Male Location Member Since 2004-12-22 Occupation Real Name
Achievements I beat Tos, I made a few mini-movies, I learned how to use HTML, I won a Gold at the Math Fair, I have become a great Flutist and Pianist, and I have made some really good artworks Anime Fan Since Favorite Anime Goals Hobbies Talents MizuhoNinja
Welcome to my site archives. 10 posts are listed per page.
Clan Name and Members.
Hi. Well, I thought of a name to everyone in my clan. It is "the Jedi Knights of Symphonia". Here are the members. This post will also be updated freqeuntly ^_^
Clan Idea
I have an awesome clan Idea. It combines Star Wars and Tos, I haven't figured out what we do yet, but if you want to be in it, reply to this post. Oh and also we should talk about what we do in the clan.
New Forum!
My mini-forum is up. Here are the rules.
1. No vulgar language (dammit, and damn, crap are allowed though).
2. No posting for no reason (spamming)
3. No talking about perverted topics.
Please enjoy the forum though. :):)
I also beat Star Wars: Knights of the Old Republic 2! :):)
The fanart has been taken down due to Technical difficulties. :(
Comments (3) |
Thursday, May 26, 2005
Star Wars!!!!
I saw Star Wars a week ago. It was the best one ever in the prequals. I could not post though because I was so busy. Well, I'm going to see it again at my freind's birthday party! :):)
Episode 3 is tommorow!
Yes. One day to Go!!! THe greatest Star Wars movie is coming Tommorow! In other news though I have nyssma tonight-Lv.6 . Then I go to see Episode 3 after Shchool tommorow on opening Day. I wish I could go to see it at midnight though. :):)
Index almost done!
The front page to my site is almost done! Then I can move on to the next page (star wars), and then (tos). Only a few more things to go! Check out my virtual fish!
Only 11 more days to go untill Revenge of the Sith comes out! ^_^ :):)
Comments (3) |
Saturday, April 23, 2005
Not going to Celebration 3
I am annoyed. I am not going to the biggest Star Wars conventino ever in Idiannapolis. AHHHHHHH! I want to smash something! AHHHHHHHHHHH!
Movie done and Brother's Birthday.
Yeah! MY mini-movie is finally done after 2 weeks! It is also my brother's birthday (April 14th! I am a little too happy.
Here's a small gallery of Tos images that I found online. The person who made the Sheena image deserves credit and is from the Tos official forum. Their name is: AIKO666.