Birthday 1992-06-05 Gender
Female Location Somewhere where no one can find me! xP or in Konoha Member Since 2004-12-06 Occupation student/ninja/apprentice Real Name Sakai(ha! that's the name I always go by 'nyways)
Achievements I FINALLY PUT UP SOME FANART xD Anime Fan Since I was in 1st grade and I liked Pokemon/Sailor Moon O-O Favorite Anime Shaman King, Full Metal Alchemist, DN Angel, InuYasha, Bey Blade, Escaflowne, Rurouni Kenshin, Yugioh!, Naruto, Chobits, Wolfs Rain, Sailor Moon, Tokyo Mew Mew, Fruits Basket, Pokemon, Yu Yu Hakusho, Gundam Seed, Pita Ten, and many others! ^o^ Goals To become a famous anime/manga artist, pass highschool/ college, and to KILL Sonic the Hedgehog!!!(yeah...blame my's because of him the I despise Sonic and all other hedgehogs...except Silver, Shadow and Amy) Hobbies Sleeping, Drawing anime/manga, Playing video games, practicing the guitar, collecting anime stuff, some sports, umm eating ramen? Talents Drawing anime/manga, and I just started learning how to animate things! xD MLan424
Welcome to my site archives. 10 posts are listed per page.
Guess What!
I was just talkin to Ichigo on the phone (^o^) and she gave me this idea! I just wanted to tell everyone that my good friend Chiri has posted some awesome fanart that I think you should go and check out!! his site name is the SinofDarkness (you can look one my friends list to go see it!!) ^o^...Welp..that's all I wanted to say! Cyas!
Sorry I havn't been posting for while...I've been busy with a lot of things ::cough::evilschool::cough:: Geez....I just got back from Spring Break on Tuesday(yea...since I stayed home on Monday 'cause I was 'sick' ^-^) and it seems like the teachers decided to give out truck loads of work(that I've been to lazy to do most of it xD). So...yea...I havn't had the chance to draw anything new..and I probably won't untill over the weekend...maybe ::sigh:: Oh yea! ::randomness:: I might be getting a siberian husky puppy after school today!!! That is....if I can convince my mom to say yes(I've almost got her to let me have it!!but I'm not sure if she'll say yes @-@). Well..anyways...guess I'd better get going now(I'll probably post sumthin later on). Cyas! ^o^
Oh yea...remember how I was talking about how me and my friends are gunna be going to the Metrocon in June?'s a few pictures of Meg,Jo,and Amy(the characters that Becky, Ichigo, and Me are going as!) ^^
Meg(this is who Becky is going as..she's gunna be wearing the yellowish outfit)
Elemental Warriors.....
I gave this idea to Ichigo and now I think I'll explain to you guys about my upcoming manga...that's still in the making X-X.
Well, starts out about two thousand years ago in an era where demons and humans were constantly at war. One day, the ruler of the human side, who was gifted with magic skills that could outstand almost anything, formed his magic and created eight powerful warriors that each represented one element. There was fire, water, nature, wind, earth, ice, steel, and lightning and with their combined power, the were finally able to defeat the demon ruler. Before the demon ruler supposedly 'died', he took the souls of the eight warriors and sealed them away so that one day in the future, he could rise up again to take the earth without having to fight the warriors. Now, in present day time, the demon ruler is back and almost has enough strength to take over the earth. A young boy, who was about 16, named Koiyasu is confronted by a strange red light who tells him that his destiny is to find the other chosen warriors so that they can once again defeat the evil demon. Of course, Koiyasu is a bit sketchy about the whole thing and doesn't bealive what he hears at first, but after seeing all the destruction and bad things that was and had been happening for awhile he decided to go along with it and soon learns all about the eight warriors and what his job would be.
Ok...that was....ummmm....long...but..that's the VERY long explanation of my manga...I think it's gunna be action/comedy with a little bit of romance...but I'm not sure. Anyways...I'll probably post a picture of a character in most of the next posts that I put up. Well...I've wasted your time long enough so....cyas!! ^o^
I'm bored so I'm gunna show you all a bunch of random cute Naruto pics that I found online ^o^. Hope ya like them, and no...none of them are mine!
