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Monday, September 12, 2005
Well... for those of you who wanted to see my chibi drawing, but couldn't because the link was messed up, you'll be happy to hear that I fixed the link... for whatever reason where I uploaded my drawing it just wouldn't let me make a link to it... but whatever... that's confusing stuff... so I just decided to upload it on photobucket and do that there... don't ask me why I didn't do that in the first place... I don't know...
Well... yesterday I added up a Beyblade E-card thingy... ^^ yay for me! And then did I realize why I couldn't add the other one I made before yesterday... I thought they were too serious and too depressing... ^^ I still think they are, but there's also not a catagory I could put them under... but the four of them are Beyblade, if you ask me really nicely I might post them here so you can see them... ^^ But I really like the little pharse thingy I put one the one I added... ^^ it's something I'd say to my friends...
Oh... and sometime between last night, and now, someone didn't like one of my drawings... I'm not saying that you always have to say yes you like them... but if there's something you don't like about them, I'd like it if you told me, like things I have to work on... I know I have to work on hands... I can't draw them to save my life... but if you have any kind of constructive critisium that'd help me become a better artist... please, by all means tell me... okies...? ^^ Thanks in advance if you do...
Oh... and for those of you who are wondering about Max and Oliver, well... they are both burised, hurting, and welted pretty badly... right now the two of them are resting... trying to recooperate... but don't worry... the 'tards will live... ^^ Well... that's all I can really think of saying now.... WAIT! I kept one forgetting to say this, but I got 200 visits sometime last week and I'd like to thank everyone who does visit and actually reads this stuff I seem to mindlessly ramble on about... I love you all... ^^ Thanks again... oh... and my cold's finally starting to go away! Yay... well, that's all for now, 'til Later... See Ya...
Oh! I forgot to say this... so I'll just add it now... I saw my first two episodes of Naruto last night... I have to say, it's better then I thought... and I think I might become a fan ^^
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Sunday, September 11, 2005
Well, I added two desktops today, one Kai one, and one with both Kai and Rei. It's weird... even though I don't like Kai all that much... (but if he beat you up with a shovel I doubt you'd like him all that much either) I seem to be able to make a lot of wallpapers with him... but the ones I make have lyrics on them... so that just mean a bunch of songs remind me of him... like the one I just added, it has a verse from 'Easier to Run' but as soon as I heard it, I had to pause my AMV and start making a desktop because I'd forget it if I didn't... ^^ and it's my desktop right now... but it's mostly gray... so that's hot... ^^ right...tell me I'm right, gray's the hottest color...
Max: -.- don't you know, gray's not a color, it's a shade, like white and black...
Oliver: I'd have to concur...
Me: *thinks* concur...? concur...?
Max: -.- It means he agrees with me moron...
Me: NU-UH!
Max: -.- yes it does....
Me: o.o *points past them* SNAIL!
Oliver: <3 WHERE?!? (-.- told you he was obsessed)
Max: :O DON'T EAT IT YOU FREAKIN' FRENCH FRY! (Bryan called Oliver that a few times... Max must've heard...) It's gonna be a souvenir when we go back to America!
Oliver: NOT A FRENCH FRY! *pulls out one of his knightly swords and bonks (XD *laughs* Bonk) Max with it* (don't worry the sheath's still on it)
Max: *finds a sword and starts fighing Oliver*
Me: *laughing* They'd get farther if the sheaths weren't on... *laughs more* XD and it started over a snail! And they think I'm a moron... I just can't wait to tell everyone about this.... Tala's gonna be mad 'cuz I doubt Max'd fight someone if they wanted Tala.... he'd be too chicken... and I bet Muraki'd love this... *shifty eyes* *pulls out a video camera and starts taping there fighting* heh... momento... Hey... unless you wanna see two weak girly men fight it out over their beloved snail... I'd advise you to go... I'll see if I can tell you about the fight later.... see ya... *waves* OMG THE SNAIL'S GETTING AWAY!
Max and Oliver: NO! WHERE IS IT?!?
Me: Dunno....
Oliver: You made the newest addition to my collection get away!
Max: That was my souvenir!
Oliver and Max: ARG! *starts fighing again*
Me: *laughs* Dinkleburgs.... Well... Later...
