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Somewhere where no one can find me! xP or in Konoha
Member Since
Real Name
Sakai(ha! that's the name I always go by 'nyways)
Anime Fan Since
I was in 1st grade and I liked Pokemon/Sailor Moon O-O
Favorite Anime
Shaman King, Full Metal Alchemist, DN Angel, InuYasha, Bey Blade, Escaflowne, Rurouni Kenshin, Yugioh!, Naruto, Chobits, Wolfs Rain, Sailor Moon, Tokyo Mew Mew, Fruits Basket, Pokemon, Yu Yu Hakusho, Gundam Seed, Pita Ten, and many others! ^o^
To become a famous anime/manga artist, pass highschool/ college, and to KILL Sonic the Hedgehog!!!(yeah...blame my's because of him the I despise Sonic and all other hedgehogs...except Silver, Shadow and Amy)
Sleeping, Drawing anime/manga, Playing video games, practicing the guitar, collecting anime stuff, some sports, umm eating ramen?
Drawing anime/manga, and I just started learning how to animate things! xD
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Tuesday, April 25, 2006
Nya -.-
Sorry dat I haven't been updating lately...been busy wit stuff OO". far this week's been reeeaallly bad for me x-X. It seems like everyday I get injured like a hundred times ;-; yesterday I fell down a hill(and missed da bus...but still got to school), fell off a fence('cause I stupidly forgot my house key so I had to jump it), and fell 'up' the stairs XX"...and today I got a mysterious injury in my sleep...and I got badly burned on three of my fingers(luckily it was on my left hand though..) OO" ::sighs:: meh...guess I'm just prone to injury ^o^"!! xD...'nyways! On a brighter note...I got some more drawings done...if only I could scan 'em tonight...but my mom syas I can't stay on long so...yeah...sooner or later ^^" welp..I'd better get goin and work on sum ttyl!! Cyas!!
~Sakai ^-^"
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Friday, April 21, 2006
::sigh:: soooo bored
Hello ppls! Hows it goin? I have the day off, yayness!! I'm veeery bored since Ichigo-chan had ta go to school today, why does she have ta live in another county
X-X"...but Becky-chan is over today...and she'll probably be over 'till Sunday...yea...I think she lives here now xD. So...she brought over her gamecube and we are now both playing Harvest Moon: Magical Melody on two tvs! ::yawn:: I think I'm gunna go to this one anime store downtown today or tomorrow to buy...ummm..somthing OO". I was gunna but some anime dvds yesterday but da Suncaost place was closed....o-O" Hmmm...I dun think I have anything else ta say so I shall go back to playing on the gamecube XD...anyways...just a pointless post ta keep you ppls updated 'bout what's goin on ^o^" welp...ttyl! Cyas!!
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Wednesday, April 19, 2006
Hello!! Ya kno!!
Hello ppls! Hows it been for ya? ya kno(dun ask...sumthin me and Ichigo started doing 'cept she says no da! OO")! Anyways...I can't wait 'till June 'cause on June 2(a day before the metrocon....and three days before my b-day! XD) there's gunna be a masquerade ball!! It's gunna be sooo fun xD. Speakin of balls/ eigth grade dance ish comin up soon ^o^...and I'm also gunna be goin on four fieldtrips at the end of the year XX" for chorus...another fun field trip for chorus(to go ice skatin...I think we're still doin that) for eigth grade to go visit the highschool we're gunna go to...and the end if the year trip to Islands of Adventure! ^____^ ::does the happy dance:: so much ta little time(neh....can't wait 'till Summer Vacation!!'cept I have ta go to evil summer school ><) anyways...I'm tryin to put up some new art...but I reeeaally wanna wait 'till I get my new scanner OO" Hmmmm....dun think there's anything else exciting goin on...hmmm...nupe...can't think of anything! Wheee...hmm...maybe I shouldn't have drank all of dat root bear durin Bones/American Idol OO"...neh...oh well!! Of to go watch Unanimous(yesh...I kno many ppl think it's a dumb show...but Becky got me hooked on and then South Park(once again...blame Becky ^^) XD, lol...::yawns:: oi..I'm already startin to get sleepy oh wells!!! gotta stay up and do sum hw OO"...welp...Cyas!!!
~Sakai ^-^
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Tuesday, April 18, 2006
Hellos!! ^o^
Hello ppls! Remember a couple of days ago when I said that I'd draw an Easter themed pic? Well, I finally finished it XD(yeah....even though it's two days late)....I was originally just gunna put it up on Sunday without any color but then I decided to try and color it online...and it took awhile because I barely had any time to go on the computer --". Anyways....yea...I've also almost finished most of my Elemental Warrior pictures...I just need to draw my Lightning character and have Ichigo send me a pic of her Wind character and then I'm done! ^^ Welp...better get goin! ttyl, Cyas!!

I'm kinda happy wit the way it came out..even though I can't draw chibi pics that well ^^...oh and I decided to put me and Ichigo's Naruto characters in it(and of course, Itachi x-X)..from left to right there's Itachi, Umi, Nozuki, and Tomari...welp...hope ya like it ~^^~
~Sakai ^-^
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.......... I am sick again...but I'm not sure what I'm sick with exactly O-O. My mom took my temperature and it was perfectly normal, but my throat feels like somebody keeps stabbing it(and it hurts whenever I talk or breathe) but it's not red or anything. ::sigh:: I have to go to the doctor after my mom gets back from I get to stay home today --".'ll give me a lot of time to finish some pictures thatI started a while back ^o^...anyways...I shall try to post sumthin/put up some art later! Cyas!!
