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Somewhere where no one can find me! xP or in Konoha
Member Since
Real Name
Sakai(ha! that's the name I always go by 'nyways)
Anime Fan Since
I was in 1st grade and I liked Pokemon/Sailor Moon O-O
Favorite Anime
Shaman King, Full Metal Alchemist, DN Angel, InuYasha, Bey Blade, Escaflowne, Rurouni Kenshin, Yugioh!, Naruto, Chobits, Wolfs Rain, Sailor Moon, Tokyo Mew Mew, Fruits Basket, Pokemon, Yu Yu Hakusho, Gundam Seed, Pita Ten, and many others! ^o^
To become a famous anime/manga artist, pass highschool/ college, and to KILL Sonic the Hedgehog!!!(yeah...blame my's because of him the I despise Sonic and all other hedgehogs...except Silver, Shadow and Amy)
Sleeping, Drawing anime/manga, Playing video games, practicing the guitar, collecting anime stuff, some sports, umm eating ramen?
Drawing anime/manga, and I just started learning how to animate things! xD
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Saturday, April 8, 2006
Hello ppls...long time no see xD. Sorry I havn't been postin for a couple of days...I've been busy wit homework...and I just got hooked on my new game ^o^. I just started playing Harvest Moon:Magical Melody...and I can't stop playing X-X. I also changed the theme to Obito Uchiha ^o^...since he's one of my favorite characters! Well...I'd better get going now...Cyas!!
~Sakai ^-^
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Wednesday, April 5, 2006
Hello again everyone!! I have decided that I'm gunna start doing requests! If you want me to draw sumthin then you need to give me a very good description(unless you have a pic of the character(s) you want me to draw or if it's from an anime then just tell me who the character is)'ll also have to tell me what pose to draw the character(s) in(and if you want in color or black and white)..also...just put it up in the comment box(since the pms aren't workin right for sum weird reason)'m gunna start putting up sum new pics soon(whenever Ichigo sends 'em to me) so....sometime this week or next week...I'll put some things up..alright then..Cyas!!
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I finally have almost all of my manga characters drawn now!!! I re-did Koiyasu(fire) and now I have Umi(water), Miroyin(nature) and Kentaki(earth). I just need to draw Steel, Ice, and Lighting(and get a pic of Ichigos wind character) and then they'll all be done!! xD Yeah..that's why I havn't been posting up the pics...I wanna get them all done and maybe post 'em up on theOtaku xD. Anyways...::randomness:: I get to pick my highschool electives today(and I have no idea what to take O-O")!!! Well..I'd better get goin...I'll prbably post sumthin later so...untill then..Cyas!! ^o^
~Sakai ^-^
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Monday, April 3, 2006
XD I'm such an idiot!
Yea...I missed the bus...again( and that bus just don't get along very well >.>)'m forced to stay home from school today. ::sigh:: I really wanted to go today 'cause I was gunna find out what math class I'm gunna take next year(and I was supposed to do a vocab Holocaust/a history test today) Oh well...I get to work on my project(which I am not really working on it that much 'cause I dun know what to do) and I get a whole day of playing Kingdom Hearts 2!! Anyways...I fixed my scanner(since my mom wasn't gunna do anything to fix it >.<) and I scanned one of my I'll probably post that up later(I'm trying to color it O-O...but it's not goin to well..stupid -_-") anyways..I'll ttyl!! Cyas!!
Oh! and I'm starting to write a story about my manga(it's a little different then the manga but..) if you want me to post it up then I will(or I'll probably just post it up anyway xD)
~Sakai -o-
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Friday, March 31, 2006
Hello ppls!!
Yesh...hello guys...sorry I havn't posted for a couple of days..I've been busy lately. -_- Infact...I had three tests to take yesterday!! One was in LA on the Holocaust(which I think I failed 'cause I got 43 outta 67 O-O), one was sum type of High School Placement test sor Math(that one was easy...all it had was algebra questions...and I'm actually good at that kind of stuff!! xD) and the last one was in Science..I think it was about gravitational stuff and things like dat(I wasn't payin attention at all to what it was about...and I think I did pretty good on it x-x) anyways...yeah..schools been really crazy lately so I barely have time to go online(stupid Holocaust project!! >.<) meh....anyways..I have sum good news! I drew another pic of one of my characters for my manga on my math notes I'll probably post that up whenever I can find it O-O...I also have and awesome new game!! It's Kingdom Hearts 2...and so far it's kinda confusing (probably since I still havn't beaten the first game x_x)...but my fav characters(outta the new ones atleast) are Roxas, Hayner, and Seifer ^o^...anyways...just thought I'd postin atleast sumthin up before you all thought that I was dead or sumthin, lol xD. Well...Cyas!!