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Ok... it's almost one in the morning... and I'm gonna post a picture... *laughs* I've been working on it for a few hours now and I think it's really cute. It's a bunch of chibi's (well, heads at least) of a few different people who live in Ayaa's and my world. Since it's in pencil not all the lines showed up, like in Max's and Bryan's chins, Kai's scarf, and where I tried to lightly shade some things in. Well, here's the pic. so you can take a look Chibi Peoples Just so you know, Yin ('tis a boy kitty) and Yang (girl kitty)... the two cats at that bottom are mine and Rei's cats... they haven't popped up for a while... *gonk* lets hope they didn't go the way of Mitsuo and Shadow (Mituso was a past dog, and Shadow a past cat, they both disappered/died or something) And don't ask about the snail. Ayaa drew it on one of my papers and I thought it was the sexiest snail ever so I had to draw it just because of that... and because Oliver Max and I seem to have a werid obsession with them... ^^ heh... And while I was drawing Bryan I noticed... him and Lee have a weird thing in common... They both have freakin' SIDEBURNS OF DOOM! *laughs* I don't know why... but speaking of Lee reminded me of something that happened at my B-Day party-thing last year. I was showing my friends AMVs/video clip things I downloaded, and most I'd have to say are Beyblade, and for some reason I had to leave the computer room, letting all my friends what the Japanese video clip of Rei vs. Mystel, I come back to have Ayaa tell me that Jessica (on of my friends that was there) thought Lee was Rei's dad... XD *laughs* I thought that was funny... -.- but a very scary thought... XD but it was still great! Ra it'd suck if Lee was Rei's dad... and I've heard that Mariah is Lee's sister... >.< So that'd mean Rei'd do the humpity-bumpity with his Aunt somewhere between the 13-14 manga... *goes into a dark distant corner, crying* I can't believe Rei and that wench had a kid...
Oliver: o.o''' *watching me, making sure I don't do anything 'drastic*
Max: *has his arms crossed* What are you gonna do now Miz, be Rei to near death with a stick... again...? (yes... I did do that when I first found out)
Me: T-T No... I'm sure he learned his lesson already... ^^ this time I'm gonna give Mariah a little 'gift'... heh...
Max: Evil thoughts... where's Ayaa to help...
Me: *shrugs* Well, I'd better be heading off to bed... I got to keep my sleep cycle sorta normal... Later...
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Saturday, September 10, 2005
o.o *blinks* that was quick....
Well... both my drawings are up now... quicker then I thought... it's only been... what... an half an hour...? if even.. well, for my Beyblade drawing, Oliver saying "MIZZY! Give me my beret back!" and the little scribble note says 'He doesn't like to be seen without it' well, I haven't ever seen him without it so I assumed that much... and if you question what Rei's doing, he's putting on another shrit, yeah, if you noticed I stole Rei's shirt and put it over mine, and if you're qestiong what's around my neck, it's Rei's little sashy thing.
As for the drawing of the real-ish me... take no notice to the fact I don't have fingers... I can't draw hands to save my life... and I can't draw brunette hair and blonde highlighs with a black pen... so just use your imagination there....
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Ok... I finished drawing and inking in the two drawings I've been telling you about, I'll post them in my art profily thingy... and they should be up in around two days.... you'll just have to wait on them... when my Beyblade one is able to be viewed, I'll explain it a little 'cuz it might be a bit confusing, plus a little note might be hard to see... other then that, they should be up soon, and I'm thinking of posting up my other Kai wallpaper... there hasn't been any added since I added my last one... *gonk*
Ok... last night I wrote this, I guess I was sorta inspired but the first part of Hands Off, where the one girl trained herself... forced herself to smile everyday, no matter how bad she felt, and I thought, 'In a way that sounds like me' and I ended up typing this short story kinda thingy, and if anyone, this is dedicated to my two best friends, Ayaa and Kit, and I really hope they read it
My Friends Are My Life
I'm the kind of person who keeps on smiling even when I'm at my worst, sick or depressed. The only reason I'm like that is I don't want people around me to worry about me. I don't want to make people sad and worry, because I'm the one who helps them smile though the day. And even when my friends and I fight, I can't wait for us to put it behind us and laugh together again. That's why most of them don't know about my dreaded past, I don't want them to worry about something that seems to haunt me everyday even if I don't know it. And even if I could go back and change what'd happen, I wouldn't, no matter how bad my life continues to get, and even if I get pushed to the limits, I woudln't change my past for the world... If I did, I might not have ever made such great friends. The kind of friends I woudln't trade for all the money in the world, the ones that I can't wait to see, ones that I want to have for the rest of my life... They may not know it, but they are the reason I smile everyday, they are my reason for living everyday. I want them to always know I'll be there by there sides, if they ever need someone to turn to, or a shoulder to cry on, I want them to always trust me, and know I'll always be there to help. Though at times I may be annoyingly too happy, it's either because I don't want to see them sad, or it's because I'm just happy because I have such great friends who understand me. And I'm sorry if you may think I cry to easily, but that's my way of setting free the pain and secrets I bottle within myself. I know that might not be the heathiest way of doing it, but it's the only way I can keep smiling, making others happy. That's why I try not to worry so much about myself, because worrying about my friends, and their happiness is so much more important then mine.
