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Umm...... Student, and drawing and being stupid..... :D
Real Name
Mizuhara (When several people call you by your nickname, it's hard to forget it's only a nickname)
Being one of the weirdest people in 8th (going to 9th) Grade by wearing a red dog collar (;-; I love my dog collar)
Anime Fan Since
I liked Sailor Moon back in 1996 (or somewhere around it), but I became a true fan December 2003 ^^
Favorite Anime
Beyblade, Fruits Basket, Read or Die and Yu-Gi-Oh!
To have more manga then all my friends, thus far, achived! (I think... <.< >.>''') and to become a Manga-Ka
Drawing, writing
Drawing, I guess.... and being able to copy other people's drawing styles...
Wednesday, June 15, 2005
Errr..... yeah.....
A hour or so ago I got bored, so I drew this one chick. It's not half-bad if I do say so myself. I'm surprised because it's a side view of her, and I suck at side views. And I made her up on the spot, and along with drawing side views, I'm not entirely good at making my own characters up... I know... that's sad. But when it comes to drawing, I have to have a picture to look off, or it'll be way out of proportion, and I don't think that's all that bad either. I guess I’ll get the super critic later today when my friend comes up. She's an awesome drawer, though she says she's not. I've been trying to get her to sign up here, but she hasn't yet... I don't think she has at least... *shrugs* She was looking threw some of the YGO and InuYasha fanart with me Friday, or one of the three or four days I was at her house... but in the InuYasha fanart there was the funniest poem... I'd say it but I dun wanna, but I'm pretty sure the picture was called 'InuYasha's Poem' it was cute.
But getting out of drawing... I got this cool AMV, I really like the song, It's Jump, by, I think, Simple Plan, I can't remember, but I really love the song, sounds like me >.< scary, anything any more sounds like me... Oo ACK! I'm Bipolar! No...not really... ;-; I wish I was though.... *shrugs* Oh well. But I've been on a downloading spree today, I'm working on, I think my 4th video in 24 hours, I know, that doesn't sound like much, but my computer's slow and the AMVs are huge... so... yeah... to me... that's a lot *laughs*
I'm amazed, but I'm using my brain, and you know how I said something about my friend drawing a picture of me and Rei? Yeah? Well, she has them up on a website, to be exact (I'm Rachel Moore if you wanna talk to me or if you sign up, I'd be your reference person 'kay?) Well anywho, I'll post the links so you can see her kickin' art. I hope you like it 'cuz I love it >.<
Sketch version
Painted version
If you'd like to comment her, please just put it down into the little comment thing for this post, and I'll make sure to give it too her. And if you like those, she might do one for her and Kai, and for Max and Tala. Don't ask about the Max and Tala pairing, it's one of our things... yeah.... but never mind about them... ^^''' heh....
Well, that's all I have to say for now... yeah....
Oh! if you're questioning why I've suddenly got 30 hugs... well, my friend... she sorta got button happy and pressed it 25 times... she needs help... *sighs*
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