when we lived in
Florida..--''' ANYWAYS, I don't
know if I'll be able to watch
my saturday morning anime on
the WB and the Fox Box! T.T And
I dunno if I'll be online. TT)
SOUNDS like fun, right? ^^ Well
yeah, but this is why I'm
confused. o.o' I dunno if I can
have fun, AND be offline at the
same time!! O.o I'll miss my
online friends too much. :(
Especially HalfDemonInuyasha.
Plus there's school coming up
in like 2 weeks, and how am I
suppost to spend as much time
online as possible, when all
these sudden changes in plans
just pop up out of nowhere?!
>.<'' SO CONFUSING!!!!! @@
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Saturday, August 7, 2004
Yay! :D
Hi everybody, sup? Not much
going on here right now..but
recently, we got a computer,
(btw, I currently am using
webtv) but the only problem w/
it, is that it doesn't have a
internet connection yet. x.x;
Which is a real shame, cuz we
just got a printer/scanner
thingy, and I wanted to put my
drawings in my Otaku..:(..but
oh well, we'll get it hooked up
to the internet eventually! ^.^
Anyways, just incase if u
haven't heard yet, on the Fox
Box, they're gonna show
sneak-peeks of THREE really
cool anime! :D I only remember
2 of the names though @.@ The 2
that I remember are "Mew Mew
Power", (I heard, that if u
like Sailor Moon, u'll love
this! :D...And I'm pretty sure
that it's NOT a Sailor Moon
knock-off like Wedding
Peach...NOT that I HATE Wedding
Peach, but judging by the ADV
trailer I saw, it seems like a
knock-off of Sailor Moon. 0.o)
and...."One Piece"!!! :D Yep,
they're gonna show ONE PIECE on
TV! :D So Next Saturday, be
sure to catch the sneak-peeks
of "Mew Mew Power", "One
Piece", AND "that other cool
anime that I can't remember the
name of/I've never heard of!"
On the Fox Box! ^.^' ((NOTE:
The Actual shows won't be shown
on TV 'til this Fall, that's
why these are just
Sneak-Peaks)) I just hope that
the Sneak-Peaks/the actual
showings of these anime won't
be on at the same time as
Pokemon, Yu-Gi-Oh, and Magaman
NT Warrior on the WB. @.@ Well,
c-ya guys later! ^-^
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Tuesday, August 3, 2004
I'm back!!!
Konnichi wa everyone! ^_^
I'm FINALLY back!!! :D Did
ya miss me? huh? did ya
did ya did ya?! ^.^ Well I
missed u guys like crazy!
o.o Aheh, it's funny, I
ACTUALLY came back online
YESTERDAY, but I didn't
have enough time to post
in MyOtaku..o.o'' Please
don't be mad!! Oo;;; Well
anyway, I'm no longer
living in Orlando Florida,
now I'm here in Rantoul
IL. (I can't spell IL the
long way @.@') Everything
is so different here. o.o
There's almost no
humidity, ALOT of corn
fields, AND there are
real-live PEOPLE eating at
Arby's! O.O (In Florida,
all the Arby's are empty
0.o) Anyways, today I went
shopping, and I got 2 wall
scrolls, (one w/ Kenshin
from Samurai X and one w/
Chi from Chobits) and I
got a dvd of "Panyo Panyo
DiGi Charat"! ^_^ But
there's just one thing
that confuses me about
that show. o.o On this
show, the characters are
all chibi-fied like this:
But one time I saw a Manga
of DIGI Charat, and the
characters were
NON-chibi-fied, kinda like
Is there more than one
series of the same show or
something like that? 0.o
I'm totally stompped. o.o'
If anybody knows anything,
lemme know in da comments,
ok? @_@ Well, c-ya! ^_^
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Wednesday, July 7, 2004
Hey guys...this is going
to be my last post here
for about a month.. (Also,
it's my last day to be
online) ..and here's the
reason why.......*sighs*
because we're moving to IL
on the 13th, tomorrow
we're gonna pack up all of
our electronics...and the
reason why I'll be offline
for a month instead of a
few days, is because our
current WebTV is gonna go
to one of those storage
places, (along w/ some of
our other stuff) and since
the storage place is here
in Florida, we can't get
the WebTV back for 6
months! x.x So instead of
waiting that long, we're
gonna either get a new
WebTV, or a computer some
time next month. (I hope
it's a computer. @.@)
*sighs* As if leaving a
state that I lived in my
whole life, leaving all my
irl friends behind, AND
leaving our pets behind
was't bad enough, I
have to leave my online
friends for a month?!
(There's something else I
have to leave behind too,
but it's linked to a
secret that I'm sworn to
keep..) *sighs* Watasino
zinei kirai...that means
"I hate my life..."
