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Somewhere where no one can find me! xP or in Konoha
Member Since
Real Name
Sakai(ha! that's the name I always go by 'nyways)
Anime Fan Since
I was in 1st grade and I liked Pokemon/Sailor Moon O-O
Favorite Anime
Shaman King, Full Metal Alchemist, DN Angel, InuYasha, Bey Blade, Escaflowne, Rurouni Kenshin, Yugioh!, Naruto, Chobits, Wolfs Rain, Sailor Moon, Tokyo Mew Mew, Fruits Basket, Pokemon, Yu Yu Hakusho, Gundam Seed, Pita Ten, and many others! ^o^
To become a famous anime/manga artist, pass highschool/ college, and to KILL Sonic the Hedgehog!!!(yeah...blame my's because of him the I despise Sonic and all other hedgehogs...except Silver, Shadow and Amy)
Sleeping, Drawing anime/manga, Playing video games, practicing the guitar, collecting anime stuff, some sports, umm eating ramen?
Drawing anime/manga, and I just started learning how to animate things! xD
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Tuesday, May 16, 2006
omg OO
I actually put up three more fanart pictures!! that's a big surprise, to me atleast,'s a random sketch of my Naruto oc team, Tomari, Nozuki, and their sensei Takei(and Ichigo's character Umi)....I also did a Kiba sketch...and a sketch of Becky and Neji(that I drew yesterday in LA) xP....yea...I got bored today 'cause I stayed home ::cough:: but Becky stayed home to so it wasn't so bad...'cept my younger bro was home as well >.<...but I locked him outta the room the whole day(he didn't complain...he just played videogames all day) ^o^ ::sigh:: but now I have to get to work on my LA homework that I neglected to do yesterday....I have to write two poems about something(I forgot what xD)....hmmmm or maybe, instead of doing my evil homework, I'll draw/put up some more fanart....I might put up a pic of Nozuki and Tomari three years into the future....or maybe I'll put up a pic of Itachi/Sasuke/Nozuki when they were little....hmmmmm welp...I'd better get goin...cyas!!
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Sunday, May 14, 2006
Jeez...I feel really bad today 'cause I couldn't get to Ichigo's hous yesterday....I'm soooo sorry Ichigo-chan!!! please forgive me!!! other younger bro got this new game, Mario Baseball, and it's pretty fun(since I'm the only one outta me, him, and Becky who really understand what to do xD) and Becky also started watching this new anime(even though I don't think there are many episodes in it xX)'s called Tales of Phantasia...and it's based on the GBA game ^o^" anyways...nothing else is really I'll ttyl!! Cyas!!
~Sakai ^-^"
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Friday, May 12, 2006
Hey everyone!! ::sigh:: yesterday I finally got this letter thing from the highschool sayin I get to take summer school...and it starts right on my b-day xD......I also can't wait 'till tomorrow 'cause I'm goin over to Ichigo's house(I originally wasn't allowed ta go but I think my mom'll let me...instead of goin to some thing and Kobes...even though I want to got there too oO) ^o^.....I hope Becky and Aisha will want to come won't be any fun unless everyone's there xP....'nyways...I'm gunna try to post up some more fanart soon...'cause my scanner decided to break...again(I really need to get a new one soon -_-")...welp I'd better get goin...cuas ^^
~Sakai ^-^
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Tuesday, May 9, 2006
can't think of a title thing xP
Well...this morning I put up more fanart(and yesterday I put up sumthin) so...^^"...I decided to draw Nozuki...and then a pic of Tomari all I have to do is draw a pic of Umi xD....well....I'd better get going(gotta get ready for evil school) I'll post again later(if I have time xX)...Cyas!!!
~Sakai ^-^
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Monday, May 8, 2006
Hiyas!! ^^ and Becky made up...and she stayed the night over da weekend ::spins around in chair::...yea...I just had a lot of pepsi and a hershey bar((hyperness)) xD....anyways...I still dun know why she was mad at me though...but she apologized to me for being so angry oO...neh...oh wells ^^"..anyways...I'm about to scan and color a new pic of another one of my rpg characters so..hopefully I'll be able to put it up sumtime tonight...even though I should be studying instead of bein online OO"...I have this Holocaust final thing tomorrow...but I think I'll do ok ::ish gunna study at the last minute xD::...hmmmm...I dun think I have anything else to say...for now...'cept I'm suddenly bored wit nuthin to do besides coloring the pic ::listens to Naruto music:: wanna request sumthin?...I'm up to almost any challenge(as long as you give me a detailed description of what you want...and leave it in the comment box) xD welp...better get goin....Cyas!!
~Sakai ^-^
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Saturday, May 6, 2006
Hello everyone!! yea...I know...a second post a few minutes after the first one but..I put up some fanart!!!! xD(yea..that was pointless)..anyways....better get goin...cyas!!
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::sighs:: ...hello...
hey guys, hows it goin for you? It hasn't been to good for me xX. For one thing...I got lost at Islands of Adventure yesterday O.o......I was freakin out the whole time untill I finally found the place where the buses were xD. friend, Becky, is mad at me for some reason...and I'm not sure why..and everytime I try to talk to her, she ignores me Oo". anways.the good news is that yesterday was my 8th fieldtrip to IOA...and because we had express passes...we went on every single ride there xP.....I got a headache from goin on so many rides. I also got a new game called Final Fantasy X2! It's a really good game so far...even though I got confused in the beginning xD....wel...I'd better get goin...cyas!
~Sakai X.x"
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Monday, May 1, 2006
'Ello!!! xD
Hello ppls!! How's it goin? sorry for not updating for two days...been busy. today was ok except for my 6th period(and my 3rd period...but I never like my evil history class/teacher so...yea) because we had to take a science final thing...and I didn't finish so I need to finish it tomorrow OO". I also found out that we go on pur chorus fieldtrip tomorrow(even though I really dun want to go) so me and Becky are lookin for Naruto amvs to download onto her new ipod so that we can have some type of entertainment on the way there ^o^. 'nyways...over the weekend I convinced my mom to buy me the english Advent Children dvd...and me and Becky watched it untill Naruto came on x.X..and we were gunna watch it again on Sunday but my friend Matt wanted to borrow it so I let him...and he still hasn't given it back o-O..but 'tis okies since it gives me more time to do.....ummm...stuff xD. Oh yea! I'm also thinkin of started some type of contest(as soon as I either A- get a new scanner and put some pics up or B-I just put some pics up in a few days) and it'll probably be where you'd have to draw me and Ichigo's Naruto tema or sumthin like that...but I'm sure what the prize is gunna be yet...I'm probably gunna talk with Ichigo about it tomorrow mornin to see if she wants to help or sumthing like that ^^". Welp...better get goin...Cyas!!
Random Pic OO"

Dun ask!!! I just got photoshop and I wanted to try it out so I drew an eye...and then it somehow turned into a very close up shot of Nozuki xD...oh wells...
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Friday, April 28, 2006
Hello ppls! hmm...let's see...I've got nuthin to really do I'm just drawin random pics OO" speaking of that...I have to scan a lot of pics sooner or later...'nyways...yea...I have no idea what to type today xD. Welp...I'd better get goin(wow...that was short) I'll update you guys later if anything else happens(or if I put up new fanart..which I really need ta do ::glares at stupid scanner:: ><) Cyas!!!
~Sakai ^-^
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Thursday, April 27, 2006
Hello ppls, wats up? Today I got to stay home because of bring your child to work day......but it's sooooo boring since I didn't actually get to go to my mom's work OO"....but Becky didn't get to go to her mom's work either so we're just talkin on the phone now xD. Ichigo a;so stayed home so I'm chatting with her to ^o^......::sigh:: but still...I'm sooo bored now XX". Oh yea...I got a new's called River King: A Wonderful Journey...and it's kinda fun...if ya like fishing stuff OO"....'nyways...I'd better get goin...I'm workin on a new pic and my science project at the same time so....Cyas!!
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