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The Shadow Realm of my mind..
Member Since
Waiting for Yami/Atemu to become a widower
Real Name
That is of none of ur concern..
I've made a few people like Pokemon. 0.0....Heh, not as much as I do of course. v_v
Anime Fan Since
All my life (I'm 100% serious o.o)
Favorite Anime
Pokemon has been all-time fav since 1998, and it still is. :D However, that does NOT mean I only like just Pokemon, because I have a VERY wide range of favs. o.o except hentai, and MOST robot ones. <<
TO ONE DAY MARRY YAMI YUGI!!! (And I will....make no mistake about it..)
Anime, Manga, (that includes trying to make some too) Video games, Acting, Singing, Drawing, and last but not least, STAYING IN LOVE W/ YAMI YUGI/ATEMU FOR ALL ETERNITY!!!!!!!!!!
Drawing, singing, acting, (Well, not quite yet, workin' on da stage fright..) making people laugh, and loving Yami Yugi more than anyone else in any realities, in exsistance and in NON-exsistance! O.o
| Mizu Takishima
Saturday, December 18, 2004
Hey guys. :D Before I let ya
know what's going on today,
I'll just fill ya in on the
highlights of the week. ^^ Well
first off, I FINALLY added
Nickname #50 to my list of Yami
Yugi Nicknames! :D T_T :'D
(YAY! ^^) Also I went to a
Christmas Party at my Great
Aunt's house on thursday. :D
(fun! ^^) and Also, last night,
(and a little bit of today
@_@') I watched a anime on DVD
called Corrector Yui! :D It's
about......well, It's got the
whole "Magical Girl"-type thing
down pretty well, (Like Sailor
Moon, that girl from Pretear,
etc.) and it takes place
somewhere in the future. o.o
(2000-something) Here's a
picture of two of the
Characters that I found on a
website that was in Spanish;
(The girl is Yui, and the Robot
looking thing is a Corrector
Software program named IR)
Those two, and a bunch of other
Correctors they meet later,
have to save the Virtual world
from an evil virus-type-thingy
or something like that named
Grosser (and his henchmen of
course) And yes, the main
character is actually from the
real world, not the virtual
world. @_@ Man is she lucky. =\
If she wants to go the virtual
world all she has to do is lift
her finger up high and say
"Corrector Yui Enter!" o.o But
it's kinda ironic since the
girl doesn't know ANYTHING
about computers! x.x (She makes
me look like a computer
wiz......*shudders from such a
dorky thought* ~~')
Well anyway, it's a great show
but now on to what's going on
today! @.@ (finally x_x) Today
is my older sister's b-day! :D
(WHOO!) She turned 19 today,
and now I can call her "Xander"
from "Drawn Together" XD (cuz
they're the same age now :D) Oh
yeah, and we had cake! ^^
(Mmm...cake..) And as for
presents- Well, she got stuff
from my great aunt ^^' (we
needed to use most of the money
on christmas presents x_x) Oh
but don't worry, my older
sister got some other stuff
yesterday too, and she's gonna
get the next Yu Yu Hakusho DVD
that's coming out....I forget
when, but I think it's later
this month. x_x (She has EVERY
SINGLE DVD of YYH that has came
out in English so far. o.o)
Well, that's basically it ^.^'
Oh yeah just one more thing.
o.o I've noticed that NOBODY
has posted about ANYTHING in my
comments lately...O.O Not even
about my Yami Yugi Nicknames.
o_o But hey, that's cool. ^.^
But it kinda makes me wander if
anybody likes talking to me
anymore. o.o' I probably scared
everybody away....o.o'''' Well,
I g2g, sayonara! ^_^
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