I cried while typing the whole thing, I'm not sure why... maybe because I was happy to be able to say how I feel... well, I am happy I got to say all that stuff, and I really hope they read that, it'd mean the world to me, but I can't make them do anything... well... that's all I really need to say now... I may post later.... well... Later...
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Friday, September 9, 2005
GEH! *nose is running* I caught cold while I was sleeping last night and now I feel like shit. Memo to self: no sleeping with the window open... 'til Spring...
Unfortuntly, last night I forgot to take my one drawing out of the scanner so the one I was talking about yesterday I haven't got around to inking it in yet... BUT! Yes there is a but, I started working on a drawing of the real me... I still have to draw the hands, and probably ink it in. My 'Gym Buddy' *laughs* said it looked like me... That's a good sign, but I still thing it looks better then me... *shrugs* It'll do...
I'm also down two three manga of my six manga check list, I've read Model 7, Gravitation 12, and Hands Off 1. I have the other 3 of Hands Off to go... I have to say, Ayaa, you have a great taste in manga (The six are hers) but I do really like Hands off, probably because it's sorta of a mystery manga... and I've always loved mystery books... *shrugs* and now that I think about it, sometimes it annoys me how people pronouce manga. That pronouce it how it looks man-ga... like OMR that man is hot... saying man... with the ga at the end in stead of manga... with the.... ahhh sound instead of just the a... it's annoying... and no offense if you do... it just drives me crazy! A ton of people at school say it, sometimes I think Ayaa, Kit and I are the only ones who know how to say it right. It's like they just got into it, and they sound like people who don't like anime, I think my grandpa and/or my step-grandma (thing) and my step-Aunt (she's younger then me, she's... 6) say it.
But... yeah... for those of you who know Ayaa, and read her journal thing, would know there was this weird pneumonia spill thingy at school
Max: -.- moron... that ammoina..
Me: whatever... there was this AMMOINA spill thingy, and we all had to go to the gym... it was weird... Alas... there was no deaths.. what a pity...
Max: no deaths is a good thing... idiot.
Me: =P shut up! Well... today's been, for the most part good, asides for the cold... and hacking up a lung... and whatever that stuff I coughed up on my pants...
Oliver: EW! That was gross!
Me: *rolls eyes* you'll live... -.,- I might not on the other hand... *coughs up a storm* Well, later... if I survive....
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Thursday, September 8, 2005
*gonk* I'm so bored right now it's no longer funny. I have no one to talk to... I can't think of anything to draw... and I have the feeling I'm being ignored *sighs* maybe I'm being paranoid again... Well, I started this one drawing last night, it's in pencil so I'm not sure if it'll show up if I scan it... I'll try it.... and while I'm waiting... I'll try to think of things to say... Well, I beat my beyblade game a few hours ago... it wasn't much... Ayaa and I though BEGA would be in there because you could get Zeus... but No... -.- no freaken BEGA... at least I think I beat it... It'd be cool if it'd go father...
Well..... I can't scan my picture in pencil... I'll have to ink it in first... so if you wanna see it, you're going to have to wait 'til later, or tomorrow, but I really like it, I think it's cute!
