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• Kiba2422
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• 1992-06-05
• Somewhere where no one can find me! xP or in Konoha
Member Since
• 2004-12-06
• student/ninja/apprentice
Real Name
• Sakai(ha! that's the name I always go by 'nyways)
Anime Fan Since
• I was in 1st grade and I liked Pokemon/Sailor Moon O-O
Favorite Anime
• Shaman King, Full Metal Alchemist, DN Angel, InuYasha, Bey Blade, Escaflowne, Rurouni Kenshin, Yugioh!, Naruto, Chobits, Wolfs Rain, Sailor Moon, Tokyo Mew Mew, Fruits Basket, Pokemon, Yu Yu Hakusho, Gundam Seed, Pita Ten, and many others! ^o^
• To become a famous anime/manga artist, pass highschool/ college, and to KILL Sonic the Hedgehog!!!(yeah...blame my's because of him the I despise Sonic and all other hedgehogs...except Silver, Shadow and Amy)
• Sleeping, Drawing anime/manga, Playing video games, practicing the guitar, collecting anime stuff, some sports, umm eating ramen?
• Drawing anime/manga, and I just started learning how to animate things! xD
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Saturday, October 7, 2006
getting ready to go I'm gettin ready to go meet Kaze and go to the youth fair thing(it'll realive a lot of stress/emotion that's been buildin up since I keep it bottled up inside and dun usually tell anyone...heh...gotta stop doin that Oo).....and Arisu hasn't come on so I can't ask her if she wants to come T^T...oh wells....we shall still have some fun.....unless she magically signs on in a few min XD....I gotta ask becky if she wants to go too...btw, I colored the nozuki anbu pic in colored pencil....but I dun know when I'll scan it up 'cause meh scanner hates colored pencil...oh wells....better get goin...gunna go work on a pic for Es to pass the time I have to go soon....ttyl!! cyas!!
-Sakai .\_/.
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Friday, October 6, 2006
.......... boredness...and yes I got meh scanner to work...but I'm debating on weather or not to just scan the lineart and color it by hand or on the computer Oo...neh...'nyways...I fergot to mention I finished reading a really good AR(it used to stand for accelerated reader but then they changed it to Apopka dumb ish that? Oo) book today! xD it was called Peeps and it was about....parasties!!! yush...weird...but good 'cause this when the parasite got in you you where called parasite positive or a's a good book actually xD...'nyways...boredness so....gunna go back to decidin how to color the pic *might do it in colored pencil* cyas!
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Oo the play last night wasn't all that bad...some parts were boring but others freaked meh out(like the evil music! Oo) but I was happy 'cause originally kaze said he wasn't gunna go...but then he said he would ^o^...and of course arisu went as was soooo boring...all I did was meh math hwk in drama *cough*I never do it*cough* and in math we had a test after lunch...which I slept through! Oo I didn't even mean to it just...happened...and when I woke up I had like 10 minutes to rush through the whole was troublesome --"...bu I got through it....and then I had anthropology which we didn't do much...just AR/a practice lockdown/a test....which I stayed awake for!! xD...then after class I met up with arisu and tweak(his name is tyler but me and becky call him tweak 'cause he acts like tweak from south park xD)!! oh yea....he was orginally going to Ocoee but then he transfered her and I'm like...YEY!!! xD so now I get to see most of meh friends in school ^^...sorry I didn't put the pic up yesterday...meh scanner ish bein dumb and not working >.> else ta say....I would talk about all the bad stuff that's been goin on buuuut....I dun wanna sound like I am complaining *cough* so I'll shut up about that(plus...I dun think many ppl care/read what I put up anyways ;o; so...umm...yea)....'nyways....gunna go play NCoN2/annoy kaze and becky...and yush they are over again...but kaze has to go later ;o; sooooo......cyas!!
-Sakai .\_/.
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Thursday, October 5, 2006
okies...I am back from school..sorry the first thing was rushed...I was in the middle of leaving the media center Oo" nuthin different...we've just been practicing a lot in chorus...which I didn't mind much 'cause it was my last class( I love having only 3 classes a day!! ^o^) and I went home with becky...well her mom dropped me off at home...and tonight I am going to the stupid play that's at 7:30 with arisu, kaze, and zane.....well it won't be to boring I guess Oo...I'll have meh iPod of almightyness(as becky calls it) to pass the time by...sooo..yea...I also kidnapped arisu's sketchbook today to ink a pic I drew in there a month ago xD and I'm gunna ink a pic I drew of nozuki as an anbu so I might color/post it later....if my scanner cooperates >.O...'nyways...better get to work....cyas!!!