Hello ppls!! I had to stay home from school today, which I dun really mind doing xD, because I gots sick somehow over the weekend. The good thing is that Ichigo(or Wolf Deamon) stayed home from school today too and I get to talk to her on the phone all day(even though she already stayed over at my house all weekend XD)^o^!! But anyways, I uploaded another picture...and I'm gunna put another one up later on!! It's a picture of my Naruto Oc, Nozuki(It doesn't look very good because I suck at coloring stuff on the computer...especially since I dun have a very good program -_- and plus I drew it at like 1:00 in the morning O-O)!! Oh yeah, I dun know if you've already read this on Ichigo's site but I'm going to be going to the Metrocon in Tampa, FL on June 3rd!! I'm going with Ichigo, Becky(maybe), Nickole, and Chiri!! I'm gunna look like Amy from Burst Angel, Ichigo is going as Jo from Burst Angel, Becky(if she comes) is going as Meg from Burst Angel, and I'm not sure what Nickole and Chiri are going as(I dun think Ichigo knows either O-O). I'm also going to be working on a manga soon(and so is Ichigo!) ^^ but I'm not sure if I'm gunna put up any pics about it. It's going to be called Elemental Warriors(and Ichigo's is gunna be called Elemantal Animals....meh..they almost sound the same xD)...and I might put up some pics of the characters ^-^ be looking for those very soon!! Ok then, I'd better get going now!! Cyas!!! ^o^
Meep...I finally uploaded sumthin!!! I'm soo proud of meh self....even though my art sucks ^^. Well, even so...I hope you like it(even though it doesn't look very good)!! ^o^ Cyas!
MEEP!! I just went to da best store today wit my friend, Wolf Deamon!! It's called Florida Oriental Trading and they have so many anime/manga things!!!! I got a lot of things there since I brought the left over vacation money that I had!! I got a squishy Naruto keychain (that Ichigo((or Wolf Deamon))won't leave alone!! >.>), a normal Sakura holding a sword keychain, a kawaii KIBA KEYCHAIN, two posters(from two animes that I dun know about O-O), and I got two of Kankurou and one of Shikamaru!! I also got my other friend some stuff for her b-day, a chibi Neji keychain, a kawaii Neji plushi, and a Hao Asakura wall scroll!! I can't wait 'till I get more money so that I can get more Kiba stuff!!!! ^o^...oh and I'm going to ::hint hint:: be changing my bg soon. I'm also gunna be helping Ichigo with her bg soon::hint hint:: it's gunna be about ::cough::Kiba and me::cough:: ^-^ Well, I'd better get to work on the bgs...if Ichigo would hurry up and finish the pictures ::cough cough:: and if she'd stop READING WHAT I TYPE OUTLOUD!! and if she'd stop YELLING out random funny things in my ear!! ::glares:: xD welp, baibai!!
Oh yeah...and for all of you who watched the 'True Naruto Style' video that I put up a while's part 2 of it!(I showed it to Ichigo and now she won't stop repeating the funny quotes xD)
Ichigo: LOL
^ I could do it! I'm just way to lazy!! ^-^
Meh..I probably won't be able to put up my picture 'till I get back from going on vacation since my scanner needs to be fixed -__-. *sigh* Ah well...sooner or later I will put sumthin up!! Untill the amazing dancing peoples!!!!! xD Comments (3) |
So tired....^o^
*yawns* I'm sooooo sleepy...but for some reason I'm still on da commputer...maybe because of all the sugar I just had!! ^-^ Anyways...I finally have a picture that I really want to put up on theOtaku...I'll probably upload it later. ^^ Oh yeah, I'm gunna be going on vacation starting tomorrow....I think that part of the reason why I can't sleep is because I'm so excited! xD My friend's B-day is comin up soon so her mom is taking us to a hotel....and then later on we're gonna go to Wet N' Wild!! ^___^ Well...I should get going....I'll try and put my frist picture up before I leave today...if not then I'll put it up when I get back! Cya! (o-o huh....this is the longest post I've typed up so far xD)
Meh...I'm still tryin to put of some fan art!! My stupid scanner just doesn't lwant to cooperate with me *glares at scanner*. Anyways....I found another hillarious Naruto's a three part thing but I'm not sure if I'm gonna put up the other two parts...depends on how many people wanna see them(and I'm not sure if I should be posting it since it's kinda bad o.O oh well!)!! So comment away!!! xD j/ really dun have to, but the videos get funnier and funnier each time! ^-^