Well... I know I didn't have much to say today... but I'm gonna go... and wait for someone... or something to talk to, 'til then... I think I'll be going over mine and Ayaa's old covos. *laughs* They're great! >.< Well... Later
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Wednesday, September 7, 2005
Well... I finished two drawing today, but mostly just inking them in. For a week or so I've been drawing a pic. with Oliver, "me", and a small Rei head in the background. I finally finished and scanned it today ^^ Yay! I'll think of posting it *probably will* other then that, last night I started on a drawing of "me" in a nurse outfit thing. I think they're cool looking! Like maid's dresses! *has a weird taste in dresses clothes* I also drew "me" in a French, hopefully it's a French maid dress, that's what I was going for.
... I'm sure you're questioning the ""'s around the word me... well, that's because most of my drawings of "me" don't even look like me. Well, you got how I draw me. My drawings have long wavey bangs and fairly short, sorta wavey hair, like the one picture of the goth "me", my hair's pretty long... it was longer before it was cut and for the most part it's straight. And to be honest, I'm not half as pretty, and a lot fatter then my drawings... OH! And I bearly ever draw my glasses... I'll look through my drawings and see if I can find one that looks anything like me...*laughs* it's weird I might be the only one who does that, I might be one of a million who does that... but I think it's weird and cool. Though I wish I did look like her... my drawing me... though if I did, Ayaa'd call me a prep even more... Though I think getting blonde highlighs is a stupid reason to call me a prep... 'cuz she's probably kill me if I went with black hair like her and Kit, 'cuz it's too dark for the hyper, happy, giddy me! ^^
Well, Ayaa just got on and I'd rather talk to her then you =P ^^ I kid, I kid... but I think this is enough rambling for today..
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Monday, September 5, 2005
The other day I bought a Beyblade game for my game boy... it's cool ^^ I think it is 'cuz I'm just obsessed so it might just be me.... but it's weird and follows along with G-Rev almost perfectly... it's kind of scary... right now I'm... -.- battling Mariah... who should still die... I'd much rather prove that I can kick Rei's ass right now with... MY AL-FRICKEN-MIGHTY DRIGER MS... yes... since I couldn't be Rei and had to be Tyson, I decided to still be loyal to him and battle with a Driger... I do have a few other cool blades, like Zeus, Trygator, Seaborg, a bunch of Drigers, Dragoons (both Tyson's and Daichi's) Dranzers... we.. Ayaa and I, we sorta both play it if I'm not being crazy and will let her play, well, we used to have a Wolborg... Ayaa's idea... *laughs* until we learned that if you lose and you have more then one blade you lose your blade, weird, eh? *laughs* And Rei, he let us borrow a launcher and ripcord 'cuz I didn't know you had to roam around Tyson's home to find them, Rei said he wanted them back... too bad... we sold them... ^^'' heh... and we steal Max's pop to give us strenght... *laughs* It's great... it's kind of like a weird version of pok'emon... but hey, if I wanted to play pok'emon... I still have some of there games somewhere...
*laughs* Yesterday I was thinking about Oliver being in a French maid dress.... ^^ I'd think it'd be cute! Awww! <3 I wanna draw it!
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Tuesday, August 30, 2005
...ok... that stupid thing I said yesterday... I guess I was just being stupid, and now that I think about it, that's another thing I regret saying it, I have two best friends, that mean the world to me... I mean... C'mon Ayaa, who else would get me a dog collar for Christmas and wear one with me... and who else would stay up with me all night to talk to me over MSN or to watch Beyblade? (Kit wouldn't watch 13 hours of Beyblade with me... but still) But Ayaa, you have to remember 'Even those who never frown eventually break down' and I was going through one of my cry-y days... I just didn't cry... ^^ ok... a few tears that's it... Ok... before I get to sappy...
I'm drawing yet another picture of Oliver... ^^' heh... I'm a bit obsessed... sorry... but I'm surprised, what has it been? Two days since I posted my Kai wall paper and it's already been downloaded 60-some times? Amazing... crazy Kai obsessed people... I'm not being mean if you are... ^^ I'm glad there are people obsessed with characters... ^^ that means I'm not alone.... =D Yay! Not much more to say but... 'ARG!' is yes in pirate... Later
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