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... I'm at school right now usin a computer at the main campus...I'm supposed to be working on a science project...but broing. nuthin new...but I have to go now, meh teacher ish sayin that we are goin soon so cyas!!!
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Wednesday, October 4, 2006
*yawn* today was pretty boring....I bought me and arisu's tockets for this play thing and the first showin ish tomorrow so we're gunna go then...I dun really want to but I have to for a grade --"...I also saw one of meh bestfriends from last year at school today!!! ^^ it was on my way to 6th period and I asked where he'd been and he said he had gone to Occoee for the past 2 months xD...I hope I get to see him in lunch...or maybe even one of meh classes!! oh....did I tell ya? last night....we were out 'till 11:00..and I got an iPod(so I dun have to 'borrow' kaze's anymore *cough*)!!!! finally!!!!'s soooo cool's a 30 iPod video so..yea...I got a case for it to ^^....I'm tryin to fill it up but it has to much space....I've already got 277 songs, 43 pictures, and 7 videos on it! Oo....but I stayed up 'till 12:49am puttin stuff on it...which made meh sleepy all day so I fell asleep half an hour after I got home from school(1:30pm) when the computer shut itself off and woke up like 5 hours later(6:16pm) which was only a few minutes ago...I ish hungry now so ima go get sumthin to eat....ttyl!! cyas~
-Sakai .\_/.
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Tuesday, October 3, 2006
wheeee....ok..that was random Oo I just found out from some ppl that my highschool won our homecoming game!!! I think it was 24-14...or sumthin like!!!!! I dun know if/when another game will be xP...but yea...we also get a four day weekend next week!!!! ^^ I had the craziest/random dream yesterday when I took a looooong nap after school...airsu knows what it ish...but it's to long to to type here...and scanner sucks and still isn't working >.>'..other then that...ummm..nuthin new.....gotta go play NCoN2 now....yush..I am addicted to it...gunna win lots of money in the game cyas!!!!!
-Sakai .\_/.
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Monday, October 2, 2006
okies....well today ish one of the happiest days that's happened so far..first it started out as a normal borin school day full of AR reading and note taking in english....but I was walkin down the hall...I was cornered by Becky who told me about someone who had asked her out, and I read the note and asked questions 'bout him and blah blah she asked me what to do...and I said she should try it since he seemed like a nice guy....but I have to meet him first xP.....but the weird thing ish that...he's a senior OO"....'nyways....for some reason after I heard that news, I couldn't stop smiling and I had that really happy was weird....but now I'm tell her that she should ask him to go to Halloween Horror Nights with that I can have an excuse to ask the guy I like to 'friends' xD.....whelp...I'd better get goin....I'll try to put up some art(if my scanner decides to be nice and work >.>)....cyas!!
-Sakai .\_/.
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okies....well...I have nuthin to do so I thought I'd update here for once xD...'nyways. I just finished up meh current events thing for science so I'm just waitin for my mom to get ready. I missed my bus *cough*onpurpose*cough* so she has to take me xP...but that means gettin to school early...oh wells! I get to scare Becky when she comes and Kaze to!!! ^^ I'm really tired though, because I stayed up really late last night and only got 4 hours of sleep Oo....I couldn't go to bed untill I colored at least some of a new pic I drew when Becky was over yesterday(she stayed over at meh house the whole she always does!! xD) ended up staying up later then I thought I would Oo....neh...I'll just sleep durin lunch...or durin AR ^^"....okies this was a semi pointless/random post Oo"...well...I'd better get goin...I have to leave in 10 minutes....I'll update(or I'll try to) again after school okies? ttyl, cyas!!
-Sakai .\_/.
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Sunday, October 1, 2006
okies I ish bored so I decided to update xD....meh scanner ish currently broken...for the hundredth I can't scan any of my new pics(oh yeas...I have a new drawin/colorin style now! xD) so..yea...Becky and Kaze are over right now xD...and we've been playin Naruto Clash Of Ninja 2...which I've almost beaten ^^ but right now Becky ish playin her pkm mystery dungeon and kaze ish...umm...I dun know what he's doin!(probably sleepin Oo) so...yea...I'm gunna go now to annoy meh younger bro...ttyl! cyas!
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