Random movie/pic of the day:

Yesh..It's a Kingdom Hearts 2 pic(and you'll probably see a lot more KH2 stuff in later posts O-O) ^__^"..the boy wit the blondish brownish hair behind Sora is Roxas!!
~Sakai ^-^
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Tuesday, March 28, 2006
O-O Boredness the title says...I got really bored today after school and instead of doin my homework(which I still havn't done xD)...I started to mess around with my Paint.Net program...and I somehow ended up wit a pic of Nozuki xD. Bwuahaha..I have edited the almighty Sasuke and turned him into Nozuki!! ::evil music plays in the bg::..Ahem...I mean....^_^"(yes...I just drank three cans of I'm very hyper right now x_x). I kinda got the idea from lookin at Fire Appariton's edited pictures (I'm sorry if I'm copying your idea!! X-X) and I decided "Well...I have all these pictures of Sasuke so, what the hell, I'll edit one and make it look like Nozuki" anyways..I'm workin on a few more on him when he's younger/what he looks like right now and I think I'm gunna try to do ones on Umi and Tomari(neh..I havn't done a pic of her yet xP)...welp...I'll stop rambling now and let you see the picture, though I warn you that it doesn't look very good, atleast to me it doesn't O-O....

And there he all his evilness(well...not really...but still!)!! it's off to go edit more Sasuke pics and turn them into Nozuki pics!! xD
~Sakai ^-^
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Umi Shi
This is one of Nozuki's teammates, Umi. She really likes Itachi...and she likes to beat up on Nozuki sumtimes xD...she's also really good friends with their other teammate, Tomari. Oh yeah...she's also Ichigo's character...just in case anyone was wonderin! Oh yea...and the reason why she looks so sad while she's walking is 'cause it's sumthin I'm doing for an AMV about her and Itachi..::cough::animating things suck!!::cough::
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Yes, I finally have a pic of the main character of my manga to post up(just like I said I would xD)!! I randomly sketched this out when I stayed home on Friday so I decided to just put this pic up(even though it's not really a sketch anymore since I had to go over it in pen -_-"). Anyways...I'm not really sure what his outfit is going to be that's why for now, he's just in a simple t-shirt. Hopefully I'll be able to redraw him with his new outfit later(whenever I can think of one x-x).
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Friday, March 24, 2006
Hello everybody!! Sorry I couldn't put up any fanart scanner decided to be evil and break...again ::sigh::...I have to fix it sumhow tomorrow -_-". Oh well..but I did draw a lot of pictures(and I got bored and colored the pic of me and Kiba ~^-^~) sooooooo whenever I get the scanner to work..I'll put them up asap xD. I also have a new bg!! I'm not good with matching up text colors and stuff like that so I just picked the colors that people would be able to see O-O. Anyways...I'm so happy 'cause my friend Becky and me are gunna go to Ichigo's house tomorrow(after I go to some pine wood derby thing with my brother O-O)!! I can't wait 'cause I might get to go swimmin over there since it's finally warm enough(meh...I live in FL and it's still been to cold for me to go swimmin...or atleast dats what my mom says x-X)!! We're also gunna figure out how we're gunna get our outfits for the Metrocon thing by June. Oh yea! We might also go to the Jacon in April since it's close to where we live..or atleast close to where Ichigo lives...but we might not go as Meg/Amy/Jo since the stuff won't be done by we might just go as random Naruto peoples (haha...people will never know who we are XD)!! Ok then...I'd better get going! Cyas!
~Sakai ^-^
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No school for me!! ^o^
I stayed home from school today....again....but this time it was because I 'missed' the bus xD. Anyways....I drew a couple of new pictures that I'll probably put up later! ^o^
Meh....ok...I'm really bored now O-O...I can't find anything to do. Oh well...I'll probably go and draw another picture or sumthin..and I'll probably post again later. Welp...untill then...cyas!
~Sakai ^-^
Todays Random Thing(yeah...I'm really bored XD):
I dun know if the link will work right(you might have to copy and paste the link into the web search thing..whatever it's called!! O-O) but I found this little Naruto flash and it's pretty funny xD...tell me if you wanna see part two of, 'kay?
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