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myOtaku.com: MLan424

Welcome to my guestbook. Please be polite and constructive when you sign this. Be warned that it is strictly against myOtaku.com's policy to sign guestbooks for the sole purpose of promoting your own site.

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Guestbook Entries:

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TwilightFox (02/23/06)

Hiyas! Thank you so very much for signing my guestbook! I really appreciate it! I love your site, and your avatar is cool, too! Well, hope to see you around sometime, ja ne! And if you need anything at all, just PM me! XD

~Forever and Always~

msyugioh123 (02/16/06)

cool i like the Naruto background and cloro

Saint2005 (02/16/06)

please would you come to my site and check it out and could you spread word please thank you.

nayru0 (02/02/06)

luv the site I can see that you are a narutofan!^^well anyway adding u as a friend!^^

MoonRainGodess (01/06/06)

Ohayo whats up Kelly?
I so love the icon, and your background so rocks ^_^
I so love the show Naruto
It is one of the best shows in the hole damn world ^____^
Well hope that we can be friends

*Tsukiko* :D

Fire Apparition (12/23/05)

A Kiba Fan ^__^ Awww YAY!!!!!lol!!I Love Your Profile Too I Noticed Your Inner BG Isnt Clear,If You Wanna Know How To Do That Ask Me Whenever You Want Ok ^__^ I Will Help You On Anything Youd Like Well Thank You I Shall Add You Too!Thank You For The Add And Sign.

Toodles My Noodles
Fire Apparition


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