However, there are 2
things that I'm actually
looking forward to about
this move...1, I'll be a
little closer to S.O.S.,
and 2, I'll finally be
able to build a Yami Yugi
shrine in my
closet....*drools and
blushes brightly*
Ehh~heh~heh~heh.. *punches
herself in the face*
o.o'....ya know how I
laughed just now? 0.o
Well, is sounds like that
one time on DragonBall,
when Yamacha was saying
how much Jackie Chun and
Master Roshi were alike,
including their laugh, and
then Jackie Chun and
Master Roshi laughed at
the same time in Yamacha's
head..O.o...I dunno if u
guys saw that episode or
not. <<'' Well anyways, I
gotta stop posting
now..I'LL MISS U ALL!!!
T.T :'( T.T :'(
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Friday, July 2, 2004
Hi everyone. ^_^...I need
ur help very badly. O.O; U
see, I'm sick and tired of
only being able to listen
to midis, (My Webtv won't
let me listen to
MP3's/Music from
Gpetz...think of Webtv as
a crappier version of a
computer..) and I was ANY of u
know where I can find some
anime MP2's?! T.T (yep, I
said MP2's, NOT MP3's) My
webtv only lets me listen
to midis, wavs, and MP2's,
and I REALLY want some
anime MP2's!!! T.T So if u
guys have any, or know
where I can find any, or
are able to make any,
me know!! T.T U can let my
know by posting a comment,
or by e-mail, or whatever,
just PLEASE help me in any
way possible! T.T Thank u,
I appreciate any help that
u can give me.. *bows*
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Tuesday, June 29, 2004
Weird thoughts..
..Hey ya guys...I know
it's been a while since my
last post, but I've kinda
been busy lately...and
well, since I currently
have some spare time, I
figured that I might as
well post somethin' in my
otaku....well anyway..I've
been having these weird
thoughts someone
be in love w/ a person
from another realm,...and
have their heart broken by
them..? Are we all just
part of someone else's
alternate universe..?
Would it have made a
difference in our world if
I never exsisted..? Ya
know, stuff like
that...yeah I know it's
weird, but there isn't
much I can really do about
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Sunday, May 30, 2004
LUFFY'S BACK!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :D :D :D :D :D For those of u who don't know, Luffy is one of my best friends, and he hasn't been online for a really long time, (sorta a long-ish story) BUT NOW HE'S BACK!! :D I missed him sooooooooo much!!! T_T T_T T_T Oh yeah, and before that happened, I made my very first anime quiz! :D here's the url:!%20%5E%5E%20If%20I%20were%20u%2C%20I'd%20read%20the%20memo.%20%40_%40)/ Well, that's all the news for now! ^-^ Sayonara! :D
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Sunday, May 23, 2004
Yesterday...was...THE BEST DAY EVER!!!!!
:D :D :D :D ^______^ It
was so freakin'
awesome!!!!!! ^.^ At
first, it wasn't so great
cuz I forgot my camera, I
was the only one in the
group who wasn't
cosplaying, my feet hurt
cuz of my sandles, and I
didn't eat breakfast. x_x
BUT we went home real
quick to drop off my older
sister, (cuz she wanted to
go home WAY early) get the
camera, and change my
shoes. THEN when we went
back to the convention,
everything was ALOT better
cuz my feet didn't hurt,
more of my friends showed
up, (when they showed up,
I wasn't the only one who
wasn't cosplaying ^^) I
had my camera, (and I took
some cool pictures ^_^)
and I ate lunch! ^^ And
since I was in a MUCH
better mood, I had a
awesome time!!!! :D Like
that one part, when those
guys- or that other part,
when we- and that one guy-
and we were- and we were
all- then when I got- Gah,
if I tried to tell u all
EVERYTHING, I'd be here
from 10:30-ish A.M. to
11:00-ish P.M! @_@V Well,
as u should be able to
tell, it was one of the
best days of my life! ^_^
Plus, I never got to spend
the whole day w/ my
friends before! EVER! And
we talked to complete
strangers as if we've
known them our whole lives
or something! ^^ Dude, I'm
gonna remember this for
the rest of my l
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Monday, April 26, 2004
*sighs* Ya know how I'm gonna
move to IL in 2 or so months?
Well, we can't keep any of our
pets...including my cats Amy and
Tama.(Tom-uh) So now they have
to live w/ my Uncle, and even if
we come back to visit him, the
cats will probably not be around
since there's alot of forest (or
was it forrest.....*shrugs*) for
them to explore in.....and today
was Amy's 4th b-day. (in human
years) Yeah, what a great b-day
for her, getting dumpped off in
a place she's never been
to...and she doesn't like
strangers....and Tama will
probably get eaten by a dog, or
shot. (My uncle lives where alot
of rednecks r, and these redecks
love to shoot cats) I'm really
gonna miss them...
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