~Sakai ^-^
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Sunday, April 16, 2006
I'm sooo happy today xD
I have no clue why...but I feel very happy today!! Probably 'cause Naruto came on last night!!! Me and Becky were so happy to see it again('s only been a month but still) xD..I almost forgot what everyone sounded like
O-O. I swear, whenever Kiba came on the tv I was all like "OMFG, IT'S KIBA!! ::jumps up and down::". We played this game during Naruto where we both had a coke(and my younger brother had a root beer) and we couldn't drink it/open it 'till we saw our favorite characters talk during atleast one of the episodes(yeah..we make up some stupid games sumtimes
x-x). brother cheated since his fav character(Rock Lee x-x) was on one of the comercials...but me and Becky had to wait untill like the second or third episode(since I had to wait for Kiba and Becky had to wait for Neji) whole time we were glued to the tv screen O___o...which is not a good thing to do for like two hours straight....anyways...before Naruto came on I started to draw some new pics(and I colored them wit colored pencil for once!!) while Becky and my brother played Sonic Riders. Yea...welp..I'd better get goin!! Cyas!!
Oh, and Happy Easter(almost forgot to say that)!!! Even though I'm not gunna really do anything today -.-"...but still...hope everyone else has a good time!! Hmmm...maybe I'll draw an easter themed pic!! ^o^
~Sakai ^-^
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Friday, April 14, 2006
'Ello everybody!! hows it been for you guys(I have no idea why I keep sayin that O-O)? I gots so mad today 'cause everyone 'cept my dumb county got to stay home today because of Good Friday.....I coulda slept in longer if I had today off XD...oh wells...I get the next Friday off so my school can live...for now >.>. Anyways...I have finally decided on a new theme for my site!! It's gunna be about my two Naruto characters!! Yesh...I decided to do this instead of a Kiba one x-X. It's gunna have NozukixTomari! I might make a club for them...but I'm not so lazy right now, lol. So, anyways....I shall go now and enjoy my short weekend so...Cyas!!
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Thursday, April 13, 2006
Question!! @-@ the title thing says. You know how when you look at my looks like there's about 6 different Obito pictures O-O..neh..I'm not sure how to ask this but...does anybody know how to make it so that when you scroll down...there's only one picture(and the picture doesn't scroll just stays still) know like how some people have it on their sites? If ya can help me out then that'd be great!! Welp...that's all I wanted to!! ^o^
~Sakai ^-^
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Hello ppls, hows it been for you all lately? Sorry I havn't posted for awhile....and sorry for not checkin up on peoples sites lately...I shall go do that as soon as possible's been pretty much the same for me....wake up....almost miss the bus...go to school...come home...draw stuff/play Harvest Moon....yep...nuthin new...'cept I had to take a stupid DRP test yesterday in LA ::sigh::....but it was easy o-O. I just watched the FF Advent Children movie yesterday with Becky...and it was awesome xD...yesh..I've been gettin into FF lately o.o....Also...the reason why I havn't been putting any fanart up is 'cause my dumb scanner is actin up again O__O ::hits scanner with a baseball bat:: dumb thing...can't wait 'till I get a new one!! I'm also thinkin about changin my theme...again...I think I might make another Kiba one...'cept I'll do it all by meh self X-X. Well...anyways...I'll shut up!! ^o^
~Sakai ^-^
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Monday, April 10, 2006
::sigh:: -o-
Hello ppls! I am finally done wit Kingdom Hearts I'm back to working on Harvest Moon: Magical Melody!! Neh...I decided to start out as a boy...and I named myself Leon..bwuahaha xP...and my dog's name is Cloud(and I gots one chicken named...::drum roll:: Riku!!)..yeah..I got a little crazy wit the names xD..oh wells. But anyways..I'm tryin to marry Gwen in da game...and I'm reeeally poor wish I started out as a girl I could marry Kurt or Joe ~_~......anyways...
I have sooooooo much homework to do O-O....I have this big Holocaust project due tomorrow for Language Arts(and I'm pretty much just starting on it...and I have to finish it soon or I won't be able to watch Jack(24..dun friend, Becky, always says that when 24's gunna come on) tonight!!)...I got this packet thing in History I have to study for a chapter test and finish two study guides...and I have a lot of algebra problems I have to do for math(but I forgot to write down which ones I actually had to do O-O) sux -_-. But one of the good things that happened today(well more like a few days ago) is that I know most of the classes that I'm going to take next year!! They are-
Algebra 1 Honors(meh....I have no clue why I got stuck in there O-O)
English 1 Honors(another honors class...they must think I'm a genius or sumthin...I'm probably gunna fail these classes XD)
Integrated Science(whee...I get to blow things up!! ::evil smile::)
Global Studies(neh..normal social studies)
Chorus(YAYNESS!! XD)
and either Art 2d, Drama, or Buisiness Tech.(I only wanna do drama or business tech so that I can take summerschool for P.E/Life Managment). Yea...that's classes that I think I'm gunna have O-O(sorry if none of ya wanted to know that....XD lol)
I also lost my Mp3 player today at Wal-Mart(yeah..I'm a complete idiot)!! and after an hour of searching my mom finally decided "We need to go home so you can start your I'll just buy you another one.." I have to re-down load like 200 and sumthin songs O-O...::sigh::...I ish just happy that I got to get another one!!! ^o^ I also can't wait 'till Saturday!!! New episodes of Naruto...and lots of Kiba!!!!! ^_________^ Oh yea!! I'm gunna get a new scanner thing I won't have to horribly color my pics online...I think it will be able to scan colored pencil/marker without ruining the picture ^-^....wells I'd better get back to that evil project >> later!! Cyas!!
~Sakai